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Crippling Slash... Yes? No? Sometimes?


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Serious question to all you pro Marauders out there.


How much does crippling slash factor into your rotation?


Will your spec be the determining factor of how much you use it (I'm annihilation by the way)?


These days, I'm finding myself using it less and less and doing just fine.


Yes, a rupture with seeping wounds is an even less effective snare, but relying on that instead of crippling slash doesn't seem to hinder by ability to keep in range and finish someone off.


Obviously using it (CS) will never hurt, as it's another great tool in a Marauder's toolbox that they bring to a PvP fight, but it seems you're better off spending that rage on something else early in a fight...


Am I wrong in this thinking?


Maybe I missed a big topic like this early on in the history of these forums, but I don't think I've seen Marauder's snares discussed at length and how much they're really used..


I just don't ever see them inserted into someone's rotation when they write about it.

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When I was Anni spec I used it quite often as a specced Rupture just didn't feel like enough. This is changing on 1.2 in that the slow will be much better (50% slow but same duration) so I'd probably use it less. I hardly use it now (even though it only costs me 1 rage) as I'm Rage spec and Force Crush or Obliterate+Interceptor fills that extra need for a gap closer while chasing players. That said, if you have the Rage to spend (which you should as Anni spec) and you want to put those 2 points from Seeping Wound elsewhere, you should probably use it more often.
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Almost never in PVE, almost constantly in PVP.


50% slow means you can harass the hell out of anyone you want. More importantly, makes it even easier for teammates to focus someone down (much harder for enemy to LOS).


I didn't spec the slow on Rupture because in a team setting using Crippling Slash is so useful that it's well worth the rage and GCD.

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It's just one of those things. In theory I would tell you I plan to use it on contact because anyone who's any good should kite a marauder (or if they're another melee class circle/run through you etc - same principle as the point is to avoid your attacks through quick movement).


In practice, the number of people who just stand there and let marauders kill them is extraordinary, so crippling slash can be a redundant waste of rage and a gcd. BHs and troopers relying on tracer/grav are definitely the worst for this, as if they didn't know we have interrupts and dps at least as good as theirs. But poor healers do it too.


So I only use it immediately on players I recognise and know are competent. If it's someone I don't know I will wait and see if they actually try to avoid me before using it.

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No, because I play Carnage. I have 3 immobilizers, so it's not really a useful skill in that sense. I force charge someone, they're immobilized, I deadly throw, immobilized, I ravage, immobilized (or dead).
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I don't have seeping wound and only use crippling slash when needed.




healspec ops/scounds


good powertechs/vanguards


Good sorcs/sages.


Anyone that's running the ball in hutball


You'll be able to tell within the first second of engaging your target whether he/she is going to try and kite you, and as you gain more experience you'll figure out when the best times to use it are.


Protip: Force camo can be a great gap closer in certain situations (even better in 1.2 when specced into the speed buff)

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I don't have seeping wound and only use crippling slash when needed.




healspec ops/scounds


good powertechs/vanguards


Good sorcs/sages.


Anyone that's running the ball in hutball


You'll be able to tell within the first second of engaging your target whether he/she is going to try and kite you, and as you gain more experience you'll figure out when the best times to use it are.


Pretty much exactly this. I would add to that list "anyone who is chasing your ball carrier", especially melees.


Otherwise I don't waste the 2 rage on a low-damaging attack if they're just going to sit there and facetank me, or if they backpeddle.

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I only use Crippling Slash on heal spec Ops. Extremely rarely in other events.


Edit: 30% snare is plenty for the vast majority of targets and situations.


If you're not doing it like this. Then you're doing it wrong.

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I know alot of the people I play against, and most times I can tell if they will try to kite me or not (aka, if they are good or not). The good ones I always try to use Crippling Slash on. Wish it didn't take a GCD though.
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If you're not doing it like this. Then you're doing it wrong.


Or you've got a server full of circle-strafing melees (especially Ops and Assassins).


It's amazing how much derpier they get when they can't freely run circles around people.

Edited by Omophorus
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I don't use or need any snares. Never have a problem of getting kited etc. People only get away a bit when they use a stun and force charge fixes that problem.


well then you are playing against healers who don't know how to cleanse sir and if they do you're not doing anything to protect your dots.




BTW that reminds me, Easy Mode you seem to be the guy who knows tons about game mechanics. How does the Cleansing work? Is it just a random two? or the first 2 applied, or last two applied?

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I don't use or need any snares. Never have a problem of getting kited etc. People only get away a bit when they use a stun and force charge fixes that problem.


You've never faced a healer Op, or at least not a good one

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You've never faced a healer Op, or at least not a good one


people make this assumption yet, your bleeds arent all lumped onto the target at once. you can easily get around the cd of dispel and I would actually say the opposite that a good healer wouldnt waste time dispelling them.

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people make this assumption yet, your bleeds arent all lumped onto the target at once. you can easily get around the cd of dispel and I would actually say the opposite that a good healer wouldnt waste time dispelling them.


lol a good healer wouldn't dispell a DOT that will tick for 1300+ damage on crits. right.

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lol a good healer wouldn't dispell a DOT that will tick for 1300+ damage on crits. right.




Especially considering Triage heals the Op healer.


So, like I said, you never faced a good Op healer. He would kite you to oblivion and heal with his dispel if you didn't use a snare.

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Interesting answers so far...


I expected as much as we all have different playstyles and theories on our beloved class.




Since I began this thread, I re-spec'd and took points out of the 'Seeping Wounds' talent.


I'm not using CS more now per se, just making sure I'm using it on more appropriate targets like ranged classes, healing Ops, etc, and good players who know how to kite.


And of course Huttball carriers.

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Especially considering Triage heals the Op healer.


So, like I said, you never faced a good Op healer. He would kite you to oblivion and heal with his dispel if you didn't use a snare.



First off, mine actually ticks for 1500 with 3 stacks. If you spread the stacks out a bit better you can reload it just after he cleanses. Meaning that the dots get a few hits in. But in pvp on a healer I can burst them down with my other skills and I dont really rely on dots. Kiting doesnt really affect melee classes that can keep up. They have the stuns, speed ups to get some distance but I can work around that with choke and charge.


So really, As you guys havent seen the healers. I will just assume then that you are the bad ones that cant kill a healer and are taking it out on others.

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