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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Okay... I've tried to be calm and rational regarding these successive waves of BS...


Allow me, if I may, to point out a few things:


1) This is EARLY GAME ACCESS, not launch.


2) The ORIGINAL early access was the 15th, not today, ergo, NONE of you should be complaining.


3) The releasing of the early access in waves in respect to when you redeemed you early access code is fair. This has nothing to do with "their money must be better than mine" horse hockey. If they pre-ordered on July 21st and you pre-ordered in October, they SHOULD get in before you since they pre-ordered and redeemed their code before you.


4) In consideration of point 3 above, I would remind you children that LIFE ISN'T FAIR! Deal with the harsh reality that life is often very UNfair. Don't think so? Ask the Zebra with the pair of Lionesses on its back if life is fair?


5) The self-entitled BS spewing forth from the fingertips of the denizens of this forum discussion is sickening. Honestly, how the hell do you live with yourselves? Do you actually LISTEN to the crap oozing from your pie-hole? Please try to remember that this is A GAME! It is NOT REAL! You are ************ about a game? At THIS time of year?


5a) Okay, if you are an Imperial or Sith character, go ahead and be a ************, cuz, after all, you really ARE ************s. You'd use a lightsaber to make your masterpiece sculpture, "Sith slaughtering 17 puppies" and then complain that the puppies bled on your new Sith robes. But, if you are a Jedi and you behave like this? As Yoda would say, "Quit being a whiny *****, you must."


Now, I am CERTAIN that I'll miss page 500 because of all this typing, but just in case, please, people, let's try to be civil...


Go call you parents, talk to your children, play with your nieces or nephews, visit a sick friend... Just go do ANYTHING productive and stop festering like an arse-boil.


But, um, Bioware? Yeah, that whole, 'no EU servers are up' thing? Poor form folks. Get on it. They paid just like we did on this side of the pond.




how DARE you bring Horse Hockey into this, this is way worse than that wonderful sport.




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QUICK QUESTION: Did everyone the preorderd in july get in now with that last wave? Cause then I'de have a good estimate on when I could expect my invite


Entered my code on 29/7 and I don't have access.


I'm guessing Wednesday's my day :)

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Yeah, no kidding. I'm pissed to be sure but I'm sure as hell not going to be cancelling my preorder or anything like that. If anything, this just gets me thinking I'll just skip preordering the next game they give early game access to.


This sums it up for me..

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From the servers that are up 23 of 'em are on medium... surely more people could still be invited. This makes no sense.


Not everyone who got the invite logged in yet. Some are at work/school. Some work nights and are sleeping. heh... some are Christmas shopping and will play when they get home.


I am sure they based it on the number of e-mails sent out and not on the server population now.


Who knows, if they see the servers not fill up in the next few hours, they could try another bonus wave.

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The big advertisement on their site is preorder now and may play 5 days early. No matter the legal mumbo jumo that says to someone ohh I can play 5 days early if I preorder now.


Just because someone is an idiot and thinks that something that says "may play up to 5 days early" means "WILL play 5 days early" does not mean that they lied.


You, sir, are a moron.

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You separate by the days and hours? Like seriously? Low pop servers up and you can't even get through one week of July purchases. Way to consider the customers- the amount of false impressions put out is amazing. Love how little empathy you have for our stress levels.


Stress? wow go outside or something.

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Ok, I have to ask, but honestly, whats 5 bucks now a days? I make less then 30K a year as a teacher and I still consider $5 a great deal to have my name thrown in a hat to get a chance to get early access. People mad about the $5 have never had to pay a cover charge of any kind, ergo making them either kids or boring people who don't drink.
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I must say this thread has been freekin hilarious. If you took off from work without knowing when you were getting in your a loon to *****. BW has not done anything they did not tell you they would do up front when you purchased. In fact they added 2 days to possible early access. You may not agree with their reasoning here but to claim you were misled is not accurate. And if you beleive half these posts on who purchased by this or that date and got in today you crazy.
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Is there anyway they could send out the emails today of when we are possibly going to be getting in I got up this morning at 4am pacific thinking the servers would just be up for anyone who preordered. I don't really want to get up tomorrow morning at 4 just to be disappointed again. If they could send out an email saying hey your getting in on this date at this time I think that would calm down some of the nerd rage.


i did the same damn thing and have been pissed all day, and i agree just let me know when i will be allowed to log into the game and im cool. this whole last min OBTW we are doing waves crap is just that, CRAP.

Edited by DocJopa
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Come on keep sending damn emails i wanna be on right now vegging out and playing not having to be stressed/sick/worried and pacing back and forward waiting to get in kinda stupid and also i have holidays planned up from tomorrow and yet going to be missing out which UNFAIR
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Staggered access waves lasting from 7am to 2pm? We have more hours in the day than this....keep the waves coming. It's stupid how they are doing it. Sure they are worried the servers will crash but wasn't that what the stress tests were for?? I dont give a CRAP right now about server stability. Just let everyone in to create characters at least! At this rate any name I wanna use will be gone. You know as well as I do, people that are in are just reserving names left and right like greedy little fat kids hoarding candy. The lack of special characters like vowel accents being allowed definately doesn't ease my fears of names being gone. Instead of a Star Wars-y sounding name, the best I fear i'll be able to get away with by the time they let me in is BooBookittyf!@$ or BeiberFeverLickLick.


Aug pre-order and not in your "last wave" of the day. Stupid.



Oh and according to the server list, the server in which my guild has been assigned to is listed as "FULL". And I haven't gotten in early access yet.


SOOOOOooooooo...I'm just screwed and gotta quit guild and find another server?

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