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Trooper commando Assault Specialist Pve Raid


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I'm assuming that your 50 even though judging by the fact your still doing quests says other wise. I am a level 50 commando I do superior damage compared to most classes. The following link is a skill tree build that i personally use for pve and for pvp. It isnt assault specialist but, its output and consistency of damage outweights assault specialist.


As for the dps rotation. Grav ground x3 > Demolition round > High impact bolt > Full auto(Only if full auto spec procs) > Then occasional Grav round for crits resulting in ammo gain and debuff > Demolition round everytime it comes up along with high impact bolt > Queue full auto anytime it procs as well.



Edited by Unneccessary
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As for the dps rotation. Grav ground x3 > Demolition round > High impact bolt > Full auto(Only if full auto spec procs) > Then occasional Grav round for crits resulting in ammo gain and debuff > Demolition round everytime it comes up along with high impact bolt > Queue full auto anytime it procs as well.




His question was for an assault build, you replied with a gunnery build.


That said op, assault is a waste of time for commandos the sooner you figure that out the sooner you can grav round with the rest of us.

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His question was for an assault build, you replied with a gunnery build.


That said op, assault is a waste of time for commandos the sooner you figure that out the sooner you can grav round with the rest of us.


Assault is a totally viable spec. I'm consistently top dps in PvP and have to watch my aggro in PvE quite frequently. It's a lot more mobile than gunnery too. It's a high maintenance spec however requiring a lot of focus. If that's not for you then maybe being a one button spammer is your ticket.


I use a 3/6/32 spec


Combat Medic:


Field Training 3/3




Havoc Rounds 2/2

Ironsights 3/3

Special Munitions 1/1


Assault Specialist:


Target Lock 3/3

Soldier's Endurance 3/3*

Sweltering Heat 2/2

Superheated Plasma 3/3

High Friction Bolts 2/2

Degauss 2/2

Incendiary Round 1/1

Nightvision Scope 2/2

Ionic Accelerator 3/3

Rain of Fire 3/3

Assault Trooper 2/2

Adrenaline Fueled 2/2

Burnout 3/3

Assault Plastique 1/1


As far as rotation goes I use IR, HiB, FA, HiB (if Proc), AP, If no HiB proc then CB and HS until FA is back up. The rotation isn't perfect sometimes you have to wait on HiB a little by throwing another HS in there or another CB. I also add this into it if the situation allows. Res Powercell, Tech Override, then Plasma Grenade. Most of this is instant cast so you are able to avoid and move around while still dishing out a lot of damage particularly in boss fights in ops where standing still isn't an option most of the time. Hope this helps.

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If your going assault stack accuracy.


If you have a high level of accuracy assault is actually pretty decent. The sustained damage from the DoT mixed with the damage from Charged Bolts is pretty nice. You take a hit without that 20% armor reduction from Grav Round and it lowers your abilities as a team player but in no means is assault as commando worthless. I can easily match my numbers as assault spec as I can with my Gunnery spec, top DPS, top Kills, top Killing Blows.

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This is a pretty trolworthy quote. You replace grave rounds with charged shot and you get a pair of dots. So much more mobile using those shots over grav rounds as they only have the same cast time and are weaker. And you accuse me of being a one button spammer when both trees use what is quite probably a near identical rotation.


Enjoy being a subpar commando though, I guess gunnery is to mainstream for you Hipster trooper.


You don't understand the mechanics if you think the only difference is that Charged Bolts (not "Shots," by the way) and a pair of DoTs is the only difference. Yes, it is true that both specs rely on a 1.5 second cast time skill to trigger the proc they use. However, the similarity ends there.


With Gunnery, you are using Grav Round (GR) or Charged Bolts (CB) to proc Curtain of Fire (CoF) to be able to cast Full Auto (FA) more often. CB has no advantage over GR for Gunnery, so basically, you are using GR exclusively to proc CoF. The only exception would normally be if GR is interrupted, in which case you can use CB to continue trying to proc CoF with Gunnery.


With Assault, you are using CB or FA to proc Ionic Accelerator (IA), which allows you to fire High Impact Bolt (HIB) more often. Similar mechanics, but way different in effect.


Let us say it takes you three casts to trigger the respective procs. For Gunnery, that would be GR + GR + GR followed by a FA to make use of the proc. Casting that sequence would cost you five Global Cooldowns (GCDs), or 7.5 seconds. To compare apples to oranges, let us say that same sequence was CB + CB + FA followed by an HIB to get and make use of the proc. That, too, would be five GCDs, or 7.5 seconds before you could cast again. However, with the Gunnery sequence, you would be rooted the entire 7.5 seconds because every cast requires you to be immobile. For Assault, however, HIB is an instant cast, so even though you would still not be able to cast again until after the 7.5 seconds of that sequence, you would be able to start moving again after the FA, or at 6 seconds. (Granted, you would probably do FA first because of the proc rates, then continue with CB until you got the proc in reality, but this is just for purpose of trying to keep things even.)


But even that is a bit of a hedge in favor of Gunnery. While it is true that CB and GR have the same proc rate for IA or CoF, Assault can proc IA with either FA or CB, and FA has twice the chance to proc IA as CB (or GR for CoF). That means that it is actually more accurate to compare using CB + CB + CB + HIB in the above as the proc rates would be identical. In such a case, you would now be talking about four GCDs (6 seconds) before the next cast and mobility after three (4.5 seconds). Thus, where you are immobile for 7.5 seconds with the Gunnery sequence, you are only immobile for 4.5 seconds of the Assault equivalent, and you are able to cast your next ability after only 6 seconds with Assault whereas it is still 7.5 seconds with Gunnery.


Any way you break it down, you are mobile quicker with the Assault sequence. If it procs on the first cast, CB + HIB is 3 seconds before the next cast and 1.5 seconds to be mobile again whereas GR + FA is 4.5 seconds before the next cast and 4.5 seconds of immobility. Even FA + HIB for Asssult is 4.5 seconds before the next cast but only 3 seconds of immobility, and because FA has twice the proc chance of GR, you will get only one cast before the proc more often with Assault using FA to proc than you will with a single cast proc on Gunnery. That means that FA + HIB is actually more accurately compared to GR + GR + FA, which is 6 seconds of GCDs and immobilty for Gunnery compared to 4.5 seconds of GCDs and 3 seconds of immobility for Assault.


And none of that includes other important considerations. For instance, Grav Round may give a 25% armor debuff with a full stack of 5 Grav Vortexes and Gunnery's cell may add another 35% armor penetration, but much of Assault's damage comes from elemental damage, which bypasses armor completely. So while Gunnery is bypasing 60% armor, it is still hitting 40% armor while a lot of Assault damage is ignoring it completely.


Only someone who looks at the two specs superficially can conclude that they "near identical" in terms of rotation or that Assault damage is subpar because it does not get the Grav Round debuff.

Edited by Sotaudi
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Personally speaking from a pvp perspective. I will say assault spec is the way to go but saying gunnery is not as good is a lie. Gunnery has potential to be amazing in pvp but once a team targets you gunnery becomes worthless. Assault does plenty of damage and gives you a good chance to win almost any 1v1.
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