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SWTOR Vs WoW: Blizzard gets it


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This :) They had ALOT to do in World of Warcraft. I'll be honest, it took quite a while to get to 60 if you didn't rush it (which back then many people didn't) and the content felt epic. You'd spent weeks progressing in MC until you'd have the gear to be able to clear it in a matter of hours.


When AQ/BWL was out we used to clear MC in 50ish minutes. Was great fun - 40 people all working hard. To me that was how an MMO Should have been. Again I do love SWTOR but nothing will compare to the memories of Vanilla / TBC Raiding and gaming.


You should have played EQ. From what I have read in these posts, people think 5 or 6 raids a year is good. EQ used to have more than that each expansion. And these are 40 plus people raids.


Granted, I am not going back as it seemed like too much of a second job, but it was great at the time. I think you would have like that if you like 40 people working hard.

Edited by Dawgtide
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I'd also like to point out that no blizzard doesn't get it. If they did then they wouldn't have to bribe people with free level 80's when they come back using the scroll of resurection.


And they damn sure wouldn't be introducing Pandas.

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You should have played EQ. From what I have read in these posts, people think 5 or 6 raids a year is good. EQ used to have more than that each expansion. And these are 40 plus people raids.


Granted, I am not going back as it seemed like too much of a second job, but it was great at the time. I think you would have like that if you like 40 people working hard.


Oh the good old 72 people raids in EQ. Funny I don't miss them at all.


EQ actually only had a couple raids with each expansion until Planes of Power. Prior to that just about all the raids were bugged and/or unfinished.

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I'd also like to point out that no blizzard doesn't get it. If they did then they wouldn't have to bribe people with free level 80's when they come back using the scroll of resurection.


I agree. This pretty much demonstrates that they have no product pull other then end game at this point.

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Innovating will serve SWTOR much better than chasing WoW's coat tails.


There are so many ways you could come up with a group or raid finder system that would be cooler than anything out there.


Tons of room for innovation in SWTOR. WoW can't say the same.


Even their own people don't think Blizzard is innovative.





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The one area SW:TOR can innovate in that WoW doesn't have is:


Companion system


Create content specifically for you and your companions (4-companion flash points?).

Expand on companion system.

Make companions more useful, other than just people to gather/craft and help with your dailies. Give people more reasons to gear them up.

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The one area SW:TOR can innovate in that WoW doesn't have is:


Companion system


Create content specifically for you and your companions (4-companion flash points?).

Expand on companion system.

Make companions more useful, other than just people to gather/craft and help with your dailies. Give people more reasons to gear them up.


Don't forget space combat, swoop/pod racing, pazaak, etc.


So many areas that SWTOR can pull from.

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Story (including cutscenes and voiceovers) is the only MMO innovation in SWTOR.


Companions are just talking pets. Lots of games have pets. SWTOR gave us pets that talk. How... annoying. Especially the stupid ship droids and the ones that don't speak "Basic".


Innovation would be...


Finding a way to break the pattern of antisocial behavior out in the world. You know how when you come across someone fighting a mob and you have no incentive to help them, so you just keep rolling along? (Well maybe not you. You're good and you help them. But most don't. This is about them, not you.) Anyway, how about finding a way to incent stepping in and helping that other person? How about finding a way to have that other person welcome the help? How about finding a way to do that without getting game mechanics and windows in the way while you're trying to fight something?


But that's not my idea. +2 Internets if you know where that came from.

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Everything of which you speak was in place ... after 14 months worth of patches. I am sure many will be happy to have this very conversation in this very thread sometime around early spring of next year. Assuming this thread isn't consolidated into one of the other dozen or so threads exactly like it saying the exact same thing only differently.



So 14 months of patching, SWTOR has actually been "released" 3 months and say 6 days ago. Before you wig out, I said "released", and there has been 14 months of patching. So you are including BETA test patches? Which continue after the release? While also forgetting some of the bugs created by some of the patches themselves? Don't worry, WoW so totally did that too. And their release was horrendous in comparison with servers crashing for days at a time with lots of bugs, not just a scheduled maintenance, of which WoW still does last to my knowledge.


I'm quite sure that every game that comes out with their bugs and all, have been doing patches for as much time as well.


Don't wet my leg and tell me that it's raining. Your employee is that way --------------------->

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Story (including cutscenes and voiceovers) is the only MMO innovation in SWTOR.


Companions are just talking pets. Lots of games have pets. SWTOR gave us pets that talk. How... annoying. Especially the stupid ship droids and the ones that don't speak "Basic".


Innovation would be...


Finding a way to break the pattern of antisocial behavior out in the world. You know how when you come across someone fighting a mob and you have no incentive to help them, so you just keep rolling along? (Well maybe not you. You're good and you help them. But most don't. This is about them, not you.) Anyway, how about finding a way to incent stepping in and helping that other person? How about finding a way to have that other person welcome the help? How about finding a way to do that without getting game mechanics and windows in the way while you're trying to fight something?


But that's not my idea. +2 Internets if you know where that came from.


You wouldn't happen to be referring to a new game that's very much on the horizon, would you? Because I've read it's trying to solve all of those problems.

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Story (including cutscenes and voiceovers) is the only MMO innovation in SWTOR.


Companions are just talking pets. Lots of games have pets. SWTOR gave us pets that talk. How... annoying. Especially the stupid ship droids and the ones that don't speak "Basic".


Innovation would be...


Finding a way to break the pattern of antisocial behavior out in the world. You know how when you come across someone fighting a mob and you have no incentive to help them, so you just keep rolling along? (Well maybe not you. You're good and you help them. But most don't. This is about them, not you.) Anyway, how about finding a way to incent stepping in and helping that other person? How about finding a way to have that other person welcome the help? How about finding a way to do that without getting game mechanics and windows in the way while you're trying to fight something?


But that's not my idea. +2 Internets if you know where that came from.


1) Companions are not "just pets' like WoW or others. I never had any of my pets go and get me materials or craft while I continue on my journey with another Companion.


The ship droid, is the ship droid, although they have updates for him w/less chatter and affection.

Be careful who you help! If you want to, or feel the desire to, stick around, but let tham continue to fight as they are. It may be that they are fighting a boss or a mob that is part of their story, or just for fun, and want to do it on their own to test themselves. Be ready to help in an "Oh S#!^" moment, nothing more, unless they ask. Don't ruin what they may consider fun.


Enjoy the game, or willing to help others and give a hand when asked or needed, have fun and let others do the same.

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Geez people, the game has been out for like 3 months! Only ~100 days or so!!!!!


When have people become so impatient? You all act like Bioware cannot continue to add stuff to the game through patches and expansions!!!!!! You all act like the game that was released back in December will be the FINAL product in the coming months and years!


And you act like swtor has all the time in the world to add the needed features. There are a lot of games coming out soon, GW2, diablo 3 to name a few that will pull players away. Just saying.

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You wouldn't happen to be referring to a new game that's very much on the horizon, would you? Because I've read it's trying to solve all of those problems.


It will be an interesting social experiment, to be sure. It's amusing in a disappointing sort of way that people complain about certain tools killing community when the very design of the loot system (mobs and resources) of the game actually encourages anti-social behavior. Where is the "righteous indignation" about that?


The ability to freely move between realms/servers has promise too. It's not particularly innovative, but it would solve a lot of problems around here. It might create new ones, namely, completely empty servers. But that would be a problem on the publisher's, rather than the players', shoulders so I'd be very happy with that.

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It amuses me, after reading through the thread, that people seem to be confusing my intial statement.


What I said was that Bioware should have looked at the rest of the MMO genre and realised what staple elements are part and parcel of the genre as a whole, WoW being the "flag bearer" for most of those standards. They should have looked at what WoW has done, what AoC, War, Eve, Guild Wars, and gone, "yeah... there's some uniformity here so it's apparently this mechanic or feature is now a universal concept."


What Bioware did was release an MMO 7 years behind the head of the pack. It released without fundamental features and mechanics, and is only just starting to look at adding them in. It also launched with far less overall content than any other MMO I've played. There's no reason, for example, to go back to any of the old planets you've been on (and even the vanity pursuits that are in the game do little to encourage people forward as they aren't made very apparent a lot of the time).


My point is that Bioware categorically failed to deliver a content rich, up-to-date, feature-laden MMO that can compete with todays MMOs. Whilst WoW may be losing subscriptions (due in most part to a content vacuum that exists currently), WoW is certainly not failing. And even though it is embarking on a slow declines, I doubt very much whether Star Wars is likely to fill the gap. Why? Because it's a half-assed clone of WoW that's only just - 4 months after release - getting round to putting in the features MOST MMO players have come to expect in the MMOs they play.


There will always be a vocal and stoic minority that peddle Bioware's banner, and I really can't argue with you because you're generally totally unreasonable people.


The TRUTH is that ToR has some ground to make up, and that it has maybe 3 months to do it in. If Bioware added a Dungeon Finder for 5 man groups and hard modes, as well as a Raid Finder for Normal mode Operations, AND sorted out the STILL laggy as **** combat... ToR will probably carve out a nice segment of the market. I'm still playing because I HOPE Bioware do those things. If 1.2 doesn't make major gains, I'll be leaving the game. I imagine a lot of other people will as well.


Star Wars seems to be enjoying a far longer grace period than we previously saw with competitive MMOs. Bioware are - in my mind - squandering a favourable market position that could see ToR become the dominant MMO. There are millions of discontent WoW fans sitting in the wings waiting for another MMO. Sadly the major interest in Tera, Guild Wars 2 and even Rift (now, which is surprising) seems to suggest that a lot of people are deciding this game isn't worth their time.


And it boils down to the fact that Bioware failed. If Star Wars doesn't break the market, they failed. By their own measures, not by yours (because yours don't matter, I'm afraid).

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SWTOR seems to be doing ok.


They stated a long time ago they only need 500k subs to be a success. Looks like they surpassed that.


I think this thread failed, though.

Edited by Azzras
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It amuses me, after reading through the thread, that people seem to be confusing my intial statement...


Snipped because quoting big posts is silly.


I agree with your thoughts. I'll sum it up in two sentences:


Star Wars: Galaxies did a great job according to the fanboys. Do you really want to cater to the fanboys?

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And it has NOTHING to do with how long the game has been out D;


Why do people keep bringing that up? It's a non-point. What you are saying is that it's fine Bioware didn't add various and fundamental features to the game... because other MMOs didn't do it for years... and SW has only been out for 100 days (or whatever). Do you not understand how backward that entire process of thought is?

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And it has NOTHING to do with how long the game has been out D;


Why do people keep bringing that up? It's a non-point. What you are saying is that it's fine Bioware didn't add various and fundamental features to the game... because other MMOs didn't do it for years... and SW has only been out for 100 days (or whatever). Do you not understand how backward that entire process of thought is?


Those "fundamental features" you speak of happen to be game breaking for me. You call them fundamental. I call them community interaction killers. That's just me though ...

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And it has NOTHING to do with how long the game has been out D;


Why do people keep bringing that up? It's a non-point. What you are saying is that it's fine Bioware didn't add various and fundamental features to the game... because other MMOs didn't do it for years... and SW has only been out for 100 days (or whatever). Do you not understand how backward that entire process of thought is?


What you're suggesting is that any new MMO has to release with the content of a game that has been out for 10 years plus more?


MMOs don't really work like that, m8.


The foundation is what you get on release and parts are added as the game matures.


The foundation is here, now it's on to the growth part.

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