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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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Rather than use the system of doing patches and having least impact on the US servers, its time they switched them and did them in rotation. Where it will affect each region in turn. Therefore to allows fairness for all people that pay to play SWTOR.


After all we all pay the same we should be treated the same.

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^^ And where exactly would he take his kids at that time of night ? i have have kids and if he/she is anything like me there in bed for roughly 7.00pm-8.00pm, as a parent havin time to yaself stops ya killin yaself lol, so i understand why he/she is pissed i would be the same, people without kids don't understand, we cant just go out every friday night and get ****ed can we.


Really, what does it matter if you have kids or not, Its not our buisness to know.


We dont need to know if u guys dont have time at night to go out, that's your own fault.


If you wanted to go out and drink yourself drunk everynight, you should have thinked about this before you even got a kid, because now you make it looks like you setting the kids on its fault. Like , it's looks like you are in dangerous time lol ;D

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a BW rep called it an "Emergency Maintenance"



If it's an emergency and something crashed and burned, those things happen usually at the worst possible time and I would be okay with that. If it's just a patch to prepare for the free weekend then that is definitely toro poo-poo and should have been implemented back on Tuesday




Don't know, I can't find any information on it. Presumably it is something to do with the free weekend trials, but in another thread a BW rep called it an "Emergency Maintenance". If it was an emergency why was it postponed into our prime time and BW's favoured patch installation time frame.


I call BS and it was either preplanned or not enough of an emergency that the US time zone is affected.

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Everyone who pays a subscription fee is perfectly entitled to express their displeasure at the service provided by BW. They are running this game as though it were 2002. 2+ hours for maintenance (or tiny hotfixes) is unacceptable in this day and age. There are some game companies that can push out major patches with only 2 hours downtime....with hotfixes often taking less than 30 minutes, if any downtime is needed at all.


Bioware are just coming across as....well.....unprofessional and amateur.

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loooool. Promise not a troll or a racist, just frustrated. Finally get a free night to play this game and yup its down...


You lucky dog... now you get to do all those interesting stuff you've always wanted to do but never had the time, while still paying for this service.


Oh, the envy!!!

Edited by Urdnaxela
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Usually yes or late Sunday night/early Monday morning




You do maintenance during daytime, in the middle of the week. Period.


If you miss to apply one important patch and cant do it withouth several hours of downtime, you wait another week.


that how it should work.

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yes emergency for the free ppl, they f up on there coding last week patch now they want it fix so they can get more free ppl to play after the free players read this i dont think the will stay




Don't know, I can't find any information on it. Presumably it is something to do with the free weekend trials, but in another thread a BW rep called it an "Emergency Maintenance". If it was an emergency why was it postponed into our prime time and BW's favoured patch installation time frame.


I call BS and it was either preplanned or not enough of an emergency that the US time zone is affected.

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I could not agree more



Everyone who pays a subscription fee is perfectly entitled to express their displeasure at the service provided by BW. They are running this game as though it were 2002. 2+ hours for maintenance (or tiny hotfixes) is unacceptable in this day and age. There are some game companies that can push out major patches with only 2 hours downtime....with hotfixes often taking less than 30 minutes, if any downtime is needed at all.


Bioware are just coming across as....well.....unprofessional and amateur.

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Neroxides were talking about free time, people trying to say * omg you got nothin better to do on a friday night * well no we somtimes havn't, and yet the same people who are saying this are usually the same people who stay logged in to the website 24/7 posting.if he/she wants to moan about the server time being down in there peak time let them, but oh yea im sure if it was down in your peak time u wouldnt moan right
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There sure is a never ending supply of DB's who like to tell others how to live their lives and what exactly they should be doing with their free time.


Do you even know what this patch is tonight? It has nothing to do with "making things better".... its to fix something with the free trials. Has nothing to do with any of our game play.


If you haven't realized, a major issue at the moment is the lack of player population within servers. This marketing ploy, The Weekend Pass, MAY bring in new players or bring back old players. IF (because I cannot read the future), IF it does work out, we may have an increased number of players to play with/against.


No MMO is fun if you're playing alone. This MAY bring in some players. They have not once discussed the problem with low populations within servers, but this Weekend Pass may be a temporary fix. So yes it very much has to do with our game play. More players = More fun even if the new players are noobs. They'll get up there if they choose to stay.

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Lol those were the days. The biggest environment you had ever seeeen in any game, and to walk miles upon miles to get to one point, no mounts until 40, you had to discover the flight paths just to get around man. The most terrible thing was the lag, the horrible lag.


WoW in it's vanilla days and SWTOR in it's 3 months of being live cannot be compared :p. It's the equivalent to my granddad telling how in his day he had to walk up a hill in both direction 2 miles just to go to the store looool.


Think SWTOR is hard? No way lol.


true story

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yea who r other ppl to tell me what to do at 5 am on a friday, must be some 15 year old or some creepy guy in mom basement lol. Im not in the military anymore i dont need a teen saying you should find something else to do with your time lol



i gotta laugh at peoples debates on what they think others should do on a friday night. fact is we are all here. irony
Edited by jimmyjediknight
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Everyone who pays a subscription fee is perfectly entitled to express their displeasure at the service provided by BW. They are running this game as though it were 2002. 2+ hours for maintenance (or tiny hotfixes) is unacceptable in this day and age. There are some game companies that can push out major patches with only 2 hours downtime....with hotfixes often taking less than 30 minutes, if any downtime is needed at all.


Bioware are just coming across as....well.....unprofessional and amateur.


I agree as well.


This is not an emergency patch this is for the F2P weekend and that's annoying.

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Umm, ok, I apologise for using the word yank, definitely wasn't meant to offend. Nice use of Australian iconography there. I'm not Australian though, but they're an awesome bunch of people so I don't mind being grouped with them :)


Yeah you were in the wrong but it pales compared to the tirade you got back. Seriously if a person reacts like that they need banning.

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Low population servers? Maybe on the US ones, but it's the easiest fix in the world.


Forced transfers, WoW did it. WoW also did the opposite when a realm became overpopulated.


It'll happen to soon as they figure out the logistics of it for the late-April transfers post 1.2 and legacy conundrum.


I also hope 1.3 is focused to end game content as I hear it is what is killing resubcription.

Edited by Banicks
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