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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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I really don't understand why they are stopping unless the servers are having issues.


1. If the servers are already having issues with only a fraction of the total population that pre-ordered and no street sales, that doesn't bode well for the max capacity of the servers.


2. Why not just put out a new wave every 5 hours? That gives each batch of folks time to get off the initial world and on to the next one or possibly even 2 if they played the beta.


Can they explain why the delay from 2pm to 7 or 8am the next day to release additional waves?

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those waves are only US??

Are we getting some serious tsunami **** here in EU, cause we dont even have any servers up yet??


European Servers

No Servers Available



You're an idiot. They've already stated any server with Time Zone: "N/A" is a European server. It's a bug and it's already been addressed.


Try checking his twitter before blowing up in this train wreck of a thread.

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The day isn't even half over and you're done inviting people? That makes a lot of sense...not at all! Fine, you're letting us in early, I get that, but if you're going to promise early access, do so with the intent of actually getting people in to play as soon as possible, rather than playing this game of elitism. You want feedback, there you go, that's mine. I've been mostly happy with your choices in this game. That happiness is waning with every silly decision you've made lately *cough*Legacy System*cough*.


Do us all a favor. Either don't post about how many waves you've done and let us all just keep hoping, or let everyone in. The way you're doing it is just designed to piss off the majority of those still waiting. Especially stopping this early in the day.

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Its not a LAUNCH dum dum learn how to read for s*** sakes :/


LOL. it clearly says LAUNCHING on the welcome message, and I got a warning for saying I like being white on this thread. LOL. I swear, LOL.


"If you have hate in your heart. Let it out. Open up your heart and let that hate OUT!"

Clayton Bigsby

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I understand the reason why "some" people are furious because doing it in waves of when people pre-ordered is like kicking people in the balls who didnt pre-order straight away due to reasons like... holidays, internet shop screw ups, 50/50 if they are going to get it or not.


I also understand the reason why they are doing it like this. because it is the easiest way to sort the waves out. like years ago at meat counters or some queues u had to take a number and once ur number is called u are then allowed to get what u wanted to get.


I also understand why "some" people are furious that we are abit in the dark with what, when, how, where all this is going down.


I also understand why they cant really give us a what, when, how and where because they do not know. they are not going to know how many they can put in on say wave or even when the next wave is going to happen because all this is to test the serves so people dont get on like most mmorpgs and the game just have a thermalnuclear breakdown.


I also understand why "some" people are furious with not getting the invite when there friends or guild members have because after all it is a massively "multiplayer" role playing game and people like these games because they can play together. it is a piss take if ur guild is running say operation or flashpoint and by the time u get there ur like wtfomgbbq no one to run it with me unless i pug and its got to be said no one likes pugs haha


I also understand why they cant put people in guild/friends together because that would just be a total pain in the arse to do.


What i dont understand is all these people ************ and crying that they feel robbed and cheated when frankly no you pissing aint this is early access it aint the release its a gift from bioware. if santa came and gave u an iphone 3 u wouldnt ***** at him for not giving you an iphone 4. everyone is going to be able to play it when its released on the 20th they aint going to come upto you and use jedi mind trick on u "your not logging in today.... move along". i also dont understand why all the EU servers seem to be N/A do we not exist or something?


With that said there is two things i see happening with this early access... one is the server in which my friends, family and guild are rolling on is already medium by the time i get on i might not even be able to get on the server and this might happen to alot of people which is going to cause alot of back lash for bioware and the second thing is to pre-order it was only £5 (for standard edition) thats peanuts so some people will of pre-ordered and not intended to buy the game just to get this early access causing AH fluxuations, name losing, guild name losing and maybe even stoping some people logging onto servers with there friends, family and guilds unless they reroll after all as settled and the early access is over.


Buuuuuuuuuuuuut i do thank bioware with this opportunity to play the game early even if its just for a day to wet my lightsaber and escape the rush of christmas. From what i have been told, read and seen bioware have done an amazing job with the game and are doing the best they can and making peoples first ingame experience a good one.


May the force be with you all :)

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So sick of ******* saying, stop QQing its not DEC 20th wait for the game to be out. Dont tell me when you got the email sayin they would be releasing invites on the 13th of dec you werent excited and led along by bioware, this is ridiculous. worst idea ever, id rather of been told game was released on dec 20th with no early access then to be lied like this
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I was looking forward to play this game. Why can they keep letting more people in as the day progresses?


Pure conjecture, but I bet it's because people who are in the game are QQing about newbie areas lagging and being split into 5 instances.



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