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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

8 Extra Character Slots Please


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They will start selling character slots later via microtransactions and if I am right, the fees won't be so micro neither.


This is self-evident addition. I filled my slots already, of course i need to be able to use these race perks from 1.2 patch forward. Or was this idea just to satisfy the ppl who don't spend so much time with the game? That would be backwards. :confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm most definitely in favour of more character slots per server, even if it means paying a fee to unlock more slots via microtransactions.


Another 8 slots would suit me fine!

Edited by llesna
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  • 2 months later...
More character slots please! I have a Legacy and I need more character slots to take advantage of it. Plus, this thread is very comforting to me. I thought I was the only maniac who wanted 8 more slots so I could experience the female voice acting!
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Not only do we need more character slots, but we need more destination servers. Most of the Early Access servers went up together in the first two days, and all of them now transfer into two which are also early access servers. The end result being a lot of early access players with more than eight characters being unable to transfer their remaining characters - in my case all 8 of my empire characters - onto a populated server. Indeed my empire server now is completely dead, while my republic server is thriving. All because they are both early access day one servers, and one transfers into the other :(
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  • 2 weeks later...

They should add in more character slots, 8 would be awesome. I'd personally either like to see legacy unlocks or level 50 unlocks like someone else suggested. But please don't make them credit sinks... you want a 9th slot, 5 million credits. I'd rather pay $5 per slot as a one time fee. Or at least give the option... $5 or X number of credits in game.


I feel like more char slots should be a reward, rather than if you want it you have to pay for it. My legacy is at 44... and there aren't any actual rewards. Like oh, legacy 40... here's this free thing thats useful for alts. So every 10 legacy levels, you get another character slot. I'd be all about that :)

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*adds vote* Yes please, transfers make it a necessity unless they open up multiple destinations. I'm stuck with 5 chars on origin server and 7 on the only available destination server - not that I actually want to combine the legacies, but I do want to keep all my characters.
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Yes please, as it stands right now I want to AT LEAST play through all 8 main storylines, additionally it's hard to get benefit of some of the unlockables (such as race) unless you make all your characters in succession after mastering a class (and then repeating a race you unlocked serves no purpose). etc.


Additionally since I only have room for 1 of each main class I feel limited in that I won't be able to have a Shadow now or a Sentinel or a Scoundrel, etc.


It's not worth it to me to add another acount (thus resetting legacy on those toons and paying double a month) for extra character slots ina game like this but it could only help I feel (only thing exploitable is getting more storage space and they can already store stuff in mail and it's annoying transfering stuff between toons anyways)

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