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Give us 1.2 as it is FAST !!! Too many players leaving the game !!!


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The only way to save this game is to add playable Gungans.


They can be the WoW Troll race of the Star Wars Universe, and speak in an accent that is part Jamaican,and part brain-injury patient that just awoke from a 10 year coma.


- DH

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Its honestly too late for most servers.


Most of the players remaining are either casual, not 50, or fanboys.


Had 36 people on in Imp Fleet yesterday.


yup, my server is planets of 5-22 people during prime time.


Gone are the days of fleet having 100+ players (all not speaking to each other but least they were there) on week ends and prime time hours!


Id say 1.2 is already to late and Id also say 1.2 is not the god patch some make it out to be.


1.2 doesnt even address or touch on the real issues plagueing this game!


And thats kinda been the problem since beta!

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Honestly I think the content pace is fine, as there has not been one MMO designed to fulfill your every entertainment need. Yes, not even WoW. Id much rather wait an extra month or two between updates to get more quality(god knows Bioware needs the time too) content than getting a slew of rushed garbage.


Bored of TOR at the moment? GO DO SOMETHING ELSE FFS.

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Seems like 95% of the development budget was spent on the 1-50 grind, which is fantastic. I have not enjoyed a day of this game since hitting 50.


Yes you did enjoy it!!! Might as well admit it! the cat's out of the bag now. It's ok to say that u like playing SWTOR!


And you like going to the SWTOR forums to complain a little bit about your experience, because hey! everyone else does it right! am i right???

Edited by z-ray
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I doubt that many people are leaving the game, it's more likely most of them are rerolling on higher populated servers.


I have 3 50's and some other alts, do you think I want to start legacy from 0 just to amuse BW and give them a free pass on server merge ?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!

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I have 3 50's and some other alts, do you think I want to start legacy from 0 just to amuse BW and give them a free pass on server merge ?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!


Meh, just another chump...should've guessed!


Wait, I did!!!!


I at least tried to give you the benefit of a doubt and stay with your OP. But there you go....

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Not to mention that WoW has years under their belt, not months. I was there at WoW's launch...three months in they were nowhere near as organized as SWTOR is. So comparing their patches is like apples and oranges. Give these guys a chance.


Your right, WoW launched on 11/3/04 with 2 buggy raids & no battlegrounds or coherent PvP system, The PvP honor system wasn't even implemented until 5 months later & the first battlgrounds didn't open until 7 months after launch, but most people don't know that or choose to forget facts like these, The people who quit Star Wars now probably would have quit anyway once Blizzard releases Kung Fu Panda (Oops i meant Mists of Pandaria), I say good riddance to useless rubbish, People run back to WoW because to them it's a nice safe place for them to play, They don't want to give this game a chance, If this game went belly up tomorrow i still wouldn't go back to WoW & it's Crayola Crayon cartoon graphics, Boring storyline & arrogant players. Cataclysm made sure of that.

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Meh, just another chump...should've guessed!


Wait, I did!!!!


I at least tried to give you the benefit of a doubt and stay with your OP. But there you go....


I have a hard time understanding why that makes me a chump.... :p :P :p

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Where you come up with this information that this game is losing subscriptions,it's 100 % false.


This game has been out 3 months and last time they did a count was beginning of the month and there was betweem 1.7-2+ million subs,SWTOR is gaining subs not losing subs.


Now with 1.2 coming out they will gain even more.


The false info needs to stop.

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I have a hard time understanding why that makes me a chump.... :p :P :p


Sry mate, I just like consitency and train of thought. I guess I was unfair to you to say that you're a chump. How am I to know that anyway right? :)


But your Original Post was about getting 1.2 out asap because otherwise you'd lose your guildies...


Like so many other threads on this forum, yours went awol too.

Edited by z-ray
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Where you come up with this information that this game is losing subscriptions,it's 100 % false.


This game has been out 3 months and last time they did a count was beginning of the month and there was betweem 1.7-2+ million subs,SWTOR is gaining subs not losing subs.


Now with 1.2 coming out they will gain even more.


The false info needs to stop.


Not beef but theres a thread on the forum talking about people leaving and stuff...theyre canceling subs.

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Not beef but theres a thread on the forum talking about people leaving and stuff...theyre canceling subs.


I still see a bunch of whiners on the forum saying they are canceling subs, they started saying that three months ago and yet they are still here with the same crap story, hilarious really.

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People are seriously insane in the membrane if they think this mmo is losing subs. If an mmo like STO can stay around for 2 years and stagnate in terms of subscribers, then SWTOR has nothing to worry about.



Personal experience from gameplay from one server is not a good substitute for actual facts, statistics and MMO genre history. The latter completely conflicts with your doomsday drama pseudo-logic theory of "omg my fleet and server is lower on players therefore the game is losing subcribers and dieing"

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People are seriously insane in the membrane if they think this mmo is losing subs. If an mmo like STO can stay around for 2 years and stagnate in terms of subscribers, then SWTOR has nothing to worry about.



Personal experience from gameplay from one server is not a good substitute for actual facts, statistics and MMO genre history. The latter completely conflicts with your doomsday drama pseudo-logic theory of "omg my fleet and server is lower on players therefore the game is losing subcribers and dieing"


Well, it's freaking dieing for me, if my faction fleet is empty, or the server becomes empty and I cannot move to another server, and rerolling would mean loosing level 35 legacy and 3 lvl 50 Rakatta geared alts with Rakatta geared companions... Hell yeah, my personal experience is as ugly as it can get !


I could not give my 2 pence if the game is doing fine or not as a whole, since for me the game is starting to become a hassle of finding some people to group up with... May the game live long and prosper, but if my server is going down, then, bottom line, FOR ME, the game sucks !

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Well, it's freaking dieing for me, if my faction fleet is empty, or the server becomes empty and I cannot move to another server, and rerolling would mean loosing level 35 legacy and 3 lvl 50 Rakatta geared alts with Rakatta geared companions... Hell yeah, my personal experience is as ugly as it can get !


I could not give my 2 pence if the game is doing fine or not as a whole, since for me the game is starting to become a hassle of finding some people to group up with... May the game live long and prosper, but if my server is going down, then, bottom line, FOR ME, the game sucks !


In other words what you are trying to get across is simply QQ. You sure used a lot of words when you just needed two little letters. Certainly if it's happening on your server it MUST be happening on every server.


I'm on Mind Trick, and the activity level is off the charts. Ops are running every night, the FP's are constantly filling and running (quickly - we hit the spacebar like no other server), and getting groups for Belsavis dailies is easy at 3AM.


I'm really thinking a lot of these doomsday posts are a bunch of BS. Get in a guild with players that are committed, and don't play 15 hours a day and burn out.

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Where you come up with this information that this game is losing subscriptions,it's 100 % false.


This game has been out 3 months and last time they did a count was beginning of the month and there was betweem 1.7-2+ million subs,SWTOR is gaining subs not losing subs.


Now with 1.2 coming out they will gain even more.


The false info needs to stop.

Forum posters tend to only post because they have gotten fire up in their chute about something. Rarely do players enjoying a game spend time to come onto a rage cess pit to post a thank you, as they already tend to know what the responses will be, for all MMO's, on every forum, ever.


An internet forum is the closest thing you will get to an anonymous stomping ground for people who would never dare act the way they do on them, in real life. It is full of "I DEMAND" and "IF THIS DOESNT HAPPEN NOW I QUIT" and "OMGWTF FFS", from people who have realised they can say and do whatever they want, until the get banned, which is no consequence for them.


In short, people will rage till the end of all time, but I firmly believe that:


"The modern gamer does not know what he or she wants, only that they want it yesterday, or the day before if they are paying a sub".

Edited by Vahzl
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Well, it's freaking dieing for me, if my faction fleet is empty, or the server becomes empty and I cannot move to another server, and rerolling would mean loosing level 35 legacy and 3 lvl 50 Rakatta geared alts with Rakatta geared companions... Hell yeah, my personal experience is as ugly as it can get !


I could not give my 2 pence if the game is doing fine or not as a whole, since for me the game is starting to become a hassle of finding some people to group up with... May the game live long and prosper, but if my server is going down, then, bottom line, FOR ME, the game sucks !


So you did all that in a game you think sucks.


Wonder what you do in a game you like.

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So you did all that in a game you think sucks.


Wonder what you do in a game you like.


I never said the game sucks cause of the game itself, and I am a huge SW fan.


It did not suck when I did all that, cause I had people around and it actually felt like an MMO. Now I am getting close to playing a single player game.

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As we already have several threads for discussion of the various aspects of this topic, we're closing this thread in the interest of consolidating discussions. We encourage you to join the existing discussions about this topic in the following threads:


Server population is dropping...

Fast bored of SWTOR.

After seeing 1.2 patch notes...



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