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Hitting stealthers once just to keep them in combat?


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Keeping a good stealther out of combat is as valuable or more valuable to your team than guards/taunts/etc.


Or at least as valuable.


That said, there are way too many clunky factors in if/when we are able to restealth. There is absolutely nothing I can do outside of popping my vanish that will allow me to proactively get back into stealth.


While there are obviously triggers in the underlying system designs, it is vague and mostly random as to how it works.




Heh, if you gave me the ability to get back into stealth on demand without blowing vanish?



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wah wah wah i want god mode wah wah wah everyone that moves in pvp is exploiting rofl you even know what exploit means?


threat closed moving on not sure if trolling dosnt even know what classes got sprint and what classes dont (sniper/gs with sprint roflmao)

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I have seen and experienced this many times, a person would hit my character then just run off to fight someone else. I feel that this is a flagrant exploitation of game mechanics as well as DoTing just as an anti-stealth instead of a HoT mitigation. Here are some suggestions for stealth classes and undoing exploits:


1. DoTs and time spent in combat reduce the (really, really long 2 minute) CD on skills such as disappearing act.


2. Reduce the CD of DA to 1:30, and remove talenting into it all together.


3. Give smugglers sprint (if gunslingers/snipers don't have one already) equal to force speed. Still won't be competitive with sages in Huttball (which is what devs want, amirite?), but would at least have some utility.


4. Give a shadowstep ability.


5. An out of stealth delay.


6. An increased cone for behind attacks, since many players walk backwards which is just as fast as stealth speed a spring can be used to run through the player and shoot first then backblast them to get around their exploit.


7 Since scoundrel/operative damage is dependent on the position of the player said damage needs a buff. If maras/knights can do obscene damage from anywhere within 4 meters (and even beyond with their throw lightsaber move) then operatives/scoundrels should do even more since we have a more restricted positional requirement, and one that's easy enough to avoid.


8. BHs/troopers have an anti-stealth probe. Knowing about this hurts our DPS as we have to wait for it to drop before committing ourselves to an attack or wait for their GCD to activate (a very short window).


9. Reduce stealth's CD to 2 seconds, 1 with a talent point.


10. Buff stealth speed to normal. Then sprint wouldn't be needed to walk through and get in back attacks.


11. Improve targeting, but this applies to all classes.


mists of pandaland is comming soon dont worry...wait...wrong forum my bad

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I see the question being brought up from time to time is.......do the scoundrels need to stealth up to do some dps? The answer is yes and no! We have a few other skills that doesnt require stealth that does a good amount of dps! The downside is...we need to be in position, behind the target!

I think everyone can understand how dificult it can be sometimes, to come behind a target! Especially if he is foghting someone else and because of it has to move around alot.


But dont think i agree on the isue being brought up by the threadstarter! I do agree to some point but the reason many scoundrels and their nemesis on the dark side, cant get their damage rating up has many reasons.

Many would say you are a bad scoundrel, and it is true in some cases! I have seen scoundrels do close to 400 k damage in warzones, my highest score is only 180 but i only have a set of three champion pieces and to be honest to myself....i am not the best scoundrel walking around!

I think the imperial side is winning alot of warzones due to the fact that their numbers are superior to the light side! This population imbalance results in a "gearimbalance" which make more players with a full set of champ or BM gear, apear in a warzone on the dark side.

This is one of the reasons why many scoundrels have a hard time figuring out what their doing wrong, the answer is.........

The answer is, you are not as bad as you think! I have seen the damage scoundrels do in a warzone decrease over time, and its not because Imps have more dps Etc....its because what i explained about the faction imbalance!

And one more thing to consider, scounrels are an advanced class!

Edited by Grisher
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I have seen and experienced this many times, a person would hit my character then just run off to fight someone else. I feel that this is a flagrant exploitation of game mechanics as well as DoTing just as an anti-stealth instead of a HoT mitigation. Here are some suggestions for stealth classes and undoing exploits:


1. DoTs and time spent in combat reduce the (really, really long 2 minute) CD on skills such as disappearing act.


2. Reduce the CD of DA to 1:30, and remove talenting into it all together.


3. Give smugglers sprint (if gunslingers/snipers don't have one already) equal to force speed. Still won't be competitive with sages in Huttball (which is what devs want, amirite?), but would at least have some utility.


4. Give a shadowstep ability.


5. An out of stealth delay.



8. BHs/troopers have an anti-stealth probe. Knowing about this hurts our DPS as we have to wait for it to drop before committing ourselves to an attack or wait for their GCD to activate (a very short window).




Just when I thought I had seen every conceivable whine possible..... you've proved me wrong.



I want to be able to meditate/recuperate while in combat.... and since attacking me would interrupt said ability, I want to be immune from all damage while meditating in combat@!@!


All I hear from you is


1) I want my stealther to be able to stealth at will at any time


2) This game isn't enough like WoW, please make it moreso (ala shadowstep)


3) Class X has some really cool stuff, I think my class should have it too.


p.s. I really hope no one at bioware even reads this thread, its a waste of time

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