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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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Ppl, once again: Refund your pre-order to express your opinion of this utter failure and complete debacle and mistreatment of loyal customers. This course of a action actually accomplishes something in contrast to whining and spamming this thread.


If you guys do this I may get in 1 day earlier, It's TOTALLY WORTH IT...........for me.

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Originally Posted by civanater

Bioware - you must not see any of these threads so i'm going to talk loud for you. Try to see this please! Your player base is upset at the action you're taking with the waves. This typically means to stop doing what you're doing and reflect.


You are currently biting the hand that is feeding you as the player base is the same people that will provide you with an income and from the forums that i'm reading (and you're apparently neglecting) you are not giving a good reason to pay.


I of course plan to pay regardless, i simply will not invest in any other games you release, and i will be sure to advise against purchases from your company as you are clearly too simple minded to simply read your own forums.


The waves are a bad idea - they are causing players to have extra time that others do not, splitting guilds up and are limiting the patience of your player base which has (again, according to your own forums) drastically begin to shatter. I can only imagine the chaos that will ensue when you stop sending waves today.


If you want to be the intelligent company that alot of people think you are - this last wave should very well include the remaining pre-orders.







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My buddies and I all pre-ordered yesterday and demand access at once!


Giggle, so true... I can't wait for my early access, but I know that since I waited till 8/28 I'm not going to be in the first 2~3 days. So excited that I'm gonna have an additional 2 days though (if I survive the anticipation).

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we monitor to see how servers are performing and so on. If everything is good, we'll send a 'wave' earlier


today especially, you're going to see a fairly narrow band of dates from those admitted to Early Game Access. From tomorrow, it'll spread out to a wider date range.


I think people are just skipping the first post by BW so, this post is to highlight the parts that people are complaining about the most. This is why there is so much time between each wave and might be the reason why you haven't receive your invite yet. Be patient and you'll get invited it might be today, it might be tomorrow, it might even be the day after tomorrow but you'll get in at some point.

Edited by Sharcu
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Just for the sake of if anyone from Bio-Ware is actully interested in keeping customers... I wanted to share this with you and your company. Mostly Number 4



a particular, detail, or point (usually preceded by in ): to differ in some respect.


relation or reference: inquiries with respect to a route.


esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability: I have great respect for her judgment.


deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment: respect for a suspect's right to counsel; to show respect for the flag; respect for the elderly.


the condition of being esteemed or honored: to be held in respect.

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I am a US Marine, so all this Hurry Up and Wait stuff is nothing new. I can do this for a very long time. WooHaHaHa!


Ha ha yeah i remember watching you all stand in lines onboard ship. Funny thing was the line lead nowhere as usual.

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