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  1. So it's been a while since of finished the agent story so I'm a bit fuzzy, but didn't I completely clear my name from all databases? If so why, when I do endgame content, are the quest givers calling me a good asset to the Empire and a huge help etc when they shouldn't even know who I am? Is there some sort of reason behind it or just discrepancy in the story and the endgame content?
  2. For your species, in order to be a playable race, they have to be able to speak basic (so in your case English). Sadly that leaves a lot of coveted species such as Wookie out of the question. Also, your playable classes, are well: Diplomat: Well this would be extremely boring because they wouldn't fight, unless you're talking about a combat oriented diplomat which is too alike the counselor. Starfigher pilot: Considering every class can pilot a starfighter, wouldn't be very special at all. Navy: Not really sure what you mean by this. They definitely wouldn't do something as drastic as make a class that only sits on large ships and flies them around. Combat Medic: Erm... This is already in the game... The tropper and operative are soldiers of each army and they can be combat medics. Slaver/Pirate: Would basically be the exact same as the Smuggler... except with more slavery in the story. Gameplay would be the exact same blaster combat and just FYI (Spoiler spoiler spoiler) privateer from the smuggler story is a fancy name for mercenary pirate working for a government.
  3. Hmmm... This may not be your intent, but I felt a bit of hypocrisy in your comment. You said that you play whatever makes you happy, then you said the PT should go mara. Why the PT? Why not the sorc or the merc? I just find it aggravating (as a dual spec PT, tank or DPS whatever is needed) that people think that classes that can tank can't DPS. PTs can DPS just as well as any other dual spec class, and in some instances, better.
  4. Ok so I've been playing SWTOR for almost a year now and I've notice while most of the armor looks great, some of it makes me downright cringe do to the "flat" textures, if you will. Armors look really good when they have multiple layers to them. I HATE, in this game, when you come across armor that doesn't add any depth to your character, it's just basically something painted on your body. It looks really ugly and stupid and makes your character look like a lvl 5. It almost feels like you're "downgrading" your armor. Here is a good example with the Agent. When you leave Hutta, you get this cool looking Agent armor that is white and has straps that weave around it and it looks great. Then if you do Friends of Old in DK, you get a chest plate that is flat to your body and looks like it was "painted on." I kinda rambled, but does anyone agree with me?
  5. No that wouldn't work at all. The BH and the Trooper go together; the Agent and the Smuggler go together. So basically by adding, say an Imperial Trooper, it would have very similar abilities as the Republic Trooper.... except that is what the BH has. So you would have basically a duplicate class on the same side with a different name.
  6. I personally love this game and cant wait to continue playing with the new update. And to be honest in the total 70+ hours I've played SWTOR I've had about 1 lag spike/FPS decrease that only lasted a few seconds. I think what you need is a new computer friend.
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