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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Welcome to the Same-Gender Romance Arc (SGRA) Clarification Request thread!

Looks good! And so odd to see myself quoted in something like this, but thank you. :eek: Can I be really, really nitpicky and ask that you add a period after the final word in my quote, before the smiley? It's just one of those things for me, comes with being a writer. Eh heh heh...


But I think your work will help people who want to know about this. Will you be editing one of your posts on the first page to add it?


Edit: 51 pages in the fifth thread. This is easily the longest discussion I've ever been part of on the internet. Let's keep it going, y'all. :D Talk amongst ourselves, I'll give us a topic: if your characters and their companions could all interact, how do you think that would go? I can see my JK getting along well with Akaavi, as they're both warrior women of different folds. And my female BH would hit on Kira like whoa. :p

Edited by MusedMoose
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Thanks for the FAQ, Natashina! Looks great. :D


Looks good! And so odd to see myself quoted in something like this, but thank you. :eek: Can I be really, really nitpicky and ask that you add a period after the final word in my quote, before the smiley? It's just one of those things for me, comes with being a writer. Eh heh heh...


But I think your work will help people who want to know about this. Will you be editing one of your posts on the first page to add it?


Edit: 51 pages in the fifth thread. This is easily the longest discussion I've ever been part of on the internet. Let's keep it going, y'all. :D Talk amongst ourselves, I'll give us a topic: if your characters and their companions could all interact, how do you think that would go? I can see my JK getting along well with Akaavi, as they're both warrior women of different folds. And my female BH would hit on Kira like whoa. :p


Oh man... I think my JK would find Risha and Guss entertaining, respect the hell out of Akaavi, probably be somewhat more tolerant of Corso than my smuggler but still not be thrilled with his naivete, and Bowie would totally be her bro.


My smuggler would totally hook up with Doc for a one night stand :D, probably be somewhat unsure of what to think of Kira but eventually would like her, be rather indifferent toward T7 but find him cute overall, find Scourge very awesome and pick his brain for ways to steal from the Empire and Republic, and probably avoid Rusk for fear he'd try to arrest her but then mock him behind his back.


My other characters aren't quite as developed in my mind yet though I can definitely say my SW would actually respect Scourge for doing what he felt was best for the Empire (because that's essentially what her uncle did... the father of my smuggler and trooper) and she'd probably feel the same about Kira.

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Do you know where I could find any of these by chance?


I need them for...science!


I'll let you know if I find any. I haven't looked outside FF.net yet, but am planning to once my first wave of assignments are all submitted next week. :)


Edit: 51 pages in the fifth thread. This is easily the longest discussion I've ever been part of on the internet. Let's keep it going, y'all. :D Talk amongst ourselves, I'll give us a topic: if your characters and their companions could all interact, how do you think that would go? I can see my JK getting along well with Akaavi, as they're both warrior women of different folds. And my female BH would hit on Kira like whoa. :p


Honestly, I don't know. I didn't really interact with many of my companions, so I don't really have a feeling for them. All I know is I don't like Kaliyo much (she's just a Star Wars version of Jack from Mass Effect, without the redeeming qualities that Jack has - Jack in ME3 <3 ), Rania is a sweetie, and would probably get along with Nadia - if they were somehow able to put aside their allegiances for a short time. My JC, Myrmeen, would definitely like Jan'neria, my agent - but once again, they'd need to put aside their respective allegiances. My Juggy, Myren, being a "sith version" of Myrmeen (don't ask why she's a warrior and not an inquisitor, as I don't know), would probably get along with her too. All my characters are Lightside, and I think I had a full roster of level ~20 and higher characters, some I played more than others. And that's my Harbinger characters.


My Dalborra characters are mostly sitting at level 1 waiting for my BH, Cata'stro'phe to get to level 50 so they can be remade as Chiss (including a new Myrmeen and a new Jan'neria). Cata is CG in alignment, and is laid back and easy going... but really likes credits (I mean really!!). Unless someone's trying to step on her or get in the way of her bounties, she'd a friendly sort (though she doesn't look it, being all tall and Chiss and muscular and stern looking). My overarc-story for Dalborra is that all my characters are related somehow (sisters and cousins mostly). Cata likes both Mako (is a little in love with her, but feels strange about it because at other times she feels maternally towards her) and Gault, so far, and thinks Torian is worthy of befriending.


edit: Ooh, transfers are open for AsPac clients... so Jan'neria of Harbinger is about to move to Dalborra. So I might not need to wait for my BH to start my Chiss family! ;)

Edited by Zandilar
So I don't multipost...
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Looks good! And so odd to see myself quoted in something like this, but thank you. :eek: Can I be really, really nitpicky and ask that you add a period after the final word in my quote, before the smiley? It's just one of those things for me, comes with being a writer. Eh heh heh...


But I think your work will help people who want to know about this. Will you be editing one of your posts on the first page to add it?


Done and done! Sorry, I was pretty tired when I finished my final draft. :o


Edit: 51 pages in the fifth thread. This is easily the longest discussion I've ever been part of on the internet. Let's keep it going, y'all. :D Talk amongst ourselves, I'll give us a topic: if your characters and their companions could all interact, how do you think that would go? I can see my JK getting along well with Akaavi, as they're both warrior women of different folds. And my female BH would hit on Kira like whoa. :p


I finally got to start the romance with Corso on my smuggler. He's such a sweetie! He's shy and a little bumbling, but just awesome. I'd also be a fan of rerolling another sorc for Andronkis. I know he'd get along with Kit well. She could use a laugh and it's tough to find. He's my favorite LI so far. He even asked my sorc out for a drink! Wow, someone that dates in TOR? Weird. :p I also think my JK and Corso would really hit it off as well.


Edit: My smuggler would probably fall in love with Kira and Mako at first sight.

Edited by natashina
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edit: Ooh, transfers are open for AsPac clients... so Jan'neria of Harbinger is about to move to Dalborra. So I might not need to wait for my BH to start my Chiss family! ;)


Might see ya round Dalborra. Cant wait to be on my home turf :)

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At the moment I'm actually more curious about the minor npcs that characters get to flirt with and how it would affect this. Most one's that I've seen don't seem super noteworthy in that regard, really but Samara on Dromund Kaas seems to have the same kind of heavy flirtatious dialogue with both male and female agents but only male agents can actually flirt with her. I wouldn't usually think repeated dialogue means anything but in her case it stands out so much that it does make me wonder.
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At the moment I'm actually more curious about the minor npcs that characters get to flirt with and how it would affect this. Most one's that I've seen don't seem super noteworthy in that regard, really but Samara on Dromund Kaas seems to have the same kind of heavy flirtatious dialogue with both male and female agents but only male agents can actually flirt with her. I wouldn't usually think repeated dialogue means anything but in her case it stands out so much that it does make me wonder.

There is a different topic for same-gender flirts, but I'm definitely with you on this one. There are far, far fewer opportunities for female characters to flirt than males, so opening that up to same-gender stuff would be great.


Unfortunately, I don't think we've had any response from BioWare about same-sex flirting. Perhaps once the story patch is announced (the one with SGRs), we can ask about that in the Q&A and hopefully get an answer. I'd think that a patch so focused on story to have new relationships would have some massive dialogue additions as well.

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Let's keep it going, y'all. :D Talk amongst ourselves, I'll give us a topic: if your characters and their companions could all interact, how do you think that would go?

I could see my trooper and my inquisitor getting along. Even though he is sith my inquisitor carries the same values as my trooper (or atleast as far as the empire allows) I think my Knight and Jorgen would hit it off well they are both very "by the book" lol

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if your characters and their companions could all interact, how do you think that would go?


be fun seeing torian getting all nervous asking my BH's parents ( femagent and vector) for thier blessing with his union with my bh.


kaleiyo, gault, lokin, and skadge would be fun to watch interact with each other. temple and mako would prolly hit it off and be all gal pals

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Ooh, that's another good one. I think Gault and my smuggler would also get along very well. They both can be amoral if needed, both of them crave adventure and a lot of credits. :D


what i'd love to see, is spectator mode companions react



imagine torian's horror of watching quinn betraying his femwar lady



mostly my agent and her crew would nitpick my BH on how she never managed to pick up on subtlety and eloquence like her mother and father, then she'd sneak off with kaleiyo for a rough night on the town, egging torian to try and keep up with them.

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Been waiting for this since they said it would be on release. I understand they were perhaps not ready for it at that point due to voice overs etc, that's fine (well, not really, feels a bit like we got put on the back burner as a lesser priority of what is, a major game aspect).


I would really like to know when same gender relationships will be introduced. We've been waiting for a while now and we have yet to hear much news on this subject. I do beleive a Q and A was given at a summit that they plan to introduce it this year, but being only 1/3 through 2012, that's not alot to go on.


I sincerely hope they shed some more light on this. They originally agreed it would be in launch and that has not happened. Many people who are looking for same gender romance arcs have been patient on this subject, but the overall feeling is that we have had the rug pulled from our feet a little on this topic. I think some clarification on what their plans to impliment this are, would go a long way to letting us know that BW are taking this matter seriously. It could be a more defined timescale, plan on current/future companions or if you flag your character as either straight/bi/gay/lesbian.


As I said, some nugget of information will really help us not feel left in the dark on this topic.





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Been waiting for this since they said it would be on release. I understand they were perhaps not ready for it at that point due to voice overs etc, that's fine (well, not really, feels a bit like we got put on the back burner as a lesser priority of what is, a major game aspect).


I would really like to know when same gender relationships will be introduced. We've been waiting for a while now and we have yet to hear much news on this subject. I do beleive a Q and A was given at a summit that they plan to introduce it this year, but being only 1/3 through 2012, that's not alot to go on.


I sincerely hope they shed some more light on this. They originally agreed it would be in launch and that has not happened. Many people who are looking for same gender romance arcs have been patient on this subject, but the overall feeling is that we have had the rug pulled from our feet a little on this topic. I think some clarification on what their plans to impliment this are, would go a long way to letting us know that BW are taking this matter seriously. It could be a more defined timescale, plan on current/future companions or if you flag your character as either straight/bi/gay/lesbian.


As I said, some nugget of information will really help us not feel left in the dark on this topic.





Welcome to the thread! I hate to say it, but I think you might have been misinformed - I don't know that BioWare ever said SGRs would be in on release, the earliest quote I know of is the one that said they'd be a post-launch feature. Take a look at the video from the Guild Summit, it's linked on page 25 of this thread; that's where BW talks about the upcoming SGRs. We do know we're getting them this year. BW's only other word has been that they're not talking about SGRs until they're done, which I think is a good thing, even if it tries our patience a little. :)


Also, take a look at some of the posts further down on the first page, they have all the relevant quotes from BioWare on the matter.

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Been waiting for this since they said it would be on release. I understand they were perhaps not ready for it at that point due to voice overs etc, that's fine (well, not really, feels a bit like we got put on the back burner as a lesser priority of what is, a major game aspect).


I would really like to know when same gender relationships will be introduced. We've been waiting for a while now and we have yet to hear much news on this subject. I do beleive a Q and A was given at a summit that they plan to introduce it this year, but being only 1/3 through 2012, that's not alot to go on.


I sincerely hope they shed some more light on this. They originally agreed it would be in launch and that has not happened. Many people who are looking for same gender romance arcs have been patient on this subject, but the overall feeling is that we have had the rug pulled from our feet a little on this topic. I think some clarification on what their plans to impliment this are, would go a long way to letting us know that BW are taking this matter seriously. It could be a more defined timescale, plan on current/future companions or if you flag your character as either straight/bi/gay/lesbian.


As I said, some nugget of information will really help us not feel left in the dark on this topic.






I'll be updating the FAQ on page 1 as soon as we get more concrete info. In any case, welcome to the thread! Who would you like to have a SGR with? For myself, I've got my Chiss IA rolled up and sitting at level 1 just for that. Oh and I wish Kira was available as a SGR, but I suppose my male JK will do for the time being.

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it amazes me that there are 4 threads that have basically hit 1000 replies and nothing of a timetable has been given on this subject.


I know everyone is busy there but lip service from customer service makes people leave games it always has it always will. There is so much potential for this game I am just sad that these things have not been unlocked even if it is a cheesy unlock .. get it done son!

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it amazes me that there are 4 threads that have basically hit 1000 replies and nothing of a timetable has been given on this subject.


I know everyone is busy there but lip service from customer service makes people leave games it always has it always will. There is so much potential for this game I am just sad that these things have not been unlocked even if it is a cheesy unlock .. get it done son!


There is a timetable. It's coming this year with further story content. It's very doubtful they'll give us a better time frame until rather close to that patch release.

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it amazes me that there are 4 threads that have basically hit 1000 replies and nothing of a timetable has been given on this subject.


I know everyone is busy there but lip service from customer service makes people leave games it always has it always will. There is so much potential for this game I am just sad that these things have not been unlocked even if it is a cheesy unlock .. get it done son!


Time Table: Before the end of the year.


Then it's femAgent/ Raina Temple knockin' boots and gettin' jiggy wit' it! :D


Also, femKnight/Kira, femHunter/Mako, femTrooper/Elara, femWarrior/Vette or Jaesa, etc. You get the idea. ;)

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Time Table: Before the end of the year.


Then it's femAgent/ Raina Temple knockin' boots and gettin' jiggy wit' it! :D


Also, femKnight/Kira, femHunter/Mako, femTrooper/Elara, femWarrior/Vette or Jaesa, etc. You get the idea. ;)


I seriously admire your enthusiasm and optimism, but while I'm excited about them, I'm depressed because they just won't tell us who they are planning them for . I'm extremely discourged, I just want a small word from them saying "yes we're planning to instate sgr for Torian" Then I'd dance for joy... :(

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I doubt we'll get all of them...would be nice though.

While there's obviously no way to know yet, I do have a theory that we will actually get all of them. Why? With the OGRs, every class gets one male option and at least one female option. Every current female companion is romanceable, largely because 5 out of 8 classes only have one female companion. Clearly, BioWare didn't want anyone to feel left out. :D It seems logical that BW would follow the same pattern with the SGRs, with each class getting at least one male option and one female option.


This is, of course, only speculation on my part, but I think it makes sense.


I seriously admire your enthusiasm and optimism, but while I'm excited about them, I'm depressed because they just won't tell us who they are planning them for . I'm extremely discourged, I just want a small word from them saying "yes we're planning to instate sgr for Torian" Then I'd dance for joy... :(

I understand why you feel that way, but I really can't blame BioWare for not saying anything yet. After what happened with rated warzones not being ready for patch 1.2, it seems BW is taking the "we'll talk about it when it's done" approach with new content. I think someone specifically said they weren't giving any SGR details until they were done. Waiting for news does suck, but not as much as getting news, getting excited, and then getting depressed when things change would suck. :eek:

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While there's obviously no way to know yet, I do have a theory that we will actually get all of them. Why? With the OGRs, every class gets one male option and at least one female option. Every current female companion is romanceable, largely because 5 out of 8 classes only have one female companion. Clearly, BioWare didn't want anyone to feel left out. :D It seems logical that BW would follow the same pattern with the SGRs, with each class getting at least one male option and one female option.


This is, of course, only speculation on my part, but I think it makes sense.


I figured they'd add in some new people too.


I'm pretty sure they'll open up someone like Kaliyo who already hints at some f/f stuff in her backstory. From my interpretation of the dev comment, they had certain people in mind and didn't get time to implement it with them...so that tells me they also didn't have certain people in mind and I'd assume they'd fill the void with new characters.

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I figured they'd add in some new people too.


I'm pretty sure they'll open up someone like Kaliyo who already hints at some f/f stuff in her backstory. From my interpretation of the dev comment, they had certain people in mind and didn't get time to implement it with them...so that tells me they also didn't have certain people in mind and I'd assume they'd fill the void with new characters.

Yeah, I think there will be a huge outcry of "what the frack?!?" if Kaliyo isn't romanceable by either gender. :D


As for adding new companions, though, I really don't know. To add a new companion, the companion has to be designed (involving the people who do graphics work), scripted, voiced by a new VA, fully bug-tested, and probably a lot of other stuff that I've missed. To add SGR to a current companion would only take writing some new scenes and getting the VA back into BioWare's studio. So while it would make sense that a story addition would include new companions, I think it's too much for just a patch. I fully expect new companions in future paid-for expansions, though.


What would be interesting is if they opened up currently non-romanceable companions to romances. I know there are some companions that people want to romance who aren't currently available, and I think it'd be pretty cool to see that happen. It would be interesting if some companions were OGR-only and some were SGR-only; if nothing else, the debates would be fun to watch. :)

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I wanted to mention that Bioware's taking their time to get the story right. We've played other MMOs that promised a great story...only to be told, "If you want to see what happens, read the book/comic!" :mad: That's crappy storytelling right there, and I'm glad BW is trying to avoid that pitfall. As you can tell I'm a tad bitter about a game that forces me to buy their books so I can understand the story of the game I'm playing. *cough Varian/Lo'Gosh kill stealing Onyixa*


Sorry, I had a little resentment stuck in my throat there. :p


I also agree that the waiting can be tough. However, I'd rather have little info than have the warzone problem come up. It's frustrating at times, but the storytelling in the game is top notch. I have faith that it will be worth it. We just have to hang in there, and try to have some fun in the meantime. :tran_cool:


For now, poor Kit will just have to look at (DS) Jaesa and sigh. Someday, I hope, she can tell Jaesa how she feels. I'm a huge fan of making LS and DS Jaesa available as a SGR. Oh well, at least Nat, Khaz, and Xe'lah all have their LIs; Andronkis and Kira is certainly worth rerolling for imho.


Now I have to ask, "How are they going to give SGRs to sith warriors?" The guys already have two choices, ladies get one, (grumbles something about being jealous,) so wouldn't it make sense to have the all SW love interests be bisexual? Vette, Jaesa and Quinn all being bisexual would really go a long way to even up the scales for male and female SWs. Well, unless they add Pierce as an option. I don't want to picture Broonmark as a SGR. :eek:


I can understand why people think already Quinn is at least bisexual, I just don't see it. May I get a perspective from someone that feels Quinn would make a good SGR, and why some people think he's in the closet?


Edit: Added a new quote to the FAQ on page 1, under "Has EA/Bioware changed their minds about SGR?" Thanks for the great article Mused. :D

Edited by natashina
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*pokes head back in*


Natashina! I just wanted to say that the SGR FAQ is amazing! You rock!



Now I have to ask, "How are they going to give SGRs to sith warriors?" The guys already have two choices, ladies get one, (grumbles something about being jealous,) so wouldn't it make sense to have the all SW love interests be bisexual? Vette, Jaesa and Quinn all being bisexual would really go a long way to even up the scales for male and female SWs. Well, unless they add Pierce as an option. I don't want to picture Broonmark as a SGR. :eek:


I can understand why people think already Quinn is at least bisexual, I just don't see it. May I get a perspective from someone that feels Quinn would make a good SGR, and why some people think he's in the closet?


Personally? I'd prefer it if all companions were Bi,it would just give us so many options, and so much more freedom. I wish that was the plan from the get, go. However I'll be happy to see what Bioware comes up with.


As for Quinn, oh my, I know personally I'll be a little sad Jawa if he's not chosen for SGR. However, I have such a strong feeling that he is Bi or at least, was scripted to be such.


It just seems like flirts and dialogue is missing when I interact with him, it feeling like something 'should' be there but it's not. Also the fact that Quinn and a near fully dark side Sith Warrior make an amazing team, and he gains so much affection from all those lovely (painful) things I do to hapless people, in the name of the empire.


So many places where I was expecting flirt...so many times where it seems like so much is missing from his dialogue.....and I can give him courting gifts, to me that was a big tip-off.


Also, ok perhaps this is just me but....well....



After he tries to kill you.


It seemed like the perfect moement when the music would swell, they'd stare at each other, and my male SW would say "Kiss me you bastard!"...and they do.


Err *ahem*


But yes I really can see Quinn as Bi, it just seems like it's his personalty, and I can see him falling for the male SW (especially darkside SW) and the SW falling for him.


To me, it's a natural character progression, for him.

Edited by JediElf
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