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1.2 Healer Change Q&A Response and Feedback


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The fact they went live with it like this speaks volumes about this dev team. They're the same clowns that screwed up companion's so you have to un-equip and re-equip earpieces and implants for them every time you re-summon a companion. They cant even get the simple stuff right and they want you to believe they have a plan... Lmao


Ur so right these devs are trying to find the square root of 2345892 before they know how to do 2 plus 2. Thats my issue that they r acting like they are on par with wow devs but still havent learned how to make gyromite.


Bioware is like the people who want a million dollars but dont know that there is work from 1 dollar to 999999 they think cause u want a million u get a million. The community would rather have a perfect game and the worry about class balance then a broken game and have devs still focus on class balance. A mmo is for the 99% not the 1% and bioware is trying to fix the 1% while the 99% is broken and unfortunately they cant even do that.

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Totally agree man, the fact that we have to use supercharge cells/gas to stay ammo efficient, and then cancel the buff to start rebuilding charges again, is absolutely ridiculous. I thought that SCC was one of the #1 abilities that made us fun and dynamic to play, and it has been reduced to a once every 15 second mini-regen ability. It may as well not even provide any buffs to healing, remove the cool-down from Healing Scan or give the damage reduction buff to Kolto missile, because we literally can't afford to take advantage of any of these or we'll overheat and wipe the raid. So broken it's not even funny.


After another night of raiding where we did a HM EV to gear up some of our newer players, I'm starting to adjust but it still wasn't easy. At 4/5 Rakata with a pretty well geared raid, HM EV should not be that stressful, a little bit of a challenge is fine but I was working my *** off to keep people alive and felt I was pretty close to the maximum possible healing I could sustain without having heat problems. Tonight we'll be trying the new content again I'll have to increase my healing output to help the raid, but I don't really see how I'm going to pull it off.


And this design error is ridiculously easy to prove to anyone with a minimum of math, logic and spreadsheeting skills.


HS+HoT spam + Rapid Shots is more efficient than HS(+HoT)+RS comboes (+Rapid Shots for heat neutrality).


Yes, during gas it is literally, mathematically WORSE to use our previous class mechanic of comboing HS with RS, just HS different targets for the 3 or so heals you can actually do during gas, and forget RS unless your tank is in trouble.


That speaks plainly and bluntly that the heat change to the comboing of the two heals is JUST PLAIN BROKEN.

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Anyone see this weeks q&a? Its a joke when are they going to not cherrypick questions and answer the healing community. They somehow find questions that all start with 'i love 1.2 its perfect' lol. Just horrble communication.


They would answer but the "our metrics" show it balanced wont fly now that everyone can see the numbers with the new combat log.


They failed they know it how could they not know I see it every time my guild runs Operations.


The numbers don't lie and they show a huge lack of balance between healers yet Bioware does nothing. ( I guess they did do something they broke Bodyguards but hey have a free month playing a un-balanced class with no mechanic )


Their silence speaks volumes ...:(

Edited by RoadRash
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Anyone see this weeks q&a? Its a joke when are they going to not cherrypick questions and answer the healing community. They somehow find questions that all start with 'i love 1.2 its perfect' lol. Just horrble communication.


As always, keep in mind the real purpose of that Q&A. It gets reposted at almost every fan site, and broad publicity. It is a PR event, not a venue for meaningful information flow. Every now and then they can say something useful, like the threat question, but they cannot actually address problems like what they did to healers because it would raise awareness of how terrible the current state of the game design is.


As for your first question, I didn't see it til your post made me go look. Mostly because I just can't be bothered to care anymore.


This weekend was the Open Beta for TERA. It was amazing. I was tanking since I could only create one character, but I spent 20+ minutes fighting this one random world boss with two strangers, and it was insane. By far the most fun I've had with an MMO ever, and I've generally been subscribed to one since 2004. It's pretty fun most of the time, and just insanely fun on occasion. The story is okay, but if SWTOR taught us anything its that story where you spend <5% of your time can't come at the expense of the gameplay that takes up the rest of it.


I was willing to wait for them to upgrade the gameplay, but between decreased gameplay quality and terrible community relations, they lost me and a game with a focus on being fun to play has come along while they were busy denying anything was wrong.

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