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Do you like the amount of Stuns and Snares?


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Yes, loving it.


People who dont like it are baddies who have no idea how to use the resolve system to their advantage.

You mean that in 60 seconds you have the full control of your characters for 5 seconds.

So you best use that 5 seconds to your advantage to spam /spit.

Edited by KekoSplit
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There are two groups of people in this thread:

If you are the one that usually carries the huttball=you hate cc.

If you are the one that usually attacks the one that has the huttball=you love cc.




I'm not being completely serious btw..

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There are two groups of people in this thread:

If you are the one that usually carries the huttball=you hate cc.

If you are the one that usually attacks the one that has the huttball=you love cc.




I'm not being completely serious btw..


Haha, but everything has its grain of truth, no?

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Make resolve last 30 seconds. Also, snares add to the bar. Also, make resolve persist through death, and the timer does not start counting down until you're back in the field.


Then you can have all the stuns and snares you like, but you have to think about when to use them.


In the situation now, basically, if it's off cd, use it. That's not so good.

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Two stuns and your resolve bar is full, I don't see the problem.


Because if you don't have a healer on you, you come out of the second stun at 3% health. Then you die, then you rez with no resolve, then you land on the battlefield, then you get stunned twice, then you come out of the second stun at 3% health.... get it?

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The only time I really hate stuns is when I charge into two players I just KNOW I can take 1 on 2, yet the 2 stuns give them enough time to do the damage they need to get me low enough I can't pull it off anymore. =P


U did read what u said

seems to me if u new they had stuns then u cant take them

people need to relise somthing how to pvp if u dont under stand your role u will die in pvp every time shure its frustrating to get locked buy 2 or 3 even 5 players but the truth of the matter is u got jumped buy that many people and stuns or not u will die i have seen pros at work i wont say im one but truth be told they can kill groups of players cos they no their role and how to use it

stop winging stop crying cos all i hear is people like u every day on this fourm complaining and talking crap this aint a movie u aint darth vade or yoda and yes OTHER PLAYERS CAN KILL U

i see this crap in every pvp game if u had a class that could do only them moves people would say here that toon is to op u would complain about that get lost ALL OF U if u dont like the game but for gods sake when u leave dont post ya verble garbage here im fine with stuns i play a sorcc i have 2 of them i also have 1 interupt skill but in pvp its useless u cant react in time pvp is sic i have great fun there and i dont always do well

relise this sometimes u win somtimes u lose but if u get angry over what is a GAME then u need to check ya self


why is it somthing is always broken when people arnt winning in the way they want to

learn the game or leave

it wont change for u or anyone else

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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Yes. I like my PvP to be fun and varied with different types of abilities that make the game more challenging. I don't want to pvp where two people stand there and mash 2 buttons to see who does more damage. That is called PvE.


The only complaint I have is the sorc knockback + root. This should never happen. Ever.


Learn to use resolve, learn to be patient--to pop defensive CDs in anticipation of a stun or the like.


Like the above dude, I only play melees; I have only played melees in every MMO I have played. Coming from other MMOs, the CC in SWTOR is mild, especially compared to World of Addoncraft, where you're constantly rooted or slowed while trying to fight a ranged with 5 escapes.


Why shouldnt the knockback (sorc)have root if they are specced for it? It's an amendment to the skill through talents. It is designed mainly to stop being focus nuked by melee, all it does in fact is delay them from killing you. They need it, the extra roots give u a little time, and are especially useful/fun in huttball.


Many abilities in this game are frustrating and are also life saving abilities and they should probably never happen either, but that is what they are for at the end of the day. Melee are no different, and have their advantages also. Marauders shields, shadow immunity to force damage, and some classes have complete immunity to cc/knockbacks as a skill where as sorc do not. Most of these things can be countered basically. We all have something we wish was not in the game but tend to have tunnel vision when we think other classes are OP, since we often do not play them or understand them. Sorc and marauders are classic examples of this.


Back on topic tho, no there are not too many stuns in the game. Knowing when to stun/root/mezz is where the skill lies - especially in huttball. Some people do not understand resolve either, not from what i have seen.

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Make resolve last 30 seconds. Also, snares add to the bar. Also, make resolve persist through death, and the timer does not start counting down until you're back in the field.


Then you can have all the stuns and snares you like, but you have to think about when to use them.


In the situation now, basically, if it's off cd, use it. That's not so good.


Lol no, 30 seconds would be stupid and destroy the game for many classes.

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stunns and resolve system is fine. it is also is fine that snares and roots are not increasing resolve, considering how they are currently implemented among the classes (cd's etc.).


p.s. i am playing a sentinel, a sage and a vanguard, being sometimes ball carrier and sometimes ball carrier hunter.


from my experience 99% of people i see in game complaining about stunns etc. are very very bad palyers. they do not know how to position them self to avoid being affected negative by e.g. a knockback or how to use their on abilities to compensate for the opponents cc's.


edit: if i see a player using his cc regularly as soon as it is off cd - even in pug warzones - i know he is bad. it is easy to to play against such players.

Edited by me_unknown
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Taking the title in a different way, for me it's not so much the amount of stuns and snares per class thats the greater problem, it's the way warzone queues currently sort that can make what is a debatable issue become an almost ludicrous reality.


So when the queue sort delivers you into a warzone in which there are 6 sorcerors (and it could just as well be sages) and a couple of Bounty Hunters on the opposing side and a more random mix of all classes on the Republic side, the sheer amount of utility in stuns, snares and slows that one single (sorceror in this case) class brings to the battle as a group, along with their extended range beyond 30m, makes the whole much greater than the sum of the parts and you do then begin to feel much what the OP was expressing.


With that many of that particular class in one warzone, most of the Republic side are then left snared or moving in slow motion for most of the time, with an inevitable conclusion. When at that number, it takes really bad sorceror playesr to lose against a much more random mix of Reps on the other.


I'm hoping at some point the wz queueing algorithm does a better job of sorting out balanced sides, rather than just using the number of players as it seems now.

Edited by Theagg
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Root on melee is as bad as a stun half the time. It should add some resolve at least.


Diminishing returns: half a resolve bar reduces the duration of cc. Full resolve bar makes you immune.



As it is, I'm forced to play kinetic shadow because infiltration is so squishy I'm usually dead before resolve kicks in...


Then again the cc in this game is ok. Just annoying if you're easily killed and roots lock you down pretty much as hard as stuns do.

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So when the queue sort delivers you into a warzone in which there are 6 sorcerors (and it could just as well be sages) and a couple of Bounty Hunters on the opposing side and a more random mix of all classes on the Republic side, the sheer amount of utility in stuns, snares and slows that one single (sorceror in this case) class brings to the battle as a group, along with their extended range beyond 30m, makes the whole much greater than the sum of the parts and you do then begin to feel much what the OP was expressing.


i totally disagree. when this happens i usually have the easiest win of all matches. you see the resolve bar going white in 1-2s because at least two sages/sorcs are using their cc's at the same time and then our ball carrier just cna run/jump through them till the end.


but i agree somewhat, that when my teammates are all totaly stupid and there is not even one additional player with brain, then nothing helps and then yes, you feel like you described: being alone against 6 sorcs feels bad. but on the other side, being alone vs 6 any class mix feels the same.

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i totally disagree. when this happens i usually have the easiest win of all matches. you see the resolve bar going white in 1-2s because at least two sages/sorcs are using their cc's at the same time and then our ball carrier just cna run/jump through them till the end.


but i agree somewhat, that when my teammates are all totaly stupid and there is not even one additional player with brain, then nothing helps and then yes, you feel like you described: being alone against 6 sorcs feels bad. but on the other side, being alone vs 6 any class mix feels the same.


Well, 6 sorcerors (sages) working together in Hutball have usually sped, leapt and pulled each other with the ball to the winning line long before the random mix have even got out of the middle ground.


Root ignores resolve of course.


Not sure what you mean by "being alone against 6 sorcerors", which is not what I was describing at all.

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Well, 6 sorcerors (sages) working together in Hutball have usually sped, leapt and pulled each other with the ball to the winning line long before the random mix have even got out of the middle ground.


Root ignores resolve of course.


Not sure what you mean by "being alone against 6 sorcerors", which is not what I was describing at all.


let me explain it in more details:


1. your post was about 6 sorcs, though not saying they were palying organized, just being pug like everyone else. in this case the ball carrier usually is more or less alone (being part of a pug).

if i have only 1 single intelligent player in my pug team i BEG for facing 6 random sage/sorc players because they make me immune to stunns/mezz in at most 2s and root/snares i can handle with that single one guy on my own (it helps that they are ranged classes thus usually staying at distance, ideal for jumping to them).


2. 6 organized sorcs/sages are worse than 6 any other combination of classes also playing organized.

Edited by me_unknown
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In every game, it is what makes PvP PVP and not PvE

I admit i dont have much experience from PvP in other games, i have only done that in lotro.

The diference is not the amoiunt of CC, its how many classes actually pocesses it! In this game all classes has some kind of CC, thats why it becomes a necesity in swtor PvP!

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I now know just how truly awful MMO PvP can be. Terrible class balance, can't do a damn thing for the vast majority of combat time. I'd be hard pressed to actually make it worse.


I'll give a few months, but if this is intended, I'm out. Why pay to play a character I spend such little time in control of?

Edited by WildcardHatesYou
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I like the variety and strategy involved to hold back a rez'd group while you are capping a door/node.


However, in all honesty I only have 3 opinions regarding the cc's:


1.) Knockback + Root is terrible and OP. I am not sure why they only allow this to one class. I should be able to Harpoon and root for 5 seconds as a counter than.

Or interrupt and silence for 8 seconds. All just dumb ideas.


2.) NO CC should last more than 4 seconds max. Let them last as long as they want in PvE but for PvP 4 seconds is more than enough time including chain stunning/slowing someone.


3.) Everything should effect resolve. Slows/Stuns/Mezz/Channeling/Charges/ all should be adding to a players' resolve bar.


I would like to see a mix of DR + Resolve but probably not going to happen.


I cannot keep up with all the replies in this thread, but this is pretty sound imo.

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