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who is a better pilot


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Yeah, the look on Obi-Wan's face implies he knows Han's just trying to talk big...


...then the EU tried to come up with a plausible explanation for how making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs was some sort of speed achievement. /facepalm


Sometimes, EU, sometimes...you just go TOO FAR.


Anyway, now that's stuck. Near Kessel is a cluster of black holes called the Maw; smugglers like it because no authorities (Imps, at the time) really dare to approach it, so it's the best route to get to & from Kessel without the Imps on your tail. Navigating it in the shortest distance became a competition among smugglers. I don't know who invented that, but I know who made it even more ridiculous: Kevin J Anderson. He plopped a secret Imperial weapons development facility in the middle of the Maw. With a working prototype Death Star hidden there, too. UGH.


The Maw Installation showed up in the JEDI ACADEMY TRILOGY, and the explanation given for its existence is plausible.


It's later been established that the Maw cluster was created artificially for a specific reason.

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The Maw Installation showed up in the JEDI ACADEMY TRILOGY, and the explanation given for its existence is plausible.


It's later been established that the Maw cluster was created artificially for a specific reason.

Did you mean to reply to Captain_Zone who mentioned Darksaber? Cuz I already knew it debuted in the Jedi Academy Trilogy and never implied or stated otherwise :p


They made a plausible explanation for the installation...but the entire installation was kinda silly to begin with. Plenty of other places to hide a secret superweapon factory...even right out in the open in some backwater area (just not Tatooine; for a backwater world, it gets a LOT of major traffic). Space is BIG. They could just build it somewhere between star systems, off major (and most minor) hyperspace lanes. No need to bury it in a cluster of singularities, especially singularities that were created to turn the Kessel Run into a distance contest rather than a timed run (doesn't matter if it was later retconned into a prison for Abeloth or whatever; as created, it was to explain the Kessel Run and conceal the initial creation of the Death Star). Like I said...sometimes, the EU goes TOO far.

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Did you mean to reply to Captain_Zone who mentioned Darksaber? Cuz I already knew it debuted in the Jedi Academy Trilogy and never implied or stated otherwise :p


They made a plausible explanation for the installation...but the entire installation was kinda silly to begin with. Plenty of other places to hide a secret superweapon factory...even right out in the open in some backwater area (just not Tatooine; for a backwater world, it gets a LOT of major traffic). Space is BIG. They could just build it somewhere between star systems, off major (and most minor) hyperspace lanes. No need to bury it in a cluster of singularities, especially singularities that were created to turn the Kessel Run into a distance contest rather than a timed run (doesn't matter if it was later retconned into a prison for Abeloth or whatever; as created, it was to explain the Kessel Run and conceal the initial creation of the Death Star). Like I said...sometimes, the EU goes TOO far.


I actually equate the two, since the Darksaber weapon/station was built there as well. It was moved shortly after completion. Basically a scaled back Deathstar. Just the Superlaser and looked like a humongus lightsaber hilt. lol

Edited by Captain_Zone
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I actually equate the two, since the Darksaber weapon/station was built there as well. It was moved shortly after completion. Basically a scaled back Deathstar. Just the Superlaser and looked like a humongus lightsaber hilt. lol


Oh... I thought we were talking about that incredibly rare lightsaber crystal that shows up in TFU series and the Clone Ware series. :p

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Watch empire strikes back anyone?


Han solo asteroid field




^This right here!


Han Solo flies right through an asteroid field, being followed by TIE Fighters and a Star Destroyer, then hides in the mouth of a Giant Space Worm.


Oh, and let's not forget that Han actually beat Anakin (aka Darth Vader) during the Battle of Yavin, by taking out Vader's wingmen, who then crash into Vader, sending him hurtling into space.


What does Anakin do?


Episode 1: Accidentally blows up a Droid Control Ship, and spins a bit.


Episode 2: Steals a speeder, catches a falling Obi-Wan


The Clone Wars: Spins alot, again, and has a knack for crashing.


Episode 3: Crashes his fighter into Grevious' landing bay, pilots a shuttle to Mustafar.


Anakin is better than Han?


Good grief! Han shows more piloting skill in 2-3 minutes of ESB, than Anakin shows in 3 movies and a cartoon! Heck, I'd even argue that Obi-Wan is likely a better pilot than Anakin!

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"Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1!"

"Never tell me the odds."

C-3PO and Han Solo


Han is by far the better pilot.

Even with his supposed precognition Anakin is ambushed in his specially modified Tie Fighter by Han flying a freaking cargo ship. A CARGO SHIP! Why? Because Anakin sucked as a pilot.

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