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Mara/Pally Bubble needs to be looked at(Undying Rage)


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Force Shroud is actually better than Undying Rage.


It mitigates less damage, and only when its on a tank class. Marauder is a dps class. Why does he have better mitigation than tanks? Nobody would complain if juggs had this ability.

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Because no matter how many things or how much damage attacks a marauder, it doesn't die.


Everybody else's defensive cds save them from 1-2 players at best. 99% means i would need to do 100x my normal damage to make it equal. My defensive cd forces you to have to do 1.25x. That's right. A marauder getting attacked by 100 players takes the same amount of damage I would being attacked by 1.25 .


Ability is fine, l2p LOL


Let's just pretend for a moment you're not a clueless FOTM. If it's so easy to just CC or knockback, or kill the healer, or blah blah blah, why doesnt everyone elses defensive cd provide 99% protection? I mean, you'd be ok with that right? You'd just attack somebody else, right?


because classes have to be different I play a Sin and a Mara my sin is better geared and i dont have trouble with mara or sent. my friend who dosent play the game can put 2 and 2 together to slow, cc and just plain get away from them because they have no cc just a snare but you a valor 75 cant grasp that apparently

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because classes have to be different I play a Sin and a Mara my sin is better geared and i dont have trouble with mara or sent. my friend who dosent play the game can put 2 and 2 together to slow, cc and just plain get away from them because they have no cc just a snare but you a valor 75 cant grasp that apparently


Your writing is so horrible, I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly. You're saying classes are different, so its ok to have one class have an ability 100x better than other classes? Then you're saying I should run away from a marauder (who has already applied dots, making it too late), and can leap to me? Don't give advice, you are clueless.

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Your writing is so horrible, I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly. You're saying classes are different, so its ok to have one class have an ability 100x better than other classes? Then you're saying I should run away from a marauder (who has already applied dots, making it too late), and can leap to me? Don't give advice, you are clueless.

umm yea shroud and vanish dots are gone andhe cant see you i bet you are one of those people in wow when a ret pally bubbledyou sat there beating on his bubble like a drum till he killed you

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UR is more powerful than anything else because of the way it scales.


If it was a single target 99% damage debuff, nobody would call it op. It's because it stops everything. Literally everything. Fire, acid, 8 players. It doesn't matter how much damage is being thrown, you're a-ok. No other ability scales like that. Every other ability has a weakness. Undying rage has none. Vanish can be aoed, (force camo can't, but that's just another OP ability and should prob get its own thread). Force shroud takes white damage, sabre ward only parried 25%.


Let's be realistic here. You are out of touch with the game if you think this ability is fine. 99% compared to 25-50 on every other ability. When undying rage is 25% dr, then we can talk.


you can stun them and do nothing while the stun runs it's duration. classes can root and run away. snare and run away. Like you people don't get this at all and just want to be bads and make them do things that don't need to be done so you can feel like you're better now.

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Late response, but I totally agree that a complete Healing Reduction would be sufficient to power this ability a bit down. Mara's would still gain complete benefit from such a nice ability, without abusing it by healing after they popped it. Also makes total sense to the 'Story behind the Skill' - Undying Rage, a last final act of pure ferocity -Heroism for the Sents-, before finally being defeated.



Alternatively, it would make even more sense, in my opinion, if they automatically died after the ability wears off. However, they should add a complete CC immunity then, so there is no way that it could be negated.

Edited by Mormoz
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Late response, but I totally agree that a complete Healing Reduction would be sufficient to power this ability a bit down, in fact it would make even more sense if Mara's/Sents would immediately die after the ability wears off. Mara's would still gain complete benefit from such a nice ability, without abusing it by healing after they popped it. Also makes total sense to the 'Story behind the Skill' - Undying Rage, a last final act of pure ferocity -Heroism for the Sents-, before finally being defeated.


lol oh yes! you can't get healed because you popped a cool down. The thing is only useful in pvp. Most the time we do die right after the ability wears off. Healing isn't abused by popping it. This isn't all RP yo.

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Late response, but I totally agree that a complete Healing Reduction would be sufficient to power this ability a bit down. Mara's would still gain complete benefit from such a nice ability, without abusing it by healing after they popped it. Also makes total sense to the 'Story behind the Skill' - Undying Rage, a last final act of pure ferocity -Heroism for the Sents-, before finally being defeated.



Alternatively, it would make even more sense, in my opinion, if they automatically died after the ability wears off. However, they should add a complete CC immunity then, so there is no way that it could be negated.


Lol really? a defensive cooldown should kill you?

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lol oh yes! you can't get healed because you popped a cool down. The thing is only useful in pvp. Most the time we do die right after the ability wears off. Healing isn't abused by popping it. This isn't all RP yo.


Well I do play on a RP server, so sometimes I do see some RP in some things, Undying Rage being a perfect example. This being just purely my opinion, and if you'd like to ignore it, please do so as it doesn't add much to my post in the first place.


Similiar to the Vanish of a Smuggler/Operative, they can not get healed after they popped it. And if you die right after the ability wears off most of the time... I don't really see the problem then.

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Lol really? a defensive cooldown should kill you?


Euhm... We are talking about Undying Rage here...which removes 50% of your hp in the first place...


It is never intended to be a 'defensive' cooldown, although you could name it like that. As said by the OP, it was intended to be a final chance of finishing off your opponent before being defeated. It merely is an extention of your life, and most of the time you do die anyways afterwards.

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umm yea shroud and vanish dots are gone andhe cant see you i bet you are one of those people in wow when a ret pally bubbledyou sat there beating on his bubble like a drum till he killed you


Sorry, I have better taste than to play THAT game. Give me a break. Force camo is better than shroud + vanish combined...


And most of the time you don't die afterward. Seriously. You just go invincivisible. Comparing force shroud + vanish to UR and force camo is like comparing a tricycle to a crotchrocket.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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Euhm... We are talking about Undying Rage here...which removes 50% of your hp in the first place...


It is never intended to be a 'defensive' cooldown, although you could name it like that. As said by the OP, it was intended to be a final chance of finishing off your opponent before being defeated. It merely is an extention of your life, and most of the time you do die anyways afterwards.


it's a defensive cool down straight up. I can pop it at 100% hp and take 99% less damage if i'm being focus fired and get healed, just the same as if i popped it at 5% hp. It's a last resort skill and i don't use it at the 75 second cool down it's currently at when running pugs or premades, it's not that big of a deal. Undying rage is like our stun, You stun us so you can do damage and take none, what marauders use it for.

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This is an mmo, so I get the roleplaying thing, but really think about what you are suggesting. UR would be an ability that lets you do 2 attacks then kills you. May as well just remove it from the game because it would be worse than useless.


edit,m directed at mormoz.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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These are the same people who would argue that force camo is totally balanced as well.


You know how many people complained that it was completely unfair for a non stealth class to be able to stealth in combat with no risk of being broken out of it?


We got the same type of nonsense answers...


"it's only 4 seconds.


"you have to spec into it"


"just attack someone else"


"they just die after it ends anyway"



It's all BS. Bioware knows it was broken, and that's why they are fixing it.


This ability is also BROKEN, and it will be fixed in time I can promise you that.

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Sorry, I have better taste than to play THAT game. Give me a break. Force camo is better than shroud + vanish combined...


And most of the time you don't die afterward. Seriously. You just go invincivisible. Comparing force shroud + vanish to UR and force camo is like comparing a tricycle to a crotchrocket.


lol no it's not. in the deception tree can't you talent to make the heal debuff not there... c'mon now. TBH i don't think it should be there in the first place, kinda dumb. All for taking the heal debuff off the vanish's for ops and sins.

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it's a defensive cool down straight up. I can pop it at 100% hp and take 99% less damage if i'm being focus fired and get healed, just the same as if i popped it at 5% hp. It's a last resort skill and i don't use it at the 75 second cool down it's currently at when running pugs or premades, it's not that big of a deal. Undying rage is like our stun, You stun us so you can do damage and take none, what marauders use it for.


You can compare Undying Rage to quite a few things...but I definetely wouldn't refer to it as a stun. A stun does 2 things to your target: 1) It roots your target 2) It prevents any use of abilities. Undying Rage does neither of these.


Don't forget this, and this counts for the next quote as well: It was a mere suggestion, as right now you pretty much die afterwards anyway, in return you'd gain immunity from any kind of CC. I see this as an improvement, mostly PvP however, but still an improvement. It prevents any 'abuse' of healing afterwards and you still gain full effect off it, even with a little bonus now attached to it. If you don't see it as an improvement, well then that's your opinion and there's little point discussing over that.


This is an mmo, so I get the roleplaying thing, but really think about what you are suggesting. UR would be an ability that lets you do 2 attacks then kills you. May as well just remove it from the game because it would be worse than useless.


It's a little more than 2 attacks. I think you'd be surprised to know the amount of damage you can do in 5 seconds.

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lol no it's not. in the deception tree can't you talent to make the heal debuff not there... c'mon now. TBH i don't think it should be there in the first place, kinda dumb. All for taking the heal debuff off the vanish's for ops and sins.


Let's compare deception sin to marauder for a second in this example


3 second force shroud = 100% tech/force

5 second UD = 99% all, 50% life cost


which one is better at keeping you alive against multiple targets?


force camo: speed buff, damage immunity, immune to aoe

force cloak: speed decrease, no damage immunity, no purging dots, not immune to aoe


obviously marauder is taking the cake.


if I use saber ward, and force speed, i can ALMOST bail as well as a marauder, but still, not quite. And I have to talent it, and use double the abilities. Just saying.

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