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Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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If I worked up at bioware...

At the end of the day, when it's announced invites are going to stop.

I'd have these forums up on a bigscreen and constantly refreshed...


And kick my feet up and drink a beer. While reading them.

Some of these comments, are pure gold.

Raging over a 24-48 wait period.


I agree it could have worked better...

But I cannot overload the rage.


Oh and FYI.


THIS IS NOT A LAUNCH! It's an interesting technique to allow some people in before launch.

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I second what has been said in the old thread and this new thread-


If EGA was truly based solely on when you added your preorder code then it should be 100% transparent and we should all know what kind of time frame for each set of "waves" are.


Of course, we all know that that spiel is untrue and EGA is not being based on preorder code redemption because the people in right now seem almost random. What is this "super sekret" order they are doing to issue EGA invites? At this point it seems almost totally random, unlike what their PR spin is saying.

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I was in the first wave, played a bit... but then I logged off to come to the forums.

This thread is a lot more fun than the game itself!!

Popcorn and a ice-cold beer....:D


now i know your lying, beer and popcorn are disgusting together, no beer drinker would eat popcorn over pretzels!

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Everyone who claims to be in game and has registered in September or last week is lying.


Absolutely lying and trolling to annoy you, and it is working.


There is absolutely and unreservedly only one way in which they are not lying.... they post a screenshot of their account page (with personally identifying data blanked out ofc) with the registration date and with the ega active message.


Noone in 4000 posts has supplied this screenshot - becuase it does not exist.


End. of.

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I'm not an angry person.. I understand Bio / EA's reasoning behind the "waves"... They want their little gold star on the rare "MMO's with a clean, smooth launch" posterboard, especially one of this magnitude.


I just can't see how they couldn't have planned to be doing more for their pre-order customer base at a faster pace.


In having open beta / stress testing, they have been aware of what their servers can handle. Couple that with knowing how many preorder's they had and assuming 90% of them would be online today wanting to play (always overshoot!) - and I'm left wondering how they couldn't project they would need more servers to be opened than clearly what they've done today, with supposedly only one more wave left for today...


Yes, staggering entry is great for stability - not so good for friends wanting to log in and play together from the start... Great for boasting to the game development community about their smooth launch - not so great for pre-ordering customers from july & august who assumed they would be on board and playing by now, who may have possibly taken time off work, or at least scheduled themselves accordinly...


And what IS the deal with only one more wave? Are you all just going to go home early, and call it a day while the swarms of game-thirsty players chomp at the bit pawing at the login gates hopelessly? It's not like you don't have additional servers already in place to open and allow additional room & access, right?.. I mean, you're not having them FED-EX'd to you tonight for tomorrow's waves? (lol)...


And again, I come back to the knowledge you've had for months about the number of preorders patiently waiting these past several months.


Should you not have your entire team working around the clock to open servers, and have waves more often than once an hour, and more than just 4 in total today?


... Before all of the happily contented popcorn eaters sling their "crybaby's" at me, let me first freely admit to it before you do so. Yes, I'm a crybaby. I wanted to be playing today, and (apparently) mistakenly assumed Bioware / EA would be handling things so that a JULY 26 code-entery customer could be doing so.. (silly me!)..


And I also freely admit that had I been accepted already, I wouldn't be here moaning, and instead smiling, clicking my keys and mouse, enjoying the flashing lights, without a care for those I left behind on the forums... But well... here I find myself, with nothing better to do while waiting for wave 4 in an uneasy desperation, flabberghasted at how this early access wasn't handled in a speedier, efficient, and wider-ranging manner given everything they've known about up to this point.


/crymode off... time to make a sammich.. fingers crossed, but hope levels @ under 10%.


You summed up my exact thoughts...good post. Would love to know why they think that 4 waves are sufficient. If they continued waves through the night you would make a lot of your player base happy and down the road when some are waffling on staying or leaving its this kind of support that will keep people. Get off your behinds and stop giving us vague answers and give us something concrete to work with. I would be ok waiting until even the 15th if I knew that was when I could get it. Setting expectations for your consumer base should be an fing no brainer.

Edited by Overdog
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Like everyone I'm pretty angry about this. I pre-ordered my collector's edition at the very first second it became availible in Connecticut, I was waiting outside of Gamestop. Due to them screwing up I had to create an entirely new account to enter my Collector's edition code since they only registered me with a standard edition. Customer service told me I had to create a NEW account days later and register it to get my CE benefits.


Right now I have a SWG guild waiting for me on Juyo server (though I imagine I'm not alone here) and at 12:30 PM EST I'm not in yet, and am basically hearing I might not get in.


No offense, but this really sucks and I'm hoping something happens to make EA/Bioware regret this, because I pretty much knew I was going to get nailed by their initial screw up.


Lukily I *didn't* take a day out of work for this game or anything, but I do think EA should be forced to pay compensation to anyone who did. What's more I think there should be in-game "catch up" bonuses awarded to people who pre-ordered and didn't get into the game immediatly because like it or not it's an MMO, and while we wait we're losing the oppertunity to score "server firsts" and "game firsts" and similar things.


This kind of thing is just bloody ridiculous, and I'd think that since there are issues like this with almost every headstart for every MMO ever that those launching MMOs would learn and deal with it and plan ahead to get everyone into the game at once... and conversely work on spawn rates and such to begin with to deal with overcrowded start areas since they can be adjusted later (but that's probably too much like common sense).


Yes, I'm mad, yes I'm rambling. But I do think I actually have a pretty good reason. I don't see why I should have to pay due to them screwing up my pre-order code.

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a little communication would be nice, they have all the numbers, and a strucured plan... the least they could do is share there "plan" with us. if there invite bot is broken.. tell people. dont make them think there is a secret agenda.


There's no secret agenda. They need to take it as the flow comes in, which raises many factors. Some factors folks may not be considering: not all EGA invitees are logging in right away (at work, etc.), so BW needs to see how man do log in after a wave goes out; they can only manage so many zone instances per server and have to keep the waves coming in at a manageable level, even if there is still room on the server, so later zone instances don;t get locked out by the earlier ones filling up.


So, relax. If they promised something, and something outside their control screwed up the process, you'd be really upset. You might become one of these "I was guaranteed [something]" people, who were never guaranteed anything, or one of these "file a BBB complaint" people, who never read the EUALA, or one of these "I [did something dumb, like take vacation time, when I had no guarantee of EGA]" people, who make bad assumptions and act on them to their own detriment then blame someone - anyone - else.


But you're not one of these people, though, so relax with a cup of coffee, do some work, laugh at this Thread, and dream of EGA to come...



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People just relax. I'm sure they're trying to get everyone in as quickly as possible as the servers allow. This is to avoid mass server crashes which are just a headache. They'll allow waves, then get the servers stable and ready for the next. I expect to see most people in fairly quickly.
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Soooooo excited! I keep refreshing my email even though I know I probably won't get in today. Still super excited that they are giving us early early access. On that note...

The $5 preorder was for up to 5 days early ...NOT 7. So them starting the influx early is a treat not a right. Also we weren't promised the full 5 days early...it was up to 5 days which means it might be anywhere in between those days.... So be happy. I will be surprised and stoked when I get the invite.

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next thing you know people are gonna whine and cry when they log in and see beta toons were wiped (seriously hundreds of people rage quit during the beta because they thought beta meant early access and there toons would be saved)


That would be funny if true.....if you really thought your beta toons would be kept I got a bridge in NY for sale real cheap.

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Servers has launched. This means that the game has launched. That they call it EGA or whatever, does not change the simple fact that the game is live and launched.


Somebody described this as being the final beta stage, except the characters wont be wiped. (stress-testing the servers). An statement which seems perfectly valid.


Why are we paying 5$ to (maybe get a chance to) test your servers?


Another thing:

I think bioware should do one simple thing to ensure at least a little bit of fair spread of "luck".


Add 7 days to all subscriptions from start. Deduct the time they had in EGA from this number and voila, everyone got an equal amount of days for the pre-order-fee.

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