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What's Wrong With My System? Low FPS


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Thanks Iboga - I tried the DirectX 9 library update approach that was mentioned elsewhere on the forums with no luck unfortunately. As for the windowed mode, switching back and forth between that and the other option with no luck I'm afraid. :-(


I'll try out the High Detail Graphics mode approach, see if that works. After a RAM upgrade, should it not work, this dinosaur is going down the computer inheritance line!

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If your not using 64bit OS its likely not taking proper advantage of your 3 Gigs which if you have Windows 7 is barely enough to run it properly since Windows is a bit of a hog. Plus you are mix and matching ram bars sizes. While you can do it..its not exactly optimal to do it. You should of just bought 4 bars of the same thing to have 4 gigs of memory.


Hmm, 32Bit Windows can handle 3Gigs of RAM fine and has been able to all along. What 32Bit windows can't do is use all of 4Gigs of RAM because it can only address 4GBs and some of the Memory addresses are used to I/O access (Like Video). It's called Memory Mapping. So you can only access like 3.5GBs of RAM.


I would upgrade your box. You should be able to build a system able to run the game on medium settings or better for under $700

Edited by JerokTalram
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I would just get a new PC mate. You're going to struggle with that on most new games.

Upgrading RAM won't do a whole lot being that you only have a 32bit OS that won't recognise more than 4gb.

This game is especially badly optimised so it will be all the harder on your poor old rig.

And also, that is a very high resolution to be using with that mahcine. I would turn it down a fair way.

Edited by Sheff
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IMO upgrade to 4 gig of ram and dual channel them would be first thing.


Seen probs with swtor on a 8600 GT with similar specs to your upgrades ram to 4 gig up from 2 and all was golden. even has max graphic settings but with shadows turned off.


Game looks very different to mine however even with same settings.. 460GTX just looks so much cleanr and sharper


He's running a 32Bit OS. He can't use a full 4GBs of RAM. Waste of money

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Hi all - I'm getting low FPS (9-15) on my system and I'm trying to figure out why. Here are my specs:


Processor: AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 Dual Core 2.6 GHz

Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce 8800 Ultra 1 GHz memory

RAM: 3 GHz Single Channel DDR

> 2 Chips: 1 GB Samsung PC3200

> 2 Chips: 512 MB Patriot PC3200


I've updated my GPU and RealTek audio drivers, BOIS, and Directx. I've DeFragged, Scan Disked, and closed down unnecessary programs. Still no luck - I suspect it may be the mis-matched RAM but I don't want to invest in better RAM if the rest of the system is insufficient. Can anyone help?


Thank you!


Video Card and RAM both need an upgrade. Also, if you're running AMD for your processor/motherboard, look into an ATI graphics card. :)


For RAM, I would recommend 4 1GB DIMMs there. It might get a bit expensive, but shouldn't be more than a couple hundred for everything.


That should give your PC the boost it needs to bring your FPS up to 20 - 30 easily. Also, make sure shadows in the game are turned off.


(Ok, not sure if all that has been said before, but I was too lazy to read all the posts. lol)

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Thanks Iboga - I tried the DirectX 9 library update approach that was mentioned elsewhere on the forums with no luck unfortunately. As for the windowed mode, switching back and forth between that and the other option with no luck I'm afraid. :-(


I'll try out the High Detail Graphics mode approach, see if that works. After a RAM upgrade, should it not work, this dinosaur is going down the computer inheritance line!


Good luck man, hope you can get it figured out. The game is actually a lot of fun when it runs right...

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Stop remmending he upgrades ram. He's running 32Bit Windows. It's a waste of money to go from 3GBs to 4GBs because he can't access the full 4th Gig Stick. If he was running 64Bit windows fine but it's a waste of money to go from 3GB to 4GB with a 32Bit OS.
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just a suggestion in the meantime,


check your settings in game and turn off/min the shaders option... it has helped others who have had fps issues with their lower end machines...


shadows too if you haven't already

Edited by wessik
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Hello everyone, just wanted to give an update - especially for all of you who recommended an upgrade of the whole system...


I managed to get the system running at almost 30fps on medium settings, 1680x1050 resolution, and shadows turned off. Here's the quick story:


Bought some new RAM, plugged it in and it didn't work (I think it's a high density / low density thing). When I replaced old RAM to make sure that I didn't break anything, I place the mis-matched RAM into the system in the proper order (someone else had bought the upgrades long ago). That is, the 1 gig sticks went in the primary slots and the 512 sticks went into the secondary. That's it!


Thanks for all your help - and add this to your knowledge to help other people - this system configuration will work! :D

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