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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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yeh take it easy guys :) it did only recently get upgraded from a 5 to a 7 day early access, also while bioware make the game its often publishers who decide how the launch takes place, so don't slate them too much for how things are going :)
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Great work on rolling out those servers guys! :)


From the streams I've been looking at around the net it looks like everything is running incredibly smooth and I've not seen a single instance of disconnects or lagging from anyone or heard any complaints in that regard yet.


I'm looking forward to be able to play myself in the near future... I wasn't exactly able to pre-order or secure a code for the Collectors Edition I wanted until the beginning of August, but I'm sure you'll get to that date eventually.


I used to beta test and play Anarchy Online from launch and that game was a mess!

During the beta period I was barely able to log in and I when I was, the lag was so bad that I was never able to get out of the starting zone. When the game finally launched, people weren't able to create accounts for a day or so, because Funcom's website had too much traffic.


I guess that was to expect from a game that was set on only having one singular server for all players, but it was still crazy laggy months in.


It's quite a different scene now hundreds of thousands of players in a game like this from day 1, but it's great to see that things have gotten a lot better and more streamlined over the years. :)

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What I also want to mention is, we paid extra for our pre-order compared to the actual game price. It's not much but let's compare it for a moment.

5$ for pre-order EGA, 15$ for 30 day game sub.

Now we paid 5$ for 5 days, now 7 days which, even if it's just a perk, is still outrageously expensive considering we aren't guaranteed that we get our money's worth in days.


If you look in other currency's... i paid £5 and UK Monthly Sub is £8.99 So I paid over half of a month's worth in game sub for chance are.... 3 days EA. I agree with your post. I am not annoyed I havent go in first day, But an Idea of what day I am likely to get in would be nice.

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Hahha i love how people have no CLUE what the words "Up to" mean. Read the fine print when you're ordering/paying for something.


Just because you pre-ordered, doesn't mean you get in on the 15th even.


You can play UP TO 5 days before ....meaning, hello....1 day before, 2 days before, an HOUR before....


Oh man, I'm gonna get some lunch, and probably some popcorn and just watch this space for pure entertainment value.


July 23rd pre-ordered here, and I ain't even mad. This is worth it.


RIVERS OF IDJIT TEARS! I should have brought a kayak.


Mate, im joining you, this is brilliant, as a december pre-orderer im not expecting EGA til later this week, anything before that is a bonus to me, so reading these QQers posts is epic

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I ordered on the 2nd of dec . not for early access but just to have the game for launch. People need to relax. This is an extra 2 days ontop of the (upto) 5 day EGA they promised. Complain about the launch on the 20th when the launch is "offical".
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Guys, only 4 waves today makes a lot of sense. Out of the people invited so far, not NEARLY everyone got to play yet. Many are stuck at school, work, etc., and will be for the next 3-7 hrs. When they all get home, all hell is going to break loose. If that period coincides with a 5th wave, the servers will explode. They have to make sure the servers will survive the primetime tonight, with what they already have. Depending on how it plays out, it could mean more/less waves tomorrow.
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you guys will probably hate this and im not saying it for wow factor. If you were playing WoW through wrath of the lich king and cataclysm then you know when they open the doors and say have at it when there r so many players in one area it crashes even for blizzard. I remember waiting inline at Midnight (will never do it again) driving home 1Hr cause my town doesnt have a mall to find out i couldnt login til early morning because of the high population and the problems keeping the servers up and look how many servers they have right now. So this is actually kinda smart in my book even though i wish i would of had the money to preorder it in july but i did preorder it in sept and didnt realize i needed to enter the code in for first come first serve early access cause i didnt put mine in til november when i found that out lol.


You know that is all good and all. I do not mind the staggered access. How ever only 4 waves today that is the part that is not good. Waves should be rolling out well into the evening/night.

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WARGLEBARGLEGAAAH! Look at me! I R MAD! I preordered a game for 5 bucks that doesn't release till the 20th of December and I somehow think I'm entitled to be in the game on the 13th. I'M SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALL OF YOU, IF YOU DON'T LET ME IN BIOWARE I'LL SUE YOU FOR FALSE ADVERTISEMENT. WARGLEBARGLEGAAAH!


LMMFAO yea thats about right :D:eek:

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Good post and I understand the difficulties that go into such a large launch.


However they repeatedly stated that the deteriming factor into when you will egt Early Access would be the date of code redemption. I have a guildie who redeemed after me and has already gotten access.


The opaqueness of the whole process is what is driving the backlash on this.

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Hey everyone, good morning and welcome to the first day of Early Game Access for Star Wars: The Old Republic!


We're granting access based solely on when people's pre-orders were redeemed, and we're going to be granting it in 'waves' - large batches of emails and game entitlements that will go out over the course of today (and tomorrow, and the next day, and so on).


I'll be updating this thread (and this post) as we send out more 'waves' of invites.


So far today, we have sent out two 'waves' of invites; we will be sending more later on, but I cannot be specific on timing. (Why? Because as we invite each wave, we monitor to see how servers are performing and so on. If everything is good, we'll send a 'wave' earlier; we in fact sent 'wave 2' ahead of schedule. So cross your fingers.)


Now, to the question you all have: when will you be invited? Well, I cannot be specific to individuals or even to dates, because again, we have to remain flexible. That said, I can talk a little about the pattern of pre-orders.


At the very beginning of pre-orders, which started on July 21st, we had a massive influx of pre-orders. A huge spike. After that, things settled down. As a result, today especially, you're going to see a fairly narrow band of dates from those admitted to Early Game Access. From tomorrow, it'll spread out to a wider date range.


That's about as specific as we're going to get right now. However, as we send more waves I'll update this thread/post with more information. Thanks for your patience - we know it's been a long road, but you'll be playing before too long.


Update: Wave 3 was just sent.


Bla bla bla...I pre-ordered your game to get early access, and where is it? Ohh in wave 134??

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so basically im screwed all and have to wait all because bioware didnt give gamestop enough codes ( the ran out and i had to wait 2 months to get my code in late october although i pre-ordered in july) now i wont be able to get in til when??


come on.. just open the server and let people on!!

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Why take off a day of work when it was clearly stated "up to 5 days" of early access? Why not wait till you are actually in the game and then take the next day?? This is EARLY ACCESS, not release!!!


Actually, Bioware does consider this a release... well, a launch anyways which is basically the same thing.


This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, BioWare's largest and most ambitious project to date,...
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