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My issues with the 'Revan' novel.


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in the republic side there is a mission that make it look like she could be alive.. how she live past getting stabbed in the hart in the back and becoming one with the force beets the heck out of me! but there is a mission that make it look like she maybe alive

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in the republic side there is a mission that make it look like she could be alive.. how she live past getting stabbed in the hart in the back and becoming one with the force beets the heck out of me! but there is a mission that make it look like she maybe alive


Could you please, pretty please, either provide a link or give me full details on said quest? I would VERY much appreciate this.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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in the republic side there is a mission that make it look like she could be alive.. how she live past getting stabbed in the hart in the back and becoming one with the force beets the heck out of me! but there is a mission that make it look like she maybe alive


I seriously doubt she could be alive, being stabbed in the heart n what not usually means that person is dead. I mean Qui-gon got stabbed nowhere near the heart, and he died. But....I too would like a link or something, just to see.


Though getting stabbed through the heart, you'd be dead before you hit the ground.

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in the republic side there is a mission that make it look like she could be alive.. how she live past getting stabbed in the hart in the back and becoming one with the force beets the heck out of me! but there is a mission that make it look like she maybe alive


she's not alive - the exiled telling you about revan in the first

place was a force ghost.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I love the character Revan. What he use to be anyway. I loved the Revan who fought against the mando's to save the Republic, falling to to the dark side along the way, then turning from savior to conqueror who would of succeeded were it not for Malak. And then obviously the story behind KOTOR was brilliant. I still loved Revan throu out the novel. When he didn't die and became t5he emperor's slave I was very skeptical, afraid they might ruin the character. And then the game came out and they did. Turned him into this crazy old guy. They should have given him and Meetra a heroic ending, not this bull-****. Ruined my favrit star wars character :(


Throughout the entire novel Revan is pretty much bad ***... He totally owns Darth Nyriss I loved that part. And I know a lot of people here think Vitiate was too much or that it makes Revan not so powerful. The idea I think was not to make Revan and the others seem less powerful, just put into perspective how powerful Vitiate is. He has the power of everyone he's ever killed it seemed to me. But they should of let Revan die with Meetra, and she should not have been killed off so easily. Even though I agree with her not being on Revan's power level she was a really great character that just got a saber to the back? Really? There's a difference between toning down a character and taking away the abilities that makes that character.


So if they intend to keep Revan alive after the foundry they better finish off his story really well to make up for the mess ups or just rewrite it or something. I'm not very hopeful. lol



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Ok... Rayla I'm guessing is gonna come out with:

"someone done did necro'd again, but the last post was 5 days ago so I can ;)


The revan novel was a let down, and to be honest, I, a non writer, can think of a better dignified warriors death than that bull ****.

Revan and meetra are battling the emperor (scourge engaged with guards outside) The guards manage to break through with plasma torches, scourge, realizing revan and meetra are doomed, goes into the fray pretending to ally himself with the emperor, revan and meetra battle valiantly, but in the end the guard, the emperor, and scourge overpower them. They fight till the end, and as they die the emperor feeds off them, savouring their death and feeding off the exile.... Revan however is kept in a catatonic state, until he wakes up in the force cage thing.....

Same ending, the emperor comes out as normally OP as bioware HAVE to have him (in their mind) but meetra and revan are given an hiniurabke death norma backstab and surprise attack.......

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in the republic side there is a mission that make it look like she could be alive.. how she live past getting stabbed in the hart in the back and becoming one with the force beets the heck out of me! but there is a mission that make it look like she maybe alive


Pretty sure you brought this up in another thread. You thought that her being explained as a living spirit meant she was alive jut her essence away from her body. I'm afraid that's not true :/ scrap that, I'm happy it'd not true, after what they did to revan in this game, if they even considered bringing her in, for any longer than her roles the entity.... I'd smash karpydhyns face in, as hou could tell it'd his idea to trash her legacy even more.....


Edited by Selenial
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Pretty sure you brought this up in another thread. You thought that her being explained as a living spirit meant she was alive jut her essence away from her body. I'm afraid that's not true :/ scrap that, I'm happy it'd not true, after what they did to revan in this game, if they even considered bringing her in, for any longer than her roles the entity.... I'd smash karpydhyns face in, as hou could tell it'd his idea to trash her legacy even more.....



Revans dead and Meetra is dead with him and so ends the KotoR characters , now begins the TOR Heros ! I think Revan and Meetra were seeing closure and now we get to move on to Satele Shan and other heros of TOR . Hopefully though HK-47 lives on ! ............................................Hes a Robot and Revan doesn't know what hes talking about , Malgus put him backtogether and he seemed fine , I am sure he will be fine being put back together and added to my companion list ................................ >_>

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I 100% agree. To just completely throw away such rich character developement that took place over the years...to just advertise a game pretty much...and I doubt that many bought the book (sadly, who even reads anymore [ I do read though, though not any SW books]). It is very unfortunate that the fate of both Revan and the Exile were so poorly created...there should have been something a little more dignifying for them.

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you know I was trying to find this post odd how that got filped around.... well in the republic quest line

you or lead by Meetra Surik who seems to be a force ghost to find Revan Revan hem self says something like "when she was killed she refused to die to keep me safe and become a living spirit"

and more or less there a holes posts and things that say that she alive do to that... how ever I don't think so after looking it up on you tube and seeing it

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