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TOR feels empty.


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Hi, first of all it's not another threat to say how bad TOR is, I re subbed after 2 months and to be honest it feels better, bit more polished.


I am on Trask Ulgo server which used to be very high populated, for now I think it's on standard. Today in the morning I visited planet Voss cos I gotta do my class quests, the number of players was just 10, 10 guys on the planet? you have to admit that is bit weird. You will say "hey dude" it was in the morning, people go to job/schools, yes that is true but when I logged in again, after 6pm, around 16 people were on. It's bit frustrating that you can't find a group of 4 players to do Heroics quests yet you hear about "Millions of Characters created, Millions of crafted gear and so on. Me and my friend were looking for 2 more guys for like half an hour till somebody said "yes". Looking forward for 1.2 patch which will hopefully bring more players and fix. The legacy system feels good. I find quite amusing the videos from Bioware "heard from the players" where some group of fans say how much fun they have playing TOR also videos how to Navigate on the map is ridiculous they release this stuff like after 3 months? plus let's face it, few hours of game time and you know how it works. Guy opens map and says hey you can click here to see only merchants, hey this green dot means you have a quest here. Really?:cool:

Anyway now is the time I say some good things about TOR before I will get flamed by the fan boys.


TOR is a good game, I enjoy playing it and I hope it will expand in a good way.

Edited by Quenthe
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I couldn't find a point to your post, other than possibly a thinly veiled request for server merges/transfers.


549 posts, most of them defending TOR from Bad players who dislike something about the game.

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When you have an mmo that ISNT one world that is 17 planets with different shards all with 15 plus servers with people on at different times of the day all in different instances and space also its going to feel empty man.


It feels empty because it's a huge game... that's just how it is right now...

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10 guys ain't bad. On my server there's currently 71 ppl online on empire side.... on all the planets...


You must really hate yourself if you force yourself to keep playing on that server. You'd literally be better off re-rolling on a higher populated server like everyone else on your server did and wait for transfers.


The game is not any less populated now than it has been since launch. The difference is that...yes...there are too many servers. People have moved from the less populated to the high populated. You're going to have a miserable time if you keep punishing yourself in the meantime. =\

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When you have an mmo that ISNT one world that is 17 planets with different shards all with 15 plus servers with people on at different times of the day all in different instances and space also its going to feel empty man.


It feels empty because it's a huge game... that's just how it is right now...


OP correct, it does feel empty!


I started on (geee forget name now, RP Server republic) and it was busy at the start of course but didnt take long at all for you to see it down to 10-5-3 players on a planet. At one point I was literally the only person on Ord Mantell for 3 straight hours.


I Rolled on another RP server for my sith side (I will not mix and match factions) and that was busy and all but I want Republic so found myself heading back to original, server and no people (except 3 of my old guild and well ill leave that for another time.Suffice to say some people have spitting problems).


So I moved to a Republic PVE server (EAs refusal to create and enforce name regulations on the RP servers really bummed me out and was diminishing any enjoyment I had so I went where I expected no attention to detail) and it was lively and active and full of all that fire and vim and blah blah blah. 100 + people on every planet. General chat was still dead but at least there was people!


That was 4 weeks ago. Now there is between 5-20 people per planet at prime time (closer to the 5 most days truth be told).


I play TOR like its a single player game because its designed as a single player game! I subbed for 6 months but most likely ill resub at the end, as long as I still have things to do as a single player game.


But this game does feel dead and empty and no amount of fanboys saying different will change that truth. And patch 1.2 does nothing to address any of these issues. In some ways it makes the problems even worse. But thats what you get when you dont hire or listen to experienced people with knowledge about the whole genre.

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Greetings Everyone,


We thank you for using the forums and offering feedback regarding the current state of the game.


At this time we have threads covering these topics of discussion of low server populations and general discussion and feedback regarding the upcoming 1.2 patch.


To help us consolidate discussion on these topics and keep threads focused on one topic we are going to ask that you join one of the following threads:


Server population is dropping...


After seeing 1.2 patch notes...


We also have our Public Test Server Forums where players are discussing the 1.2 Patch that can be tested on our Public Test Server.

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