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Rename this game Stun Wars The Old Republic


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Title really says it all.. As a marauder, I have a 2 min stun break skill. When i first used that skill I had the counter counting down.


I was stunning 14 times in a 2 min cooldown for my next stun break..




14 times.......



So tell me the new content patch for PVP fixes this problem... If not WHY?



1. Why on earth do I have a 2 min CD on my stun break. If we are going to have so many stuns it should be a 30 sec CD.


2. Why am I being stunned when I leap to attack someone and it throws me across the room?


I spent more time on the ground without my stun break then I do playing in warzones..


It is time to fix this problem bioware.. Blizzard made the stun effects about half of what they are for PVE in a patch and it really solved major problems with this.


Why not make it so if you stun someone they cant be stunned again for 10 secs by anyone? This would really make a lot more sense. I cant tell you how many people I hear complain about this issue..



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Do you know what I find bizarre about the over-the-top amount of stuns/cc in this game ? I can count on one hand how many times I had to actually stun/cc a mob during all my pve encounters, whilst levelling any of my characters. So Bioware must have put the stuns etc in for pvp, surely ? Crazy. Edited by -Alma-
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Not saying I agree with it, but does make for a catchy name.




Yeah, it basically has been mention 20 times already, see below:










I like this one since it tries to be a little more original:








So yeah, can we make yet another thread talking about this?

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It wouldn't be so dumb if you could dispel stuns. 0 setup 1 button 4 second stuns that almost everyone has, and the only way to get out early is a 2 minute cooldown? Edited by Paralassa
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Funny thing I just went like 30 secs before this at the wow forums and noobs were QQ'ing about exactly this... (Perhaps with more reason)the cc's in WoW... "RENAME IT WORLD OF CC'CRAFT!"


Yea sure... everyone is entitled to their opinion but to present it as fact :confused: .... 1/10 OP and people that agree with him...

Edited by Assaultrooper
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While they're at it I wish they would bring in the 3-point line in basketball, it's too far! I take like 50 shots and barely make any from that distance, whoever designed that GAME needs to change it, and they need to balance racials I mean seriously.
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