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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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Or find something better to invest my money and time in haha:rolleyes:


Exactly and thank you for saying that. Rather than stomp and throw tantrums on the forums, individuals have a choice whether to continue dealing with this game or not.


I understand everyone's point, but it is unfair to constantly blame BioWare when we are not being forced to stick around and suffer the burdens of elements of the game which make us unhappy. Rather than to rip open a flame war, why not just quietly step away from the game and find something that can be more accommodating to one's personal time?


However I love how that mod steps in with his/her copy/paste message and contributes nothing to the conversation.

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***, seriously... two days now this week that I can't play at all because of maintenance - I don't really want to unsubscribe (kind of having fun when I actually get to play), but it would seem that you're doing it for me... you just don't get that these 4-6 hour 'maintenance' windows that start as soon as the whole east coast of Australia get home from work and span the whole of the only possible play time available to us is a problem?


If you needed to do an extra one on Friday to manage the free weekend, why do the one on Tuesday... plan ahead or start crediting the affected players with extra game time.


I only subscribed 5 days ago, 2 of those nights (from 8pm to 12pm) have been down for maintenance. I think I'm justifiably annoyed. Yeah, probably bad timing, but they can either stagger maintenance, or maybe move it by 2 hours each time, so everyone gets a share.

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personaly, I LOVE scheduled maintenance!

Means I can read threads like this, which is almost just as much fun as playing the game!


Even when then announce the downtime, people could do something else like... call a friend and go out, but noooooo.... just wait till you get cicked out of the game and then instantly start complaining on the forum.


On a personal note, i think this game is awesome in many ways, and I am thankful they are trying to keep improving it, yes this means downtime and that is bound to make some people unhappy.


So.... underneed this post please all state THANK YOU for making this a better game.

and if you still feel the urge to write something, tell a joke and make downtime a bit more enjoyable...


May the force be with you!


Not in so many words, but this did cross my mind as well lol

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...WoW doesn't have problems like this...UO didn't have problems like this...even Diablo wasn't this big of a hot mess...once my paid time is up I may not renew, there's no point--this show seems be being run by the Careerbuilder monkeys...

WoW did have problems like this.... is just better now:rolleyes:



Indeed it did. There were times in vanilla where servers would go down for 2-3 days at a time while Blizzard scrambled to track down and fix the cause of it. Half the time it was because the servers were just plain overloaded with more players than they could handle; the other half of the time Blizzard didn't even know what brought down the game and they'd just keep posting messages to the login screen every few hours to satisfy the players that they really were working it out. Imagine having THAT to deal with, no warning of shut-down coming, no idea why it was down, and no idea how long it would be down. WoW doesn't have problems like this because Blizzard went through it all already when WoW was still a yearling. In the process of correcting one thing after another, they've accumulated enough experience, and learned the hard way, how to smooth out their protocol and keep their players unannoyed.

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Eh I guess. I can't say it really upsets me, it makes me laugh more than mad actually. I just got bored of COD MW3 and games that have a quick beginning and end. A MMO sounded more interesting and longer lasting. And I am a fan of the JKTOP games anyway (Revan is the ****). But yeah, I'm going to watch netflix and play tomorrow I guess (unless these **** faces do another update in which case I may have to find something different.


MMOs can be tremendous fun or they can make you mad. Or both! :)


I love them because things go on, change, evolve. I like single-player games too but when you finish them, that's it (unless there's a sequel and even that bugs me cos unfortunately it's usually years 'til one is out).


I used to get really wound up back in EQ days when they were having issues and would be down for...well...loooooong periods of time. Then I realised it accomplished nothing except getting me cranky. And it's not like there isn't always something that needs doing.

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In a bizarre way the complaining is actually good news, because it means many people are passionate about the game. They want to play the game.


Yea I pointed this out in another thread, but I've been having fun with it nonetheless. BW won't start to worry until they stop seeing these pop up.

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In a bizarre way the complaining is actually good news, because it means many people are passionate about the game. They want to play the game.


Definitely agree. I just disagree with the bashing and constant blame on the developer. MMO's work because of the choices of the developers and the choices of the players.


No one is forced to play a game they fine undesirable. I remember my first MMO was a F2P game. I was constantly so frustrated with the unfair advantage players had that I would blow blood vessels in fury. But eventually I wised up and asked myself, "why am I still dealing with this, nothing is tying me down to this game."


Very different situations yes, but the concept remains.

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personaly, I LOVE scheduled maintenance!

Means I can read threads like this, which is almost just as much fun as playing the game!


Even when then announce the downtime, people could do something else like... call a friend and go out, but noooooo.... just wait till you get cicked out of the game and then instantly start complaining on the forum.


On a personal note, i think this game is awesome in many ways, and I am thankful they are trying to keep improving it, yes this means downtime and that is bound to make some people unhappy.


So.... underneed this post please all state THANK YOU for making this a better game.

and if you still feel the urge to write something, tell a joke and make downtime a bit more enjoyable...


May the force be with you!



i think it needed some orange...

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Again I NEVER HAD A problem with WoW, NEVER EVER and I used to play at peak times too--sure the new areas lagged a bit but other than that no problems.



In the year plus I played UO...NO PROBLEMS, NONE



Diablo was years ago but I don't recall having any issues again logging on at peak times after getting home from work...so I dunno what to tell you...





Indeed it did. There were times in vanilla where servers would go down for 2-3 days at a time while Blizzard scrambled to track down and fix the cause of it. Half the time it was because the servers were just plain overloaded with more players than they could handle; the other half of the time Blizzard didn't even know what brought down the game and they'd just keep posting messages to the login screen every few hours to satisfy the players that they really were working it out. Imagine having THAT to deal with, no warning of shut-down coming, no idea why it was down, and no idea how long it would be down. WoW doesn't have problems like this because Blizzard went through it all already when WoW was still a yearling. In the process of correcting one thing after another, they've accumulated enough experience, and learned the hard way, how to smooth out their protocol and keep their players unannoyed.
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MMOs can be tremendous fun or they can make you mad. Or both! :)


I love them because things go on, change, evolve. I like single-player games too but when you finish them, that's it (unless there's a sequel and even that bugs me cos unfortunately it's usually years 'til one is out).


I used to get really wound up back in EQ days when they were having issues and would be down for...well...loooooong periods of time. Then I realised it accomplished nothing except getting me cranky. And it's not like there isn't always something that needs doing.


I think what really upsets people and me sometimes, is you get a day off, and you make plans for a game, sex, food, party, whatever. And when things change, you get pissy naturally, understandable. But as you say, roll with the punches, it's not like ************ over a forum is going to change anything lol. So, time to adapt and ***** on a internet forum because it's fun!!!! :D

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Indeed it did. There were times in vanilla where servers would go down for 2-3 days at a time while Blizzard scrambled to track down and fix the cause of it. Half the time it was because the servers were just plain overloaded with more players than they could handle; the other half of the time Blizzard didn't even know what brought down the game and they'd just keep posting messages to the login screen every few hours to satisfy the players that they really were working it out. Imagine having THAT to deal with, no warning of shut-down coming, no idea why it was down, and no idea how long it would be down. WoW doesn't have problems like this because Blizzard went through it all already when WoW was still a yearling. In the process of correcting one thing after another, they've accumulated enough experience, and learned the hard way, how to smooth out their protocol and keep their players unannoyed.



Exactly and bioware has it much easier with the new technology they just need some experience. and tbh. the game is only 3 months old... I did expect things much worse than this xD

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Again I NEVER HAD A problem with WoW, NEVER EVER and I used to play at peak times too--sure the new areas lagged a bit but other than that no problems.



In the year plus I played UO...NO PROBLEMS, NONE



Diablo was years ago but I don't recall having any issues again logging on at peak times after getting home from work...so I dunno what to tell you...


When did you start playing WoW? Cos I was there opening day through release of BC and there absolutely were some real stinkers of problems. This was the U.S. servers, don't know about EU or AUS.

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this is due to a bio screw up on the last patch, to fix a issue with the free weekend players , what a way for a new player to get to play they get server is down lol


personaly, I LOVE scheduled maintenance!

Means I can read threads like this, which is almost just as much fun as playing the game!


Even when then announce the downtime, people could do something else like... call a friend and go out, but noooooo.... just wait till you get cicked out of the game and then instantly start complaining on the forum.


On a personal note, i think this game is awesome in many ways, and I am thankful they are trying to keep improving it, yes this means downtime and that is bound to make some people unhappy.


So.... underneed this post please all state THANK YOU for making this a better game.

and if you still feel the urge to write something, tell a joke and make downtime a bit more enjoyable...


May the force be with you!



i think it needed some orange...

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Again I NEVER HAD A problem with WoW, NEVER EVER and I used to play at peak times too--sure the new areas lagged a bit but other than that no problems.



In the year plus I played UO...NO PROBLEMS, NONE



Diablo was years ago but I don't recall having any issues again logging on at peak times after getting home from work...so I dunno what to tell you...


You mean with downtime hours??

so that would mean that someone else it not having problems now because the chosen a differ time to but the maintenance in...


so, feel fortunate that you were so lucky untill now .. and ... i you have such a huge problem with it ... go back and play that?!?!

Oh, and stop using stupid sizes of fonts :)

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this is due to a bio screw up on the last patch, to fix a issue with the free weekend players , what a way for a new player to get to play they get server is down lol


I've had that two nights of the five since I bought the game. I only get a few hours to play each night, annoyed when I can't

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I was with wow on release it had probs at the start, swg on release on some servers crashed lol



Again I NEVER HAD A problem with WoW, NEVER EVER and I used to play at peak times too--sure the new areas lagged a bit but other than that no problems.



In the year plus I played UO...NO PROBLEMS, NONE



Diablo was years ago but I don't recall having any issues again logging on at peak times after getting home from work...so I dunno what to tell you...

Edited by jimmyjediknight
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Extremely amusing listening to US players give oceanic players advice on what they should be doing on a Friday night. Isn't is approx 1-4am on friday morning there in the US? Great time for winners (unemployed? arts students? live with Mummy? sorry Mommy?) & their action packed lives to be submitting posts...
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I think what really upsets people and me sometimes, is you get a day off, and you make plans for a game, sex, food, party, whatever. And when things change, you get pissy naturally, understandable. But as you say, roll with the punches, it's not like ************ over a forum is going to change anything lol. So, time to adapt and ***** on a internet forum because it's fun!!!! :D


I know. And I learned to stop doing that awhile back. It made me very cranky to have MY schedule borked by someone I couldn't stomp my foot at. Heh.


I bring a "patience" to this that I guess not many have due to having been on the "other side" (TS/CS). That obviously colours my position, no doubt but it really is more "why rage against something that is inevitable"?


I'm lazy like that. ;)

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