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Shinarika - Jedi Shadow Guide (Tutorial-C)


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Jedi Shadow Guide


The Corsair






New guide that focuses on infiltration/deception specs of Shadows and Assassins. Ability explanations, rotations and example fights are included in this package. As usual, a bonus treat is available towards the end of this segment. Hope you find this information useful and stay tuned!





0:10 - 1:08 : Infiltration: Abilities and you.

1:09 - 1:27 : Infiltration Rotation.

1:28- 1:41 : Infiltration: How to Burst.

1:42 - 2:27 : Example fights.

2:28 - 2:43: Bonus.


For Deception Assassins, please refer to here to understand your mirror's abilities:


Edited by Xinika
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Very nice and extremely easy to follow guide (the pics of the ability icons is as straightforward as it gets). If you're new to infil FOLLOW THIS, it will help you out and save you time (only wish it was around when I started such a long, long time ago...).


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Very well made.



Short, to the point, clear. Ideal for players who don'twant to dibble in the mechanics etc.


Another thing about warzone potion - It also increases your mitigation a little bit (It's expertise afterall).



Too bad infil is easily countered.


Heh, I wish they worked on infil a little bit more ;o

Edited by NeverRose
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I had always wondered how project was supposed to fit into my rotation. I've been stunlocking down for the past 20 levels (currently 44) with the following rotation.


shadow strike

low slash

shadow strike


wait for force

shadow strike

force stun

shadow strike

shadow strike


wait for force

shadow strike


usually this can be maintained for 3/4ths of an elite's health with minimal chance for them to damage me. I must say I far more am enjoying not having to maneuver like crazy each fight with this rotation you're showing us. please also bear in mind I'm talking about PvE, as my computer cannot handle the pvp battlegrounds yet.

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I had always wondered how project was supposed to fit into my rotation. I've been stunlocking down for the past 20 levels (currently 44) with the following rotation.


shadow strike

low slash

shadow strike


wait for force

shadow strike

force stun

shadow strike

shadow strike


wait for force

shadow strike


usually this can be maintained for 3/4ths of an elite's health with minimal chance for them to damage me. I must say I far more am enjoying not having to maneuver like crazy each fight with this rotation you're showing us. please also bear in mind I'm talking about PvE, as my computer cannot handle the pvp battlegrounds yet.


Even for PvE, the rotation I show should be primary.

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I've been hearing that Infiltration isn't all that great for pvp as we're overly squishy, though I'd love to try this spec. What are your thoughts compared to the other two trees.


Also, what is your exact points spent spec?

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I had always wondered how project was supposed to fit into my rotation. I've been stunlocking down for the past 20 levels (currently 44) with the following rotation.
No force breach? That and project are your heavy hitters. Shadow strike should be only used when CS or DS procs infiltration tactics; otherwise you would have been better just doublestriking(CS'ing) instead. You will be amazed when you start using your abilities right. :)


Btw, went back to infiltration last night and again it feels best when you have a good team and worst when your team sucks. Overall I've always liked how infiltration can with given right circumstances reap enemy like wheat. I never feel that much power when playing balance or kinetic. IMO balance is hardest to learn but infilitration hardest to play using your full potential in pvp.

Edited by shagatha
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I've been hearing that Infiltration isn't all that great for pvp as we're overly squishy, though I'd love to try this spec. What are your thoughts compared to the other two trees.


Also, what is your exact points spent spec?


It isn't good in PuGs. Organized play it may have a fighting chance. KC is still the best PvP spec for Shadows. Period. It offers far too much utility to pass up and has nice survivability to top it off. Balance is *okay*. Probably more useful than infil in the long run due to longer range, aoe and a nifty root. Infil is only good for 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3. Small scale situations at best.






That's the variant shown in the video.

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Do you think Infil will make a comeback in 1.2 or are we looking at KC spec bcuz of all the utility...


I miss my rogue is all...lol.


Unlikely. We're probably looking at KC, which is still, the worst tank.

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Just out of curiosity when you run your premades what kind of scores do you get as KC and balance, shin. I just want to see the disparity in damage, I'm going to assume more Dmg as balance with lelss medals, because thats how it is for me, about a 100k Dmg difference in wz from balance and kc, with less deaths and more medals as KC. Just want to see the Dmg output difference between kc and balance is on average in the 50 bracket, when played by a skilled shadow as such as yourself of course. Edited by jbuschell
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Just out of curiosity when you run your premades what kind of scores do you get as KC and balance, shin. I just want to see the disparity in damage, I'm going to assume more Dmg as balance with lelss medals, because thats how it is for me, about a 100k Dmg difference in wz from balance and kc, with less deaths and more medals as KC. Just want to see the Dmg output difference between kc and balance is on average in the 50 bracket, when played by a skilled shadow as such as yourself of course.


Honestly, I get more medals as Balance on an average. That's because I can pull ridiculous numbers with it. When I spec KC in warzones, I tend to play super defensive and that's because I'm out to win: not impress the damage scoreboards. My damage is far higher as balance. 200~almost 400k more than KC in select situations.


My premade damage as KC is generally lower, because again, we're coordinated. I may be sitting at a door guarding while waiting for a confirmation on vent if I need to move or not. Not wildly roaming for a fight off the node/objective. Average with premades can be anywhere from 190k-300k. I also swap to tank gear often to defend objectives/doors.


Balance with my premades suffer the same issue. Again, we're not out for damage or medals. We're out to win. I can get 300 ~ 700k damage as Balance, depending on the warzone.

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I seriously must be doing something wrong or missing something because the most damage I get on the scoreboard as INF is maybe 145k. I starve for force at times and based on your vids I am not hitting nearly as hard as you are. Though I think only having 50% crit multiplier factors into that.
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Interesting... I have only been running KC and Inf spec's, what is your Balance spec that you are runnning? And how does the surivability compare to the KC spec?


I run 7/3/31 as Balance and it's survivability is still lame compared to KC. Better than Infil, but still bad.




I seriously must be doing something wrong or missing something because the most damage I get on the scoreboard as INF is maybe 145k. I starve for force at times and based on your vids I am not hitting nearly as hard as you are. Though I think only having 50% crit multiplier factors into that.


Perhaps this may help you:


It's Tutorial A that covers gearing.

Edited by Xinika
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  • 2 weeks later...
shin, what are you doing to prepare for patch 1.2? are you removing all your mods/enchancements and replacing them with the old ones? i'm asking bc i destroyed my old ones when i replaced them. o_O or do you know anything if they'd still give us the newly updated gear even if we have them remodded? tyvm
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Shin, I am a Battlemaster Infiltration Shadow, and have finally been getting my gear the way I want it. Right now, I have about a 30% crit chance and 77% crit multiplier. Is this a bad idea? I have a lot less power than most shadows, I think, but i figured more crits would contribute to good burst. What is your opinion on this? Is power going to always be better to stack than crit, because our burst comes from basically auto-crits with Force Potency?
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Shin, I am a Battlemaster Infiltration Shadow, and have finally been getting my gear the way I want it. Right now, I have about a 30% crit chance and 77% crit multiplier. Is this a bad idea? I have a lot less power than most shadows, I think, but i figured more crits would contribute to good burst. What is your opinion on this? Is power going to always be better to stack than crit, because our burst comes from basically auto-crits with Force Potency?


300 crit, 300 surge, 150 accuracy, then the rest power.

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shin, what are you doing to prepare for patch 1.2? are you removing all your mods/enchancements and replacing them with the old ones? i'm asking bc i destroyed my old ones when i replaced them. o_O or do you know anything if they'd still give us the newly updated gear even if we have them remodded? tyvm


Luckily, I didn't destroy my old mods/enh. Assuming they are not changing your modified mods/enh, then I would suggest having your old parts just in case.


Shin, I am a Battlemaster Infiltration Shadow, and have finally been getting my gear the way I want it. Right now, I have about a 30% crit chance and 77% crit multiplier. Is this a bad idea? I have a lot less power than most shadows, I think, but i figured more crits would contribute to good burst. What is your opinion on this? Is power going to always be better to stack than crit, because our burst comes from basically auto-crits with Force Potency?


I've tried all types of combinations for infil's gearing. Power is the best for a PvP setting.


Your crit and surge are both too high. Beat it down to 75% for surge and drop your crit by an additional 5-10%. My crit's at 21% and I don't need anymore for infil/KC. If I'm playing Balance, then and only then would I readjust my gear to get around 30%. The point of infil is potent (scary) burst which can be achieved via high power. When your CDs are up, things need to either die or be mortally wounded. Balance is your stable DPS spec that would moreso favour crit.

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