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Synthweaving for the other side


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I get dark stuff all the time, lost at minimum 20k (actual guessing closer to 40k) in companion missions that they come back with dark items. I too only have light/Jedi characters, I just sell to bot and eat the loss. Haven't gotten any item worth the time and travel to go out of the way for the Hutt network.
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I got a drop from Treasure Hunting. A synthweaving recipe for Sith Inquisitar/Sith Warrior. Problem is I'm a Jedi. Is this a completely useless drop for me? Can't wear it and can't AH it right?


Afaik, you can learn it & craft it but just can't wear it.


Selling those recipes on the GTN -- even on your own faction -- can bring in some big bucks.

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I stockpile them and then sell them to my opposite faction toon on the Nar Shaadda network.


Or, as another poster mentioned, you can learn and craft them and do the same with the crafted item.

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The GTN in the PvP zone on Tatooine (which is always empty on most servers) is also cross-server.


Are you sure about this? Both the Republic and Empire GTN is in the same building, but I did not know it was cross-server. I need to check it out as I am always looking for mats and my server pop is crap.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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The GTN in the PvP zone on Tatooine (which is always empty on most servers) is also cross-server.

The terminals in the PvP zone on Tattoine are not cross-server. There is a Republic terminal and an Imperial terminal. Even though they are next to each other, you cannot activate the one from the opposing faction.

Edited by Screaming_Ziva
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