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oil slick in pvp


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It will help you screw up melee, if you get a lot of them in it.



You need to understand how the game rolls to hit when you press an attack button. If its a weapon attack like a lightsaber or a blaster bolt, it to hit vs your defense. Its enemy hit roll vs your defense roll.


So if you have 20% defense and your opponent has 100% accuracy, there's an 80% window in the attacker favor for the hit to land.


When you you oil slick them, they lose that hit right off the top- If you're not a tank, it doesn't count for a lot. But if you are a tank, it moves the margin pretty convincingly. Going from an 80% hit window to a 60% hit window can be pretty attractive, especially if you're getting jumped on by melee dps.


The weakness is that accuracy and defense are largely irrelevant for magic damage, so all the dots, flamethrowers, lightning, and bleeds are still going to chew you up. only weapon attacks can be mitigated in any fashion by your standard defenses. To get the other stuff to hurt less you need to pop cooldowns and get an inquisitor buff.

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Whenever I throw it down in pvp, I notice quite a few resists and absorbs pop up when dealing with pesky melee and it's really nice to throw down on a consular who's pebble happy... you still get slowed, but it takes the sting out of that friggin attack.
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I use it but I also PvE with this build and I love it for PvE. I use it only when I'm getting ********ed when I have the huttball, Im next to a guarded target with the huttball and they are getting banged, or carbonite is on cooldown and I feel like hitting buttons.
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