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Sticking With SWTOR


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I tried to install DDO fortunately as F2P even though I was going to buy one of the premium character races.


I was spared any of that by the immensely buggy mess causing an exception error repeatedly on my machine instead of running and gathering them any of my money.


(High end machine with competent computer owner, I build my own rigs)


That and the fact you need to authorize and run Pando to get the install files leads me to believe that DDO is a shoddy shady game all around and best avoided less the P2P cops come looking.


It also installs DX from 2007?


Seriously, Pandas in SWTOR would be better than the mess that is DDO.

Edited by Thlaylie
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I don't see what most of the rage is about on these forums. The game is as good as any other out of the gate MMO, and seems to have a bright future.


Sadly though, it seems people want everything yesterday, and dipped in a honey glaze, and are continually raging over not getting their way. Thankfully, with the exception of a few bad eggs I have encountered, the ingame community seems to be quite friendly, although there is a persistant PvP rager on my realm that still hasn't been banned, no matter how much we report them for saying our family members have debilitating diseases and how I apparantley enjoy fornicating with my kin.


Other than a few bugs here and there, and the fact that every enemy you fight is a humanoid, in another tech themed corridor with computer terminals, it's a great game and im loving it, getting even better yesterday since I got the Force Push ability for use in PvP... he he he he nothing is more fun than knocking the healers off the bridge in the Voidstar.



Edited by Vahzl
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although there is a persistant PvP rager on my realm that still hasn't been banned, no matter how much we report them for saying our family members have debilitating diseases and how I apparantley enjoy fornicating with my kin.






LMAO .. I mean that's terrible, yes, terrible.

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SWTOR has the potential to be truly great. Hoping for uber content in the future :)


Not to be a downer but its always had that potential


EA just seems determined to not hit that potential is all.


As for OP, yeah I tried to load up Aion for my MMO fix and the graphics (Im told that might just be game default, I also have high end machine I build myself) and the reading, OMG THE READING.


Just couldnt stick with it.


But that doesnt mean TOR gets a free pass.


Right now this game does not scratch the MMO itch in any way shape or form.


Single player RPG itch yes, but not the MMO itch.


And the upcoming patch doesnt hit a single hot button topic for the MMO elements.


So guess we see what happens,


Does TOR finally address the issues that were listed at lenght in beta (so we not talking unknown stuff here).


Or does a new MMO (not GW2) come out that offers TOR voice over work but with real MMO elements?


Time will tell.

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I tried to install DDO fortunately as F2P even though I was going to buy one of the premium character races.


I was spared any of that by the immensely buggy mess causing an exception error repeatedly on my machine instead of running and gathering them any of my money.


(High end machine with competent computer owner, I build my own rigs)


That and the fact you need to authorize and run Pando to get the install files leads me to believe that DDO is a shoddy shady game all around and best avoided less the P2P cops come looking.


It also installs DX from 2007?


Seriously, Pandas in SWTOR would be better than the mess that is DDO.


LOTRO runs flawlessly on my rigs (2 PCs, higher end laptop), as did DDO (same/similar engine from Turbine I think - front end is almost identical anyway). Can't imagine what you have on your system that's causing the ctd/exception/bsod, but usually it's a device driver conflict (vid card most commonly) or less often mobo onboard devices, or even peripherals in the rarer cases. Bad news for you is, it's a royal PITA to track them down, usually through a thorough process of elimination/substitution, which can take many hours to uncover. All the best!!! ;)


On the upside, LOTRO is f2p now & probably THE best f2p mmo out there right now, imho. Give it a bash if you haven't already & don't completely hate the genre. At least you'll find out of its Turbine's engine that's doing it. Incidentally, drop the in-game graphics to DX9 (if DDO has that option - LOTRO does & it sorted a graphics glitch on my laptop).



Onto SWTOR...still lovin it, even more since I get mod 30s ping on Dalborra now - WOOT! :D Will stick it out for a couple more months, with only D3 as a distraction perhaps, or GW2 when that's out.

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