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Swap out your enhancements on your BM gear and not keep them? You're screwed.


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You do realize that before the patch notes hit, there was absolutely no reason to keep the enhancements, right? So, people should have dropped a few hundred thousand credits to remove the mods just in case BioWare decided to require them for item conversion later down the line? I can guarantee you that not a single person on all the forums guessed that this was how hey would implement the gear conversion, nor that the enhancements would carry with them an expertise bonus. And if you wish to challenge this notion, please show me evidence of ONE person that hinted that we might need to keep the gimpy, useless enhancements.


So, we are stupid for not being clairvoyant? Bad posts are bad. You can disagree, but don't be insulting. To be honest, based on the state of the game before the patch notes came out, the stupid thing, was to pay to pull the mods out. Just because Bioware has no problems screwing its min-maxer playerbase over in this implementation doesn't change that.


This. I'm being punished for playing smart. GJ Bioware.

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You do realize that before the patch notes hit, there was absolutely no reason to keep the enhancements, right? So, people should have dropped a few hundred thousand credits to remove the mods just in case BioWare decided to require them for item conversion later down the line? I can guarantee you that not a single person on all the forums guessed that this was how hey would implement the gear conversion, nor that the enhancements would carry with them an expertise bonus. And if you wish to challenge this notion, please show me evidence of ONE person that hinted that we might need to keep the gimpy, useless enhancements.


Not necessarily siding with the guy you are adressing - but I kept my enhancement, because I thought a revamp of their stats might happen at some point in the future.


And I am certainly not alone - it's not exactly hard to come up with that idea. Old items sometimes get reworked in mmos, happened before, will happen again.


Still I am clueless about the act of remodding them again, as I pointed out in an above post - how 'original' do they have to be?

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Per George Zoeller:


"Hey, some answers.


1. Yes, we have updated the stat distribution on Rakata gear with 1.2.


2. If you have not modified your gear, it will seamlessly update the mods inside when you log into the game the first time after the patch has been applied.


3. If you have modified your gear, it will retain any changes you have made. Any mods you didn't change out will update.


4. Restoring the original mods into the item, before 1.2, will cause them to upgrade at the time of the patch.


The problem, of course, is that if you hand modified your gear, we ultimately have no way of knowing what your intention was. Maybe you wanted to use the mod you removed somewhere else, maybe you just wanted to replace it. We cannot make any assumption as to the intention of individual users when modding the item, preventing us from upgrading already modified items post fact.


TL;DR: Any 'original' mod in an updated item will upgrade with the patch. Any 'foreign' mod added to an item will be left untouched.


Hope that answers your questions."




So, if you didn't keep your original enhancements, you will start patch 1.2 with 150 missing expertise, as the enhancements will be carrying with them 25 expertise each.


Have fun farming new gear.


Another fantastic example of BW not understanding their playerbase.


Why on earth would you replace an end-game purple modification and NOT keep it? Credits are ludicrously easy to get and there's tons of bank space.

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Has anyone found out the info on diminishing returns for expertise? Or any other stats they've adjusted? Unless they have raised the cap on Expertise I'd say I'd still prefer my current enhancements if the new ones are still loaded with accuracy? Won't the innate expertise in the armor be adjusted at least?


They did make this quite confusing...


I like what somebody suggested about just removing any mod you added before the patch and storing it. Let bioware add back the proper adjusted one after the patch. This way we can make our own decisions on if we want to remod or whatever.

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Has anyone found out the info on diminishing returns for expertise? Or any other stats they've adjusted? Unless they have raised the cap on Expertise I'd say I'd still prefer my current enhancements if the new ones are still loaded with accuracy? Won't the innate expertise in the armor be adjusted at least?


They did make this quite confusing...


I like what somebody suggested about just removing any mod you added before the patch and storing it. Let bioware add back the proper adjusted one after the patch. This way we can make our own decisions on if we want to remod or whatever.


Expertise will be way, way better and will be the go-to stat for PvP.

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Why on earth would you replace an end-game purple modification and NOT keep it? Credits are ludicrously easy to get and there's tons of bank space.


1. My bank is full of crafting items.


2. I am rich because I don't needlessly waste on my money.


3. A needless waste of money would include spending money on removing enhancements I had no intention of ever using.


4. I am not clairvoyant. And BioWare shouldn't expect anyone to be. If they are going to change the rules, they need to ensure they aren't burning people in the process.


This kind of attitude is one I just don't understand. Accounting for unforseen circumstances isn't a reason to burn credits. In most games where similar situations arise in which old gear is being upgraded or changed, developers provide a method to trade in the old equipment for the new equipment. This situation is no different.


Keep in mind that it isn't OUR fault that Bioware screwed up their itemization. We shouldn't be punished for:


1. Maximizing our characters

2. Not blowing money on things we had no reason to think we would ever need (anyone suggesting anything to the contrary, I challenge you to provide proof of ANYONE, ANYWHERE saying that we should be holding on to these enhancements in case of a change in itemization, otherwise can it)

3. Not having the room in the bank to store the items even if we did have the foresight to keep them.

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Has anyone found out the info on diminishing returns for expertise? Or any other stats they've adjusted? Unless they have raised the cap on Expertise I'd say I'd still prefer my current enhancements if the new ones are still loaded with accuracy? Won't the innate expertise in the armor be adjusted at least?


They did make this quite confusing...


I like what somebody suggested about just removing any mod you added before the patch and storing it. Let bioware add back the proper adjusted one after the patch. This way we can make our own decisions on if we want to remod or whatever.


see graph:



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Oh noes 150 expertise? what ever will i do? Oh i know, carry on playing the game as normal.


Thanks for the contribution. You are swell.


I, for one, will miss the 3-4% total damage, healing and mitigation. But then again, I'm good at this game. YMMV.

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You do realize that before the patch notes hit, there was absolutely no reason to keep the enhancements, right? So, people should have dropped a few hundred thousand credits to remove the mods just in case BioWare decided to require them for item conversion later down the line? I can guarantee you that not a single person on all the forums guessed that this was how hey would implement the gear conversion, nor that the enhancements would carry with them an expertise bonus. And if you wish to challenge this notion, please show me evidence of ONE person that hinted that we might need to keep the gimpy, useless enhancements.


So, we are stupid for not being clairvoyant? Bad posts are bad. You can disagree, but don't be insulting. To be honest, based on the state of the game before the patch notes came out, the stupid thing, was to pay to pull the mods out. Just because Bioware has no problems screwing its min-maxer playerbase over in this implementation doesn't change that.

I've kept my mods/enhancements simply because I like to min/max, and to anyone that knows how diminishing returns works, at some point stacking more crit from 400 to 410won't return as much value as actually adding 50 to your accuracy. Whether you've hit that point or not, well, your mileage may vary, but at some point in the game, you will hit that point and it would be in your best interest to keep the not-so-desirable mods just in case they become desirable. Most MMO veterans understand the dynamic nature of MMO's. Most have been through similar changes, and most weren't as fortunate as they are in SWTOR where the gear is moddable. In other games, the gear involved was quest gear that they can't go back and re-acquire.


Granted I have destroyed my fair share of mods to make room, I only destroy 2 tiers down because I know that MMO systems change constantly, so you never know when a specific item will suddenly increase in value after a patch.

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Granted I have destroyed my fair share of mods to make room, I only destroy 2 tiers down because I know that MMO systems change constantly, so you never know when a specific item will suddenly increase in value after a patch.


Wait no common sense allowed!

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If people were stupid enough to overwrite the mod, you should lose it. Do you want bioware to rollback items you've destroyed too? How about last weeks deleted item?


You have the option to replace the original mods back in, what more can you ask for?


Actually you can ask them to restore destroyed item, and deleted characters and items.

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