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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Whatever happens in the next 2 days remember, we're getting a possible 2 days earlier early access so stop all the hating if you didn't get in, don't like how they're doing it etc etc etc and also remember, at the moment we're not customers. We'll be customers from the 20th.


Keep calm. Its happening and happening soon. What's a few more days after the years of waiting....:)

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I can know if I should even bother for the next couple days? Being asked to wait is fine but being asked to wait with a window that stretches over a week is a little much. I'm sure I am not the only one who has a life and need to schedule game time around it.



An Approximate would be nice. I would just rather be doing something else instead of being here if I know what time to check or around what time. Sounds like the amount of waves are fixed dailey so it wouldn't be very difficult to estimate.



Say something like this:


July-August preorders will most likely get in 13-14

August through X most likely 15-16

X through December preorders .......


That way I know when to clear my schedule and I can stop hanging around here and checking my email constantly.


These are just simple curtousy's you can extend that might go a long way to quieting the masses rather than the present strategy of "who cares".


Another suggestion would be on a particular day...be more precise on just that day. Example: You have your rough estimates laid out but when the 13th rolls around perhaps you can narrow down the times you are going to release the emails and more specifically which groups will get them. "We are going to be allowing in X amount of "waves" today. !st wave will be those who subscribed on this day to this day.


Its just good buisness. You keep a channel of dialog open. People know whats going on when its going on. And it beats sitting here being treated like a mushroom.


Inlfexibility is the same as brittle. Brittle things break all the time. Don't be afraid to change the plan to something better.

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More invites will be sent tomorrow.Rly is this a *********** joke to them ive never seen ******** like this on a launch day.If i hade to rate this launch it would be 2/10 i can only hope they do not fail this hard with the gameplay.Like there is no real info just waves.well how about you *********** tell us how many in numbers.Insteed of pissing off everyone.
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Try getting a job and/or a family that would keep you busy 8)


I doubt i get 300 hours to play in a year !


Bold assumptions. I can't speak for anyone else but I play games approximately 40 hours a week. Some recreational time, most not. My job depends on it, but it's also been my hobby for 20 years. I'm humbled that I have a career in the field I grew up dreaming of being in. I also have girlfriend of 3 1/2 years and we work hard to provide for ourselves and dream of one day having a family. That won't stop me from playing games as much as I do. It's my job. It really bugs me to see people post comments like "get a life" or "get a job" or "get a girlfriend" towards others whom the poster knows nothing about.



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1) Even if i had to pay 1$ for a service i am still a paying customer. It is not my fault you charge that much for a service... It is yours.


As long as i have paid for a service i expect to go in when you open doors. You either open doors for everyone or you don't open em at all. You had all the BETA stress tests to test your servers.


- if you dont get in up to (UP TO) 5 days early you have a case. as of today it is 7 Days early. keep in mind, the 19th is still early. Learn to read.


2) Why some people think that because they made a purchase earlier than me, have more rights than me? When they first announced preorder did they mention that they will apply this policy of "WAVES" for invites in the game? No. The fact that i have other obligations in RL and i cannot read this website every day make me less important than other people that spend they whole day refreshing a page?


If you were first in line on boxing day for a sale of an item that was on a huge sale and the person behind you got it and you didnt would you be a little miffed? the earlier you pre-order the sooner you get in. its a simple reward system.


3) This is an MMO game. We play MMOs to be able to play with friends. My friends are already in game. By the time i get in my friends will be level 20-30. Why you put me in the tough spot to ask em to wait for me? Why should i level up alone?


This is a game launch that is larger than any other MMO in existence. i would say that if they said. alrite everyong GO, you would still be waiting for your friends or they would be waiting for you because the servers would crash. again, your lack of technology knowledge is discerning.


4) I have been playing MMOs for years and this is the first time i experience a wave invite.


Which onces have you played? probably ones that have a fraction of the amount of people waiting to play this. Wow had this for a bunch of their launches and when they didnt stagger or do rolling restarts, which is the exact same thing, they had crashes and lag so bad that it was unplayable.


In my humble opinion this is wrong.

Always with respect .... Thank you for reading.


in my humble opinion YOU are wrong. it is best thought of like this. pretend this is a special one day christmas sale. your in line. the earlier you lined up the sooner you get in. works the same way as console releases and game launches. the spots availible per day are the same as the quantity availible on the first day of release.


Multiple personality?!?:confused:

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