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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Give us 1.2 as it is FAST !!! Too many players leaving the game !!!


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Its the same with any game for years now. People will leave, and find reasons for that, almost regardless of what you do. SWTOR so far has done better in keeping subs than just about anyone since the release of WOW, with the possible exclusion of EVE.


Today, you cant ask for much more than that.


Do they even hear the reasons people are leaving? I have not seen one survey being done by customer service to ask people what their issues are and base an update on those issues...

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Its the same with any game for years now. People will leave, and find reasons for that, almost regardless of what you do. SWTOR so far has done better in keeping subs than just about anyone since the release of WOW, with the possible exclusion of EVE.


Today, you cant ask for much more than that.


right.... thats why half the players cannot find a raid for 8 on a friday/sat night in the fleet... on over half the servers.

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[shrug] it's a case that the dust hasn't settled yet. Bioware vastly more subs than it needs to turn a profit, eventually all the players who are not happy with the game will leave and those that are happy with it will stay.


Here's hoping that those that are happy with it are enough to keep it running as fresh blood comes into the game, that way Bioware can go in one direction and follow one player base instead of trying to please everybody.

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And to put it midly again, by the time the work is finished, there might be no one around to appreciate it. Hell, I am exagerrating, not exactly no one, but then again, a game that has raid-based end game for 16 man might want to have some guilds with over 16 members still left, right?


Is SWTOR dying yet?

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Tell me if this happened on your server:


January Fleet Population: 350+

January Eternity Vault Population: 200+


March Fleet Population: 30-50

March Eternity Vault Population: 8/16/24





Anyone that says this game is flourishing is just kidding themselves. It's not. The sad thing is Bioware won't address any issues.

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right.... thats why half the players cannot find a raid for 8 on a friday/sat night in the fleet... on over half the servers.


Thanks for speaking for half of us. So, in short. 50% of the entire playerbase on friday and saturday attempted to find an operations group and failed. Man, you have access to some great readouts.


I honestly don't mind if people don't like the game or have an issue with it and I definitely don't mind if they wana waste their keystrokes telling people about it on a forum. (Cuz it is a waste of keystrokes, you know it, it's that empty feeling you get after you post and realize that you did that for basically no reason)


What I do mind, is when people like this guy make up numbers or pull predictions out of thin air and start speaking for X% of people who obviously have y% of issues that equals a total of Z% of people who are going to leave the game or stay, or picket or protest or scratch themselves irresponsibly.


Just say, yeh, you say it's doing great but personally I had a near impossible time finding an ops group last weekend, so to me it's not as healthy as I'd hope.


or y'kno..join a guild.

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What's the big deal? No one is going to be playing this game after Dec 21, anyway. That's when the world ends and we all get to do... Well, whatever you do after the world ends.



um....you know that the creation of daylight saving time actually threw the whole Mayan calander thing out of whack?...


technically the date passed 9 months ago...and we're still alive ;)

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[shrug] it's a case that the dust hasn't settled yet. Bioware vastly more subs than it needs to turn a profit, eventually all the players who are not happy with the game will leave and those that are happy with it will stay.


Here's hoping that those that are happy with it are enough to keep it running as fresh blood comes into the game, that way Bioware can go in one direction and follow one player base instead of trying to please everybody.


Let me give you my impression of that:


FRESH BLOOD? Gotta be kidding me, we followed the starter planet and asked people on fleet if they are new subs and 100% were alts... I have yet to find a new March sub on our server...


NOT SAYING there isn't any, just saying they either hide real good or there are just too few to count...

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Thanks for speaking for half of us. So, in short. 50% of the entire playerbase on friday and saturday attempted to find an operations group and failed. Man, you have access to some great readouts.


I honestly don't mind if people don't like the game or have an issue with it and I definitely don't mind if they wana waste their keystrokes telling people about it on a forum. (Cuz it is a waste of keystrokes, you know it, it's that empty feeling you get after you post and realize that you did that for basically no reason)


What I do mind, is when people like this guy make up numbers or pull predictions out of thin air and start speaking for X% of people who obviously have y% of issues that equals a total of Z% of people who are going to leave the game or stay, or picket or protest or scratch themselves irresponsibly.


Just say, yeh, you say it's doing great but personally I had a near impossible time finding an ops group last weekend, so to me it's not as healthy as I'd hope.


or y'kno..join a guild.


"Exaggeration: a representation of something in an excessive manner."


because he was really serious that 50% of the player population is unable to find a raid.

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Its honestly too late for most servers.


Most of the players remaining are either casual, not 50, or fanboys.


Had 36 people on in Imp Fleet yesterday.


I've noticed a significant decline as well. On my server (both Imp and Rep sides being about even in pop) I have noticed that during peak hours of around 7pm CST on Friday and Saturday nights the average fleet count has gone down from around 150 or so to a dismal 30-100 (fluctuating but usually around 100). On planets I see an avg of 20-30 tops (Quesh is lucky to break 5).


Many people in my guild have unsubbed, and are playing games like STO for crying out loud, until more content is released. I am hoping that patch 1.2 will woo people back because it sucks big time right now trying to get groups together for anything beyond a hm fp and the GTN is just a joke for the most part.

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I might be wrong but i quite like the game the way it is, maybe its just the amount of time some ppl spend playing the game and then complain that they have finished all the content :)


There you go. Mate, I just hope you will be that one all-around Messiah of motivational speakers that would teach people not to spend too much time on an MMO! Good luck with that!


The players that actually pay subs and become loyal to the game are EXACTLY those that spend massive amounts of time playing the game. Go figure !!!

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Tell me if this happened on your server:


January Fleet Population: 350+

January Eternity Vault Population: 200+


March Fleet Population: 30-50

March Eternity Vault Population: 8/16/24





Anyone that says this game is flourishing is just kidding themselves. It's not. The sad thing is Bioware won't address any issues.


We can beat that, when we have both our groups in EV the population is 32... Just dunno how long I can keep 2 groups going. 2nd group is starting to be filled by main group alts, since few people are left to sign up for that one... So scheduling is a **** and some people people are overwhelmed by the amount of raiding they do, without even needing the freaking gear anymore...

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Bioware doesn't respond to calmly written inquiries, let alone yelling :p


I do however like the comparison lol


Then you must familiarize yourself to the term Startanic ! Not yet hitting the iceberg, but wearing sunglasses at night will not help them avoid it! :) :) :)

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I don't think 1.2 can save it.


Why? The game was made wrong from start. Republic side need a full rework on story, armour, classes, planets everything.


Can it be done? No.


Republic side is dying fast and nothing have been done to save it under these months. BW are working too slow.


When they make more same faction PvP, trying to save it... will just hurt the game more. We join a side to fight the other, not our own people...


Armour design is also going the wrong way and can't be fixed in time... they need to find new people with better brains...


BW should not make MMORPG.

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