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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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So what about us UK folk that pre-ordered from GAME, where GAME actually messed up and sent pre-order codes a whole week after people had actually pre-ordered?


That's something out of our control and we're getting shafted for a retailers mistake?


Yup ordered from Game on the 21st, didnt get my code untill 26th and theyre still roughly on 21/22/23..but meh not too bothered.. i'm more worried about getting my CE in one piece from bloody Parcel Force:(

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They may be serious, but here's the problem:


These folks who keep saying "I pre-ordered [some earlier date] than [someone else who is already in]" may have pre-ordered early, but probably failed to register their pre-order code until later, if at all. EGA is based on the date the pre-order code was registered on SWTOR, not the date one actually pre-ordered with a vendor.


I am with you on that!

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im not happy with this i pre ordered CE i should get in before anyone else.

Na just playing i think its going just fine i would like to be in today but i can wait a day or 2


And our money stinks?


You shouldn't get anything earlier than us. You paid for the game + bonus content and that you will get. CE should not get you in earlier by any means. Your logic is flawed, some Trekkies would say. :D

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Don't let the haters get you down. All these muppets complaining about not getting access yet are just little kids who know nothing of software development and IT rollouts. You have handled this release in the most professional way I have ever seen something this large get released. What is normally a cluster****, is a well thought out plan. Kudos to you gents, and I look forward to playing your game. :cool:


Haters gonna hate,


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what is it that you guys dont understand? This isnt the Release of the game! its a launch for early game accsess! And it said you MAY!! MAAAAY!!! play up to 5 days earlier... And do you guys have any idea what would happend if you let everybody in? Server crash and who knows what! so instead QQ'ing, think locigal.


Plenty of games have let everyone in at once and it was fine. Whatever benefit BW gets out of this staggered start is not worth the fustration they are causing the players.

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I atually can relate to the fact that better be careful and allow access in a progressive manner


But commication is key- and they must have databases to query to know the amount of players


who will have bought their early access by date- so it would have been better to send each of us


a mail indicating the day on which we would be invited. Like from 21/07 until 28/07 on the 13th...and so on.


Jut an humble opinion-


"sigh" -:rolleyes:


or better yet keep the invites rolling out 24 hours a day instead of just 4 waves... you KNOW that probably the VAST majoririty of pre-orderers are stalking their inboxes at least 20 hours a day.

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Speaking to people IN the game right now, most of the starter planets have less than 100 people on them and there are NO instances of that planet.




In Betas there were 4-5 instances of each planet with hundreds in each instance.


Looks like BW has a good Force Choke going on for the waves.


What server are you talking about? My cousin was on darth bander about an hr ago there was 131 instances of korriban.

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For people who are already in and happen to be reading this thread, 'What is the latest date people with access redeemed their early game access code?'


My BF isn't in yet, and his code is Aug 2nd. So guessing late July atm?

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worst start of a mmo possible, this game will prob. be dead in 1-2 months just because of this ********. what where u thinking srsly


The game will determin it succes not the EGA.


BTW This is not the official start of this mmo.


P.S. Please to you and all the others: relax a bit and be patient. We will play soon enough.

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