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What we need in a new warzone is...


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Lets look at the existing warzones, and their gameplay type.


Huttball = 1 Flag CTF

Voidstar = Attack & Defend

Alderaan Civil War = "Conquest" Capture the Point

Novare Coast = A slightly differend Capture the Point


Now what traditional multiplayer mode is missing there?


...Team Deathmatch.


I would like to propose the next warzone after Novare to be some kind of variant on Team Deathmatch. Not that I have anything against objective based warzones. But I think it could be straight-up, simple fun, and the purest kind of PVP. It would still provide the opportunity for teamwork; a coordinated group with a healer, tank, and DPS would still be at an advantage; those who just go running around attacking everything in sight would be at a disadvantage to groups. Of course, I could imagine some wrinkle could be thrown in to encourage teamplay and some type of focus.



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I had a similar idea to yours, except with all kinds of powerups all over the map. Most of them would be heals, but some would give other kinds of buffs, temporary immunity, speed, even the ability to instantly res a friend.


So that way people don't just cluster in the middle of some arena, they'd be actively running around trying to run into the different buffs. Some of these buffs would enhance a healer's performance, some defense, so certain AC's would have different objectives.


Also, these powerups would be placed randomly on the map, that way each warzone would be different.


But the main objective would be the same: Kill the other team. Whichever has team has the most kills and least deaths at the end, wins. (People will be able to view this number during the match.) Game ends in 15 minutes.


I personally think if would be a ton of fun and dynamic. I really hope we get something like it someday.

Edited by Stenrik
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I had a similar idea to yours, except with all kinds of powerups all over the map. Most of them would be heals, but some would give other kinds of buffs, temporary immunity, speed, even the ability to instantly res a friend.


So that way people don't just cluster in the middle of some arena, they'd be actively running around trying to run into the different buffs. Some of these buffs would enhance a healer's performance, some defense, so certain AC's would have different objectives.


Also, these powerups would be placed randomly on the map, that way each warzone would be different.


But the main objective would be the same: Kill the other team. Whichever has team has the most kills and least deaths at the end, wins. (People will be able to view this number during the match.) Game ends in 15 minutes.


I personally think if would be a ton of fun and dynamic. I really hope we get something like it someday.


Yer this would be great tho I want really cool maps, that makes you feel as if your actually in a warzone.


TDM Would just be imba, and if done like this guy said I too agree that this would still add minor OBJ into TDM so it just isn't 1 big cluster **** in the middle LOL.

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