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Battle Master Bags


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:mad:what the %^$% is up with BM bags opened 15 and not 1 dam commendation bioware u got problems it is no wonder people are quitting and complaining **** like this make person quit in heartbeat fix problems before u dump another patch that's not ready and blows
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:mad:what the %^$% is up with BM bags opened 15 and not 1 dam commendation bioware u got problems it is no wonder people are quitting and complaining **** like this make person quit in heartbeat fix problems before u dump another patch that's not ready and blows
All 4 of the ones I have opened have had commendations in them, it really is completely random I guess.
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its not the fact there changing and making it easier its the fact of grinding them out to get nothing except champion commendations which are totally useless while others get them left and right its obvious there is problem with the random generator as far as qq that's what this place for so dev can see there **** ups and fix them Edited by Phraarrii
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What are you talking about?


The next patch is changing this thing you rage QQ about to something you will probably rage QQ about because you seem like the kind of person who rage QQ about anything.



yeah its tottaly logical for some people to go 25+ and no comms but i can go 4/8? funny how you gotta insult people cause the have an oppinon and valid point. more nerfs bio ware! keep fixing what aint broken!

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I opened 4 bags today and got 3 tokens. My overall drop rate is now 28% from 65 bags. It's random. Sometimes people get lucky, sometimes they don't... a few freak outliers shouldn't be too much of a cause for concern as the vast majority of players will be close to be average rate.
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There's RNG and then there's not so RNG where the programmer uses the same seed when you open the next bag. I noticed this when getting streaks such as 3-4 (old) champion bags with tokens in them. Now days, when i finish dailies, if I open one bag and get no BM comms, I don't pick up and open the other bag until after my next warzone. Don't want to risk another not-so-RNG experience.
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There's RNG and then there's not so RNG where the programmer uses the same seed when you open the next bag. I noticed this when getting streaks such as 3-4 (old) champion bags with tokens in them. Now days, when i finish dailies, if I open one bag and get no BM comms, I don't pick up and open the other bag until after my next warzone. Don't want to risk another not-so-RNG experience.


Thanks for the Tip. That's something I'm going to start doing. I'm 6 out of about 70bags now, even rage quit for about a month, but Secret World and GuildWars 2 arent out yet so i got no choices.


For those that want a better understanding of how terrible this system is and how lazy the BioWare programmers are....


There are 2 types of "Random"


Bioware high school low wage Devs use the easy type, it's 1 line of Coding.

Battlemaster Comms == 25% chance


The other type of "Random" that successful games and more considerate/educated developers use have a slightly more advanced system that actually gives meaning to the fact when they state 25% chance of drop, using the "IF" and "Else IF" statements.


Item drop == 25% chance

IF the item doesnt drop Add to drop percentage

ELSE IF the item DOES drop subtract percentage.


Obviously what I typed isn't code language, I just wanted to illustrate how simple it is. It would honestly take any educated programmer less then half an hour to make the "25% chance" a lot closer to 25, and a lot less random. And that includes every user and every character, not just one person.


@ OP, sorry about your luck man. If it's any help, I actually only look forward to getting the 15 champion comms to gear up my companions, or min/max my main set/off set of gear. Stressing on getting a Battlemaster token is depressing. But I do look forward to BioWare actually implementing a system where people earn what they get, instead of just being lucky, unforunately I think it's to late for to many people, I know i'm one of them.

Edited by Paralassa
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I opened 4 bags today and got 3 tokens. My overall drop rate is now 28% from 65 bags. It's random. Sometimes people get lucky, sometimes they don't... a few freak outliers shouldn't be too much of a cause for concern as the vast majority of players will be close to be average rate.


A system that allows for freak outliers is broken


I am 2/24 on BM tokens since i started keeping track.


I quit playing for a month because I got bored and then came back because I read about 1.2 coming soon. Since I came back I am 2/24 on BM tokens in cases.


I also don't like a lot of the changes coming in 1.2.


The support for PvP in this game is also lamentably bad.

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A system that allows for freak outliers is broken


I am 2/24 on BM tokens since i started keeping track.


I quit playing for a month because I got bored and then came back because I read about 1.2 coming soon. Since I came back I am 2/24 on BM tokens in cases.


I also don't like a lot of the changes coming in 1.2.


The support for PvP in this game is also lamentably bad.


You should of known this was never going to be even a respectable PvP game when you read that the Flashpoint/Operations designer was a lead on the PvP aspect. No offense to that guy, I actually enjoy the mechanics (on nightmare since they are worth following). But you can't have a PvE oriented developer have any input on PvP. These are two seperate worlds.


You're other clue should have been the joke they call Ilum. Not only did they release it because to call themselves a PvP game, but it was half-assed and not thought through, and if it was thought through it wasn't developed. In either case, ever since Bioware merged with EA their quality of games especially end game endings have dramatically decreased. I'm still debating on Purchasing Secret World or not, after seeing this and ME3 I think I my money would be better spent donating it to some random game company.

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I've opened BM bags every day since Feb 6th, and I've only gotten maybe about 3 tokens from the bags. Valor 67 here. Bioware is a steaming sack of crap. Getting very frustrated. I hope 1.2 is better, but we'll see. I'm glad I wasnt the only one encountering this problematic RNG.
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