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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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They're definitely liars...because they said you may get up to 5 Days Early Access. Some people will have 6 or 7 days...which is clearly More Than 5 days. Those scoundrels!


Not only that, they didn't give us TWO WEEKS of early access. THATS RIDICULOUS!! BIOWARE THIS IS AWFUL!!!!

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I'm pissed off with Bioware because they are a greedy evil corporation that is just out there to get as much money from me as possible. They took a whole $60 from me when I bought their game in good faith.


Now I'm going to complain to the government who never take any of my money without my permission.

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if you want to take a day off to play a game here is how to do it flawlessly.


1) know you can actually play it e.g. "The games release date"




2)wait for your code and then feign illness and leave work, and then call in sick the following day.


otherwise it's a gamble and you shouldn't *****.

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My only concern is that day one won't see all of the JULY pre-orders in game. I understand That one week in July probably had the most pre-orders/day than any other time but I'll be a little concerned if July's aren't all in today. :(
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I've been since 2009 registered with the site and pre-order from August 2 this year obviously, I feel ashamed that America has 40 or 50 servers now on-line in the eastern and western U.S., and we what? Europeans no viable servers, we are bad people? ... the game has been developed there first home and then to others, it is unjust, we paid like everyone else, and we expect more than we do with the game several years already!


I agree, most Americans have been granted access from what i have been reading, and there stuck in work, unable to play. it's gone 9pm where i am, and i've got work in the morning. One more wave today, and i seriously doubt getting in.

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Ya know, I was a little let down not to get an invite.....until I came here and read all the rage posts.



Thanks guys for making this day a lot better. I can wait another day or two just to see the melt downs happening here.


Tomorrow should be even better.......

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Probably the best analysis so far.


actually its the worst analysis so far. we know that on the first day there were at least like 80k preorders. then the days after have considerable less preorders. this whole figure of 10k each day is totally bogus, the figures of preorders each day vary alot, its probably more like 80k on 21st, 30k on 22nd, 20k 23rd, 15k 24th, 12k 25th and then maybe approx 10k each day until mid augusut and then approx 5k each day until now. i just pulled these numbers out of my ***, but they are for sure more accurate than his.


also we know that there were already invites for 25th-july-people in the last wave, and we know that another wave today is coming, so there will be at least invites like up to 28th of july, or even 30th of july for the next wave, which is coming today. so his figure of people who preordered until july 24th will get in dec 13 is simply totally wrong, its more like 29th of july.


wave 6, which probably starts tomorrow at the same time todays invites started, will probably include players from 29th july to 4th or 5th of august, considering the ranges of days that will get invites with each wave increases, since less people preordered at later dates, wave 7 up to 15th maybe, wave 8 could go up to 28th of august , 9 to 13th sept, 10 to 30th sept, and all those waves (6 to 10) will probably happen tomorrow.the rest of the people will probably get invited on thursday, and then everyone can enjoy their 5 days of early access. at least thats my guess.

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Well, I'm going to add my small comment to the extreme amount of posters currently online. I can't even refresh pages fast enough to read this thread.


Either way.


I signed up for a forum account years ago in anticipation of TOR. Which allowed me to test the game earlier then most, which I appreciate.


After testing and seeing what the monthly costs would be I decided I wanted to pre-order, for one reason only. Early Game Access.


So in short, because I wasn't willing to blindly put money behind a game I knew almost nothing about, I have to wait for everyone else to gain access?


This defeats the purpose of early access for me. I'm now not leveling up, I'm falling behind, and I wanted to take this game seriously (In a fun way of course)


Now here I am, after 4 waves of invites have been sent out holding my ****


IMHO I've already lost any edge, and I'm really thinking about just shrugging off this game, cancel the pre-order and maybe come back in 6 months depending on how it does.


BioWare - You are being to cautious & you are pissing your customers off. I thought all this stress testing, and having pre-orders was to alleviate the 'all at once' login of a few hundred thousand people. Instead I feel like I'm back in highschool, and there is a security guard at the door of 7-11 at lunch hour only letting 3 of us in at one time.


I have to run to the mall tomorrow for an investment meeting at the bank, if I haven't gotten that invite by then, I'll cancel my pre-order and blow my 60ish bucks on something that doesn't waste my time.


If I'm really pissed off, maybe after I've cancelled & gotten my money back & still have early game access, I'll just troll your users. Should be good for some free entertainment.

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I agree, I've seen a few mmo launches, and frankly, they tend to go baaaaad. But, more importantly, THIS IS NOT A LAUNCH. This is EARLY ACCESS. This is NOT what you paid "top dollar" for, you paid for the game, which is not released yet. You are complaining because Bioware decided to throw in something extra for the people who pre-ordered, and you're getting mad that you're not getting special treatment? You want them to just let everyone in and bust the servers right in the nuts? That's probably what's going to happen when the game actually LAUNCHES. I'm just grateful that they're letting us on a few days early, no matter how few days it may be.


yea *** but this is why we pre-ordered it

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Internet tantrums, while entertaining, do make me worry a bit for the fate of humanity. My own roommate was nerd raging because you "only get 30 days of free play." This is the standard for most MMO's. If you got, say, 10 days of free play time, that might suck a bit. I tried to explain this to him. "But I bought the super-fancy epic edition," was the gist of his response, sans a few colorful expletives. Yes, this is true. And I'm sure it will have lots of super-fancy epic goodies inside a super-fancy epic metal tin. That is what you paid extra money for, not to be pampered.


It is absolutely astounding how many people feel entitled to more than they're already getting. Your pre-order code grants you up to 5 days of early game access. That could be 5. That could be 1. Instead they're giving you up to 7. Stop complaining. If a few random stragglers who pre-ordered later than you happen to slip in, are you really surprised? There are hundreds of thousands of pre-orders, I'm sure--at the very least. It was bound to happen.


Also, 4 waves a day sounds like a helluva lot of work to me. They don't just press a button, wait an hour, get coffee, a sandwich, chat around the water cooler, etc. while everyone sits and stews, then let off another wave. They have to constantly monitor all the servers to make sure they can handle the numbers. You should feel grateful that they're putting so much time and effort into making sure the game runs optimally, not kicking and screaming and pounding on the floor. That behavior isn't even acceptable in four-year-olds, let alone adolescents, young adults, and grown-ups.


I pre-ordered in November; I'll probably be in with 4 days to launch. Am I going to complain? Hell no, that's 4 extra days I get to play before the game even hits shelves. I'm ecstatic. Try to remember that this is the first time BioWare has ever made an MMO. I'm sure they have staff that have worked on them before, but the company as a whole has not. They know how to make great games, but that doesn't mean they're not still learning as they go too. Have some patience, and hard as it may be, try to have a little empathy for the dev's. They're working 40+ hours a week to entertain you.


I will say that I feel the UK/EU/etc. folks are getting a bit shafted. I don't agree with the fact that some of them--perhaps all, I'm not sure--will have their 30 days of free play time chewed into simply because they're not in the US. This is unfortunate and I think BW probably should have handled their non-US sales a little better. But this should also be a sign to the US players--and everyone else who will enjoy pre-launch playtime--to be grateful. You could have gotten hosed like the EU players and not received any pre-launch time at all.


I'm off my soapbox now. Note that while I'm more than willing to wait my turn, if I happened to be one of the ones that accidentally slipped in early, I wouldn't complain. :D Regardless, see you all in the game, and do remember to try and have fun. ;)

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seriously, this launch is such a ****up, just look at this thread, shows up fail:ish the launch is.


bioware, you're adding players way to slow, should be around septermber/october by now...


Account made in october... I'm guessing that's why you think they should be on october atm cause' you pre-ordered then? :p


Seriously I've played Baldurs Gate II, KotOR 1, both Dragon Age and both Mass Effect.. And I'm only 15 :D All made by Bioware and all perfect games..

See here, EGA was supposed to be 5 days before and now when we get 7 days you're complaining? Sorry but I can't understand people that complain when they can eat the cake AND keep it!

Seriously you will get into the game eventually.. Just relax ;)

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