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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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You did not pay for anything. £5 was a deposit, deducted from the final price of the game.



Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order Fee 71185 £4.17



Urm... Well my reciept says Pre-Ordered fee £4.17 +VAT thats was.... *PRE-OREDER FEE*





kk thanks, have a nice day now.

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With all due respect to Bioware, I already know where this was heading. You are hyping the game up and wanting to have the most pre sales than World of Warcraft by offering early game access. From what I've been told, the servers are at medium. I don't see how you are testing stability when medium means 50-75% full. From what I do know, servers begin to be unstable at 90% of population. IMHO, you are hurting your integrity by doing this. Does it really take you 24hrs to determine if servers that are on medium are stable enough to play on in order to get wave 5 sent out?


Also, you promised to send me an email regarding sales for pre order and that mail did not come in until August 22nd which was the same day I pre ordered and redeemed my code. I'm sorry if I didn't visit your website 24/hrs a day, 7 days a week. You should have sent me an email the day pre orders were announced. I'm not dying to play, just wondering what you're trying to do here. Doesn't seem like you're testing stability. I have proof. It's called justin.tv. Seems to be stable to me.

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You summed up my exact thoughts...good post. Would love to know why they think that 4 waves are sufficient. If they continued waves through the night you would make a lot of your player base happy and down the road when some are waffling on staying or leaving its this kind of support that will keep people. Get off your behinds and stop giving us vague answers and give us something concrete to work with. I would be ok waiting until even the 15th if I knew that was when I could get it. Setting expectations for your consumer base should be an fing no brainer.


Couldn't agree more. Good point about in a few months if we are deciding to stay or leave. This will be in the back of my mind.

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Wow!! Do some of you realize how childish you sound? I mean this is a game. Last I checked, this game does not determine if you live or die. Yes I pre - ordered this game and no, I haven't received my EGA. I am not complaining because it clearly states "UP TO 5 DAYS EARLY" in all disclaimers. So if I get access on Dec 19th at 11:00 pm, that is still EA for the game.


As far as BW not opening it up for everyone, just imagine a levee break or a dam collapse.

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How about some hope to chew on?


How many pre-orders?

how many waves?

What was the original distribution of waves (x waves total)/(y days of preorder play) = # of waves per day?


How many waves per day estimated and how many people in each wave?


What will happen to guilds who cannot get their entire membership into the same server becuase the fill up?


How many invites per wave? You could even go as far as posting each wave with a number, and defining each wave by a date range of when people pre-ordered.


OMG- then we could plan days off from work.


I repeat myself because everyone else is too..

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The server loads are LIGHT...highest server capacity is "Medium"....What is this? There is no way in hell that there's only going to be "4 waves" today... KEEP HOPE ALIVE, FRIENDS.





Seriously, my hat's off to Kodokai for this.


This isn't an accurate status server, simply because people are still @ work or @ the gym or whatever they doing in their routine. Its not weekend, its Tuesday !!! Even at supposedly peak times (18:00 - 23:00 for games), servers won't be heavy loaded until Friday.


Will be a huge mistake to release many waves today, based on the servers' traffic right now. If they release 5-10 waves everyday @ weekend would have many crashes and huge queues.


Only about 25% of the invites of every wave would actually play the game right now.


So the status of servers isn't accurate.

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"Ok ummm... I put my order in August, my friend that only ordered the game 4 weeks ago is IN GAME NOW???? I was with him when he ordered his copy. This is messed up! The order in which your giving people to go in game is random not by a first serve basis. . fantastic. way to start the game off all wrong and royaly piss customers off "


Excellent lol, i PO'd last week, might be in with a chance!

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I absolutely will remember this launch as the WORST I have ever seen!!


It's like BW is really enjoying the fact that they have our money - and our product - and for now they don't have to give most of us either one!


It is not the launch it is just early access, and tbh this is better than a free for all lag fest! Which is what we normally see when mmo's launch, day 1 is generally a unplayable mess.

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My only problem is with people that keep saying that this was some sort of blessing or gift from Bioware. Wake up idiots, this was done for THEIR purposes, not because they were being heavenly towards customers. They offered it to garner more pre-orders and to have a free week in which they can mess stuff up and still claim it wasn't 'official launch'. Sheesh, take off the Bioware colored glasses.


I mostly agree with this sentiment though I don't place it in such a sinister light. They may have done beta testing, but being a developer myself I know that beta environment is not the live environment no matter which way you slice it. Yes it's a close approximation but there are always minor differences that cause hiccups between the public testing and the live product.


I think early game access is a best of both worlds scenario. BioWare gets to slowly roll people into their live environment, carefully monitoring it the whole way, before the game officially launches. Meanwhile, you kids get to enjoy some early game time.


So yes, this was done to boost sales/pre-orders and bolster their pre-launch numbers. And yes it was done so they could catch all the screw-ups before the official launch of the game. My problem is with all the people who feel cheated. The release date is the 20th. The game will come out on the 20th for EVERYONE. If you want to play with your friends all at the same time, just plan on playing on the 20th. Because of this early game access BioWare will have ironed out a lot of fail before that date comes so by resolving to simply wait until official release you are guaranteeing yourself a much cleaner TOR experience with plenty of people actively playing on the servers.


You people need to learn that doing things in the name of making more money is not always such a sinister thing as you all seem to believe. The more money they make the more resources they have to keep your game great. Yes, some development studios might not spend those resources the way they should but I am confident that BioWare is not one of those shops. They have a pretty solid reputation for putting out great products and spending their resources wisely and efficiently in order to satisfy their customers.


So no, they didn't do EGA out of the goodness of their hearts. None of you deserve such treatment anyway. They did it ensure a great launch on the 20th and throw a few milkbones to the rabid dogs in the meantime.



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Jesus: Turned water into wine.

Amy Winehouse: Turned wine into money.

MMO Gamers: Turned in money to whine.

More MMO Gamers: Turned whine into water (tears).



Soooo ya, I think this is officially the first sign of the apocalypse......

Either that or someone is about to burst in singing "The Circle of Life"...



I'd like to nominate this post as Best post this thread. <applaud>

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I don`t understand one thing, really why EU servers shut down? Does it mean USA subscribers have VIP priority on early access?

P.S.: Please do not think I`m not racist - I Just want to understand (may be it is the explanation why some of later subscribers got access earlier the subscribers who pre accessed earlier?)

Edited by Chaykin
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Ok ummm... I put my order in August, my friend that only ordered the game 4 weeks ago is IN GAME NOW???? I was with him when he ordered his copy. This is messed up! The order in which your giving people to go in game is random not by a first serve basis. . fantastic. way to start the game off all wrong and royaly piss customers off


You can't be Serious?????

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