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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Since I'd like to get this back on track, I'd like to say that I'll be jazzed when I get my first SG flirt. On my SW, I'd prefer it to be DS Jaesa, since I feel Vette is my little sister. My husband's(female) BH thinks of Mako the same way. It would be nice to eventually have a new female companion that isn't Vette or Jaesa. DS Jaesa is....a little unbalanced. I really liked Kira, and having a slightly toned down version of her personality would gel with SW quite well.


On my(male) JK, I play Khaz as a straight man that was virtually asexual when I created him. Since he's straight, I'm going to ignore any SG flirts that come his way. It wouldn't bother him(he'd see it as a compliment), but he wouldn't return the flirts. Kit, on the other hand, would certainly do so. I eventually plan on rolling a male toon for SGR, though I'm not sure what class yet. Any suggestions for a class that has a really good male companion for SGR?

Edited by natashina
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Any suggestions for a class that has a really good male companion for SGR?


Depends on what kind of relationships you like. Personally I really enjoy something with a foundation of affection despite the odds - people who should be completely opposite, who should maybe even dislike each other, but who find that they are drawn to each other anyway. If you've played Dragon Age 2, male mage Hawke and Fenris are the perfect example of that. That bit of tension is really important for me.


In that vein, if Zenith ever becomes a romanceable companion, I'd roll a male Consular just for the delicious tension and trust issues. I also like Quinn because of the thing that happens in the main SW story. Aric Jorgan is a different type of romance altogether, but there is something about the whole mate for life thing that would make my male Trooper swoon.


All of these things are incredibly individual. I love Corso for my male Smuggler. Other people hate him. It really depends on what you like - I happen to like snarky banter and a deep, underlying affection despite all the reasons it shouldn't be there.

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I think my female Sith Warrior needs someone who can match her in strength of personality, preferably with some lightheartedness to balance out her grouchiness - so Vette's pretty much perfect, and I hope she becomes an option. Though, if she doesn't, I have a headcanon in place about a failed relationship there.


My male Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular have a torrid romance going on betwixt themselves, but I can see them engaging in other romances outside of that story trajectory. My SI's out to corrupt all the innocents he can, and he's more pansexual than anything, so from what I've heard about Ashara I might actually be fine with that for him. My JC's more definitely gay, and I'd like to see someone strong and protective whose arms he can fall into, as he's rather fragile.

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Since I'd like to get this back on track, I'd like to say that I'll be jazzed when I get my first SG flirt. On my SW, I'd prefer it to be DS Jaesa, since I feel Vette is my little sister. My husband's(female) BH thinks of Mako the same way. It would be nice to eventually have a new female companion that isn't Vette or Jaesa. DS Jaesa is....a little unbalanced. I really liked Kira, and having a slightly toned down version of her personality would gel with SW quite well.

I'll be likewise jazzed, and I'm truly hoping my first two SGR flirt options are for Mako and Kira. Those are the two female companions I like the most, and the JK and BH are the two classes I've been delaying the most because I don't want to miss out on getting to romance Mako and Kira with a female character. Really, really hoping those two are available for it. :o


I eventually plan on rolling a male toon for SGR, though I'm not sure what class yet. Any suggestions for a class that has a really good male companion for SGR?

The Smuggler is the first one that comes to mind, as I think Corso is an interesting character. The Trooper would also be a good option, as I think it'd be pretty damn amusing to watch Aric Jorgan deal with being attracted to another man. :D Not sure about the Consular, as I have my doubts about Qyzen being romanceable. The other classes either get a female first companion (SW, BH, IA) or someone/thing without a definite gender and/or sexual organs (JK gets a droid, SI gets Khem Val). The SW gets Quinn, though how good of a companion he is, I'm not sure; my SW has done precisely one mission without Vette since he got her. :) Any companions beyond those I either haven't got or haven't done enough with to be sure.


My male Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular have a torrid romance going on betwixt themselves, but I can see them engaging in other romances outside of that story trajectory. My SI's out to corrupt all the innocents he can, and he's more pansexual than anything, so from what I've heard about Ashara I might actually be fine with that for him. My JC's more definitely gay, and I'd like to see someone strong and protective whose arms he can fall into, as he's rather fragile.

That's pretty awesome. :D I love how the Legacy system will let us connect our characters in ways like what you're talking about, as long as they're on the same server. I have it in my head that my three human characters are all related - my Smuggler and Trooper are brothers who hardly get along, while my JK is their distant cousin, and she gets razzed on by the Smuggler for being built much more like the Trooper. (Female body type 3 JK FTW.) I can just imagine them all meeting somewhere, my JK saying she's with Kira, and my Smuggler for once not having a single witty comment ready at all.

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I would really like to know which companions will be used for sgra . :o


Wouldn't we all? I can't freaking wait and knowing that we may have as much as nine months ahead of us is killing me a little inside XD

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My SW and my JK will have a romance going for them as SGR. They will adopt a Bounty Hunter child who is going to be a species I unlock, and learn the ways of the sith and the jedi to make a powerful character. My SW and Jk will be gray Jedi and Sith. Mine as well since my Sith is usually picking LS. I got a story planned for my Consular and Inquisitor, being that legacy unlocks going ls to ds and ds to ls....... They will be brothers or cousins who were at first one a jedi and one a sith, but switched sides, and both of them thought they would actually meet each other in the temple/Academy..Soon they are sent on a mission to capture/ kill each other, and fight it out. I got no plans for trooper, smuggler or imperial agent yet, but ill get that done.
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Indeed they will! Take a look at the "Family Tree" section, it's the first part of the article:



this is awesome. so I can keep my female chiss IA and still have my female smuggler and her be the parents of my future chiss smuggler (who hopefully ends up with Corso :p)



the only thing that's a bit meh about this:

I already married Corso :confused:

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this is awesome. so I can keep my female chiss IA and still have my female smuggler and her be the parents of my future chiss smuggler (who hopefully ends up with Corso :p)



the only thing that's a bit meh about this:

I already married Corso :confused:

Im not sure if Corso is a companion or one of your characters, but if it is a companion then that means in legacy our spouses might be our companions?
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Im not sure if Corso is a companion or one of your characters, but if it is a companion then that means in legacy our spouses might be our companions?


oh yeah, Corso is a companion for the smuggler story, but I don't really think that the game will tell me 'oh wait, no, you can't be an item with one of your chars, your char already married the companion'... granted it would make more 'sense', but really...


it would still mean both mother and son had the same companion, and Corso doesn't look .that. old :eek:

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I really wish that Quinn was romancable by my male Sith.


I mean I get such huuuge affection rewards with him, and we could have this whole 'Command me...my lord' thing goin' on in private. *wink wink*


I just hope that the same gender romance characters, are just as interesting, and as endearing, as our current crop of companions. ^_^

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Hmm I'm still torn on the whole idea of a Russell T Davies-esque vision of the future (or a long time ago in a galaxy far far away) in which everyone is effectively bi, sure it'll be great to be able to romance all characters in either gender and would add some spice and variety for repeated playthrough, but I think it might work better if were certain characters go that way and some dont, effectively how it is normally...I dunno, like i said: torn on the issue. I agree a toggle effectively says 'homosexuality should be censored' snd ergo passes the message that it's somehow 'wrong' to be gay, however i'm still not sure if suddenly opening up every single character like that kind of makes them less believable than they were before.

I would agree however it would work great with some of the current characters (I can see Doc being both man and womaniser working brilliantly, and Kira being open to both i feel works well too)

Edited by ArmaniD
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I really wish that Quinn was romancable by my male Sith.


I mean I get such huuuge affection rewards with him, and we could have this whole 'Command me...my lord' thing goin' on in private. *wink wink*


I just hope that the same gender romance characters, are just as interesting, and as endearing, as our current crop of companions. ^_^


I would have to agree with that. He was one of the reasons I started thinking about srgs in the first place. Hopefully the new companions can be just as attractive throgh both how they act, and how they look.

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Hmm I'm still torn on the whole idea of a Russell T Davies-esque vision of the future (or a long time ago in a galaxy far far away) in which everyone is effectively bi, sure it'll be great to be able to romance all characters in either gender and would add some spice and variety for repeated playthrough, but I think it might work better if were certain characters go that way and some dont, effectively how it is normally...I dunno, like i said: torn on the issue. I agree a toggle effectively says 'homosexuality should be censored' snd ergo passes the message that it's somehow 'wrong' to be gay, however i'm still not sure if suddenly opening up every single character like that kind of makes them less believable than they were before.

I would agree however it would work great with some of the current characters (I can see Doc being both man and womaniser working brilliantly, and Kira being open to both i feel works well too)


Actually, they implied that they aren't going the "everyone is bi" route. At the guild summit they stated they knew which companions would be available and which ones wouldn't and that they are working on stories to make it plausible and done right.

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Actually, they implied that they aren't going the "everyone is bi" route. At the guild summit they stated they knew which companions would be available and which ones wouldn't and that they are working on stories to make it plausible and done right.


Well that seems plausable. I suppose the trick is all in finding the right balance which Bioware seem to be quite good at.

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I would have to agree with that. He was one of the reasons I started thinking about srgs in the first place. Hopefully the new companions can be just as attractive throgh both how they act, and how they look.



What really made me raise my brows, is that Quinn will take courting gifts from my male sith.


So if he accepts courting gifts....why can't I court him. :(

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What I found disheartening was that it wasn't implemented at launch- the really wanted to play a gay Jedi T_T I don't feel a connection to any of the characters personally. I've been playing since launch and have yet to try any real romance stories because I'm just not feeling it. Also if I have to pay for gay- I probably won't and just never come back. :( don't make me do that.
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What really made me raise my brows, is that Quinn will take courting gifts from my male sith.


So if he accepts courting gifts....why can't I court him. :(

I feel your pain...I really wish that could happen. Given the fact that he would be perfect for SRG too.
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I feel your pain...I really wish that could happen. Given the fact that he would be perfect for SRG too.


So would Kaliyo, imo. Just did some of her affection missions, including the one to rescue her former partner (and more, the way they were getting all chummy). She is definitely bisexual from what I've seen so far.

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What I found disheartening was that it wasn't implemented at launch- the really wanted to play a gay Jedi T_T I don't feel a connection to any of the characters personally. I've been playing since launch and have yet to try any real romance stories because I'm just not feeling it. Also if I have to pay for gay- I probably won't and just never come back. :( don't make me do that.


I seriously don't think they'll charge just for SGRs. Since this is supposedly coming in a content patch and not an expansion, we shouldn't have to pay more. I have enough faith in the info we've been given to assume the best in this case.


I have been reading and thanks for the suggestions! Corso was one I was learning towards for a SGR. He seems to have the fun-loving personality that would mesh quite well with a flirting vagabond bisexual smuggler. A guy that my toon could have a relationship with as well as a good friendship? That is a winning combo and I think I'm going to reroll my lvl 1 smuggler into a male. I'm waiting on him, but this because my mom is playing her smuggler and we don't need two in our guild. I can save him for SGR for later. :cool:


Quinn I simply don't like, though I find it very weird that guys can give courting gifts to him. It smacks of something that was almost finished, but rushed at the door for the holidays. My husband's(female) trooper had trouble getting the OGR started with Arik, since Arik didn't take courting gifts until the end of Chapter 1. Yet my JK was able to start giving Kira courting gifts right off the bat. :confused: Can the female JKs give courting gifts to Kira too?


Also, while I know this may sound odd, I like the idea of a SGR with a male Consular and Qyzen. So far, Qyzen is the only non human I would consider courting. He's got a wonderful combination of honor and combat that would make it hard for my male Sage to resist. Khem Val, on the other hand, has more of a "bro-mance" with my sorcerer, so I couldn't see that. Plus, um...how do I put this? Khem has a face that only a mother could love. :p


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