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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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i have talked aout low population there are times my server is low populated and it suck, cant find ppl to group with and i just dont want to join some random guild I have three char on my server. Trying to find a group is like pulling teeth, we get low population since a ton of ppl are leaving the game due to this kinda thing of shuting the servers down twice in about week half for dumb reasons






I hear you dude, it sucks but they do what they have to do. There is 168 hours in a week, average of 730 in a month, they're taking away about 10 hours and about 40 hours respectively to do maintenance. That's such small fractions compared to the overall sum.


No matter what region you are in, somehow some way you're gonna get shut down due to maintenance at any point in time. Sure you may argue that we Americans get less prime time outages, however this is an American game based on American soil. They will work according to America's scheduling because they apply patches and hotfixes globally rather than regionally.


I don't know if you noticed, but a major issue right now in game is a low population of players in servers. They haven't discussed a fix or any idea as to how they will solve the issue.


This Weekend Trial Pass is something of a temporary fix, they're trying to give new and older players a chance to play the game. IF (because I'm not gonna pretend I can tell the future), IF this strategy works it may bring in some new players to try out SWTOR and maybe interest some people. So in a way they aren't wasting your time entirely. All for the greater good. It sucks but you either look for a game that suits your preferences or, and not to sound like a jerk, deal with it.

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got to love games who have 500 million servers when they dont have a big pop base yet cut back on how meny servers we have to have a bigger pop base untill the numbers grow, nothin more boring then a server with 5 ppl online in a area your in lol Edited by jimmyjediknight
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got to love games who have 500 million servers when they dont have a big pop base yet cut back on how meny servers we have to have a bigger pop base untill the numbers grow, nothin more boring then a server with 5 ppl online in a area your in lol


This company is wacked, everytime they patch more problems arrise, I've never seen a game get consistently worse patch after patch. Soon your whole server will only have 5 people on it Total. Bioware shares are down over 50% since launch, wonder why ?? FAIL.

Edited by Wardword
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To the OP: I understand man, and I really don't see why they can't take the Oceanic and Euro servers down at times that don't impact those players as much. BW just seems to like the efficency and money saving strategy of "Fix it all at the same time, who cares who we piss off!".


Lazy-ness. (The same reason why character creations is good awful as well, not to say there aren't many things that have been done well.)

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Another annoyed Aussie here.


I can live with Tuesday nights being down. Its mid week and with a wife and kids, I shouldn't be playing anyway.


But Friday nights, after I get them all asleep, is THE prime time of the week for me to game.


To read that this is just to fix something that is a hiccup with their weekend promo....grrr.


To make matters worse, I skipped my 4am out of bed for a few hours SWTOR before work this morning, thinking the sleep would do me well for tonight. Doh!


This is my situation as well.

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So once again, you take servers down on a friday night at 9pm during oceanic prime time for 4 hours for a patch. I mean what the hell!!!!


How many americans do you have on at say 8am or 6am friday morning? You need to select a new time because the current one is *********** awful.


Stop crying.

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Like another poster mentioned which makes a lot of sense. The world is round (crazy fact huh? lol :p), so no matter what time they decide it is someone's prime time.


The issue is that it's affecting YOUR prime time to play, oh but hey if they listen to you, who cares what happens to the others right?


There is a little thing called context. You seem to miss this everytime you post.

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How many americans do you have on at say 8am or 6am friday morning? You need to select a new time because the current one is *********** awful.


QFT. I live in Hawaii, this is in prime gaming time. And why another patch anyway?

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4hrs that is in the middle of prime time for him. I understand the frustration. Could you imagine the fires that would exist in this forum if they took the servers down for even 2hrs from 6PM to 8PM Eastern US time? wow...


To the OP: I understand man, and I really don't see why they can't take the Oceanic and Euro servers down at times that don't impact those players as much. BW just seems to like the efficency and money saving strategy of "Fix it all at the same time, who cares who we piss off!".


Nobody would care because people are coming home from work, having dinner, family time etc...and they said they can't do maintenance separately because their system doesn't allow it.

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Who just came on here to figure out what they are actually going to /do/ through this patch?


I did come here for that same reason.

And we really shouldn't have to read through post after post to lookup information which should be stated in the dev post.

Every time I come to these forums to look, I get more and more certain that I'll stop playing this game very soon.

These threads are so negative (often not without reason), they suck the will to play out of me.

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are you fn kidding me.

this is a joke right?


TUESDAY NIGHT u brought servers down for 8 hours.


now your bringing them down again FRIDAY.


*** is wrong with you.






I think some compensation is in order. this is rediculous


like the other gamers said.


Friday is one of the days i get to actually play. this is really unnacceptable.

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College kids are out! And for the ones who don't go out and drink, those are the peak times for games.... 12am -4am is prime time. Friday night people have lives.







Blizzard is smarter than that ffs

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I dont like to rant about these things cause i know the pain of maintaing a game or servers over time. But these maintenence times are getting ridiculous, 2-3 times per week some weeks is just too much. I can really feel how new BioWare are ate maintaining an MMO and its starting to push people away :(


I will still stay cause i love this game to the bone, but people who just need an extra nudge to quit is going to quit eventually over something as trivial as this. Please BioWare get your act together and have pre-scheduled(1 week a head or same time every week) maintenence unless there is an emergency(duping or other major security or game breaking concerns).

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so this patch wasn't available two days ago on maintenance day ?


or can't be left for another 3 days untill the next maintenance window ?


Losing all faith in whoever is running this game. (not for the down time. np. i'll be working) Just the lack of planning.

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A note to all people in this thread:


BioWare does not care what you think, what region you are in, or anything else we as paying customers care about.


All they care about is HOW THEY THINK THINGS SHOULD BE DONE oh and getting paid.


No matter how many games came before them with all their success stories, it's just a better idea to regress video games to a point in time when all of this was fixed because they think it's just better to screw over their customers.


This patch is obviously not some major fix because if it were it would have been done by now.


They have been taking down the servers on a Friday every month, once a month from the start. Thus, this is scheduled maintenance.


My bet, is that someone on at Bioware decided all of this far in advance and not once looked at any evidence of when the servers are most populated, how other games handled maintenance, etc. Must be the spoiled brat of someone senior management official or better friend of a friend.


Remember in this world it's not what you know but who.

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