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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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hey i dind got my email either. and i shoulda get it but i dont care :D. cus its almost 19:00PM here and il just make some dinner and kick back and relax on the couch and watch a movie or something i dont worry about it. il just wait for to morrow if i get in or not perhaps indeed i got in or not who knows i dont mind. cus everybody will play all on dec20 right. and then u get 2 weeks of atleast i did vacation. so il just look when i get home after work. i dont mind i dont know why the bigg fuzz is man just relax be happy u get to play 2 days in advanced right. :cool:
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This is such a terrible way to launch an mmo. I mean seriously, I would be much happier queueing for 6 hours to get onto a server so I can ***** about it on the forums.


You people really do my head in. The early access is "up to" now guaranteed. You would also most definitely be whining your collective asses off if they opened the gates to everyone and you were slapped with massive queues.


Seriously, Bioware is damned if they do, damned if they don't.

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You guys do realize 70% and more of the ppl who'll play this game pre-ordered right?


You guys realize that this is more like a release than there will ever be right?


You realize that the people playing later than today actually have late access instead of early access right?



Forget how Bioware calls it for a second and see it for what it is. October/November/December guys, you'll get late access the way this is slowly progressing.

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So its only us players that get in the game today ?

becouse i noticed this in the game server status


European Servers

No Servers Available


kinda unfair if you ask me , why is USA allways getting the games first ??


Few of my friends got in European servers today, they preordered few months back. So Europe servers are online, if I'm not mistaken. :)

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I'm just annoyed that they didn't tell us that it would be done in waves when we pre-ordered.


It wasn't supposed to be in waves. There was to much people preordering at the same times so the server got a huge lagspike. Therefor they are letting people in in waves to ensure that the servers wont crash by mass population.


Probably the reason they added 2 more days to the early access.

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umm, just because you Pre-Ordered the 21st/22/whatever doesnt mean your in first. Its not based on actual order date, its based on when you put in your pre-order code. It is not when you pre-ordered, just when you put in the code on this site. Also, look at the pre-order stuff all over the website. it says "Up to 5 days early" still, so be happy if you get in sooner then that, and don't be surprised if you get in on the weekend.


So because you paid the same amount of money as me, you get to play first because you could afford to pre-order before me.


That's childish.

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I atually can relate to the fact that better be careful and allow access in a progressive manner


But commication is key- and they must have databases to query to know the amount of players


who will have bought their early access by date- so it would have been better to send each of us


a mail indicating the day on which we would be invited. Like from 21/07 until 28/07 on the 13th...and so on.


Jut an humble opinion-


"sigh" -:rolleyes:

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I have never heard of this "wave" process before but it sounds fairly confusing. I pre-orderd 9-02 so i guess i will not be playing for quite some time, i mostly sympathize for anyone who took off work to play the game today only to find out there is a very limited number of early access emails being sent. Hope to be in game soon


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There is no need to conplain, they really dont have to let anyone in till the 15th. They are just being nice and peeps are alrdy showing their butts!!!



i just feel cheated that i joined the site as soon as it was avail.. back in january...


i ordered the game as soon as it was avail...


and gamestop says bioware was to blame for not giving them enough codes.. now i have to wait til who knows when.. when i should have been in wave 1 this morning.. and if they are only doing 4 waves today... there are gonna be a lot of peeved people... since they are on wave 3 already..

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