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Sigh... The Czerka-Crate-O-Matic


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Ok, so its rare. I can remember a time when the magenta crystal and +10 datacron were not so common knowledge, but hasn't enough time gone by? For those who possess one, have you not had your fill of exclusivity? Isn't it time one of you breaks the silence? We will love you for it! :)
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uhh silence about where it comes from? we already know where it comes from.....



It's from the purple artifact box you buy with Corellia commendations that costs 36 commendations. It's a small chance at getting it from that box.

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I did google it, and the results were vague. There was NO tutorial on how to get this item. I would gladly pay for this item, but to my knowledge, nobody on my server has it yet. So just to clarify, if you are on Veeboo Lunx, and you know how to get it, I will pay you 2 million credits. Or I have stacks of 99 of all the rarest crafting mats. Your choice. Edited by Evisceral
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I did google it, and the results were vague. There was NO tutorial on how to get this item. I would gladly pay for this item, but to my knowledge, nobody on my server has it yet. So just to clarify, if you are on Veeboo Lunx, and you know how to get it, I will pay you 2 million credits. Or I have stacks of 99 of all the rarest crafting mats. Your choice.


wow i just told you how to get it and you completely ignore my post....

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I did not ignore it, that is the first method I came across, but was "clued in" by someone who DOES have it, that it is not a drop or from a box. Of course, they wont tell me how to get it either so I suppose it sould be misdirection...
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I did not ignore it, that is the first method I came across, but was "clued in" by someone who DOES have it, that it is not a drop or from a box. Of course, they wont tell me how to get it either so I suppose it sould be misdirection...


The person was playing with you then.


A dev specifically said it was from the "level 36 correllia ancient artifact box" (the dev post is... well I forget exactly which thread it was in, would take time to find the quote. Obviously, he meant the box that costs 36 commendations.


Also, someone who has it, posted on Darthhater's site, in the comments section for this item, that it is from the 36 commendations ancient artifact box.

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Originally Posted by GeorgZoeller

There are some very rare items in the game.


The rarest one of all, at this point, being a very unique Czerka invention that, so far, only two players (out of 1.85 billion loot checks at that level) have looted since the game launched.



That is the only dev post I have ever seen about it, and the 36 number I think comes from the Torhead level requirement for the item. Of course, what do I know.

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I've been trying to find this item in my free time. I've opened the 36 comms artifact boxes from Corellia, I've killed probably 100 of the Tauntauns and non aggreesive strong mobs on Ilum, and am still searching if there is any form of a puzzle to this but no luck yet. I've never seen the object in person, only two different screen shots of it.


Any hints from devs (esp. Georg Zoeller) of which planet to narrow down the search would be much appreciated!

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The person was playing with you then.


A dev specifically said it was from the "level 36 correllia ancient artifact box" (the dev post is... well I forget exactly which thread it was in, would take time to find the quote. Obviously, he meant the box that costs 36 commendations.


Also, someone who has it, posted on Darthhater's site, in the comments section for this item, that it is from the 36 commendations ancient artifact box.


Don't think a dev ever said it was from the box. That quote is from the comments on one of the database sites.


Georg Zoeller said there were 2 in 1.8b drops or something and I highly doubt 1.8b of those boxes have been opened.

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Don't think a dev ever said it was from the box. That quote is from the comments on one of the database sites.


Georg Zoeller said there were 2 in 1.8b drops or something and I highly doubt 1.8b of those boxes have been opened.


"The rarest one of all, at this point, being a very unique Czerka invention that, so far, only two players (out of 1.85 billion loot checks at that level) have looted since the game launched."


I think that this box still has potential to be the source of the object, or at least we can't rule it out yet. Georg said 1.85 billion loot check at that level, not from the mob or specific drop/box. He said this on February 6th, so that could have been all the loot roles at level 50 combined since the box is a level 50 item roll.

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so is it like (hate to use this) the night elf camo form WoW? Like your stealthed but can't move and you can hide from patrols and stuff while they walk past you?


So I was fiddling around with the crate-o-matic I got yesterday, and it doesn't seem like it has much practical use.


1. You can't use it during combat.


2. Outside of combat, you can't move around in the crate (though, as I read somewhere else, you can change your outfit while inside).


3. The crate does not shield you from damage. Nor does it apply any stealth mechanic as far as I can tell.


4. If you hop into the crate, send your companion at mobs, and your companion dies - the mobs will target you even if you're in the crate.


5. If you hop into the crate, and a patrol passes by, the patrol will attack you.


6. Using any abilities while inside the crate will immediately pop you out of the crate.


I do have to say though, that it is rather hilarious to be in front of a GTN terminal with a bunch of people nearby and just pop into a crate.


Also, a note - even though the item tag still says "Binds on Equip" in my inventory, I can not sell it on the GTN. Haven't tried mailing or trading it yet though (I am kind of afraid of losing it).


edit: fiddled around some more

Edited by wangxiuming
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