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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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Sad to see the usual posts about just play during the other hours when the servers are not offline but some of us have other commitments/hobbies/families/jobs/etc and don't have the option to reschedule our free time to match the online time.


I get home from work, hoping to relax and play a game I paid for. Kinda silly that the worst aspect of this game has nothing to do with the game and more the fact I can't even play it during my limited free time.


If this keeps going then I may as well play/pay for something else, I really only have 2-3 weekday nights to play.


I told my wife a few weeks ago, the only "game breaking" issue I have experienced so far have been the recurring maintenance times that are always in my window of game time each night after work.

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I just bought this game monday. I think I started at a bad time :p. Already 2 big maintanances and I havent got that much playtime anyway... Even Age of Conan had a better start for me.


Big maints? You mean, tweaks to allow trial players to play a free weekend. Cause that's what the downtimes have been for. To milk a little more cash out of a dying game. BW's just drinking the Star Wars well dry. Unfortunate. Instead of fixing stuff for paid players that has been broken SINCE BETA, they're allowing trial players.


Sigh, Bioware used to be cool, but anything EA, I should of expected this to be a pile of garbage.

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Well its pissing me off, I got a life. I get off work at 12am PDT they have a 4 to 6 hour patch and there goes my dailies.


Move the patch time to 4am PDT and you would make more people happy. its after most Prime Times and at lunch for EU.


You all really got to fix these down times.


Love how some of you say its the lest used time ***? really? let me how many NA people get up at 8am to play star wars? most are going to work or getting off work if they have jobs that require them to work over nights.


I bet less people play at 4am to 8am PDT then at any other time that is until the gold farmers log on so please tell use more how we should live our lives, how many sit watching TV for 4 hours before bed? I much rather play SW then watch TV, but I guess I could watch some Bleach while I wait for sleep to come.


Good nite all and enjoy the chat forums.

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Is this normal for a MMO? This is my first (save for Runescape), so I don't know if this is normal to not be able to play a game you pay for. I mean hell, I'm paying them money to do these updates on my nights off, and I can't play the game? Hmm...


Yes, this is normal, especially for a new MMO. I can recall MMOs being down for DAYS at a time whilst things got "fixed". It's frustrating not to be able to play when you want to, I agree, but maint./patch/emergency fixes etc. have to occur.


Best to find a way not to let it make you mad or you'll be mad a fair good bit.

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Yea I don't see why at least the Oceanic servers can't have a different maintenence time.


The regular maintenence on Tuesday starts about 10 minutes before the earliest time I can get home from work. Really pisses me off.

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1:55 AM CST "The servers will be coming down for 4 hours in 5 minutes for maintenance; please find somewhere safe."


2:00 - 6:00 AM CST "Gawd blammit. All the friffin time with the patches during my play time".


6:00 AM CST "The servers are now available for play".


6:00 AM CST "I think I'll go to bed now".


So... I'm not the only one... there are at least 2 of us with similar schedules.

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Yes, this is normal, especially for a new MMO. I can recall MMOs being down for DAYS at a time whilst things got "fixed". It's frustrating not to be able to play when you want to, I agree, but maint./patch/emergency fixes etc. have to occur.


Best to find a way not to let it make you mad or you'll be mad a fair good bit.


Or find something better to invest my money and time in haha:rolleyes:

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But you have no official response to the main topic of questions here?


Do BW even acknowledge that they are providing a substandard service and availability of game to times zones outside of USA?

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I have to agree to the idea of staggering maintenance to match each area. Yes its friday night here, some of you will tell me to get a life, but I'm a lawyer, I've had a busy week, I'll go out tomorrow night, but tonight I was looking forward to unwinding with some SWTOR. But at 8pm on a friday night the servers go down.


Stagger the maintenance, please.

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But you have no official response to the main topic of questions here?


Do BW even acknowledge that they are providing a substandard service and availability of game to times zones outside of USA?


They've made it entirely clear, they don't care.

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***, seriously... two days now this week that I can't play at all because of maintenance - I don't really want to unsubscribe (kind of having fun when I actually get to play), but it would seem that you're doing it for me... you just don't get that these 4-6 hour 'maintenance' windows that start as soon as the whole east coast of Australia get home from work and span the whole of the only possible play time available to us is a problem?


If you needed to do an extra one on Friday to manage the free weekend, why do the one on Tuesday... plan ahead or start crediting the affected players with extra game time.

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Or find something better to invest my money and time in haha:rolleyes:


Well, that is a matter of opinion, of course but yes. If downtime upsets someone THAT much, then it probably would be a good idea to find something else to invest time and money in.


MMOs WILL have down time. All of 'em. If that's an issue then two choices exist:


1. Do as you suggest above.


2. Roll with the punches.

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While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,

Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,

Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,

As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.


God bless America,

Land that I love.

Stand beside her, and guide her

Through the night with a light from above.

From the mountains, to the prairies,

To the oceans, white with foam

God bless America, My home sweet home

God bless America, My home sweet home.


Would this be off topic? I mean lets not open up that complicated topic lol

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What are the opinions? Care to quote a few?



1. FACT: The servers are physically located in Europe (Ireland) for Europe and in NA for NA.


They are physically located in EU but maintenance from halfway around the world at the same time


2. FACT: They based their "lowest population" argument on statistics made on the holiday period. Those statistics are bound to be broken, you never ever try to make statistics over a period that is in itself an exceptional period.



3. FACT: The Earth is round.


It is actually an Oblate Spheroid


4. FACT: Even if the Earth was flat, NA would still not be the centrum mundi (regardless of the propaganda some of you are fed).


LOL you sound mad... u mad bro? Nice latin terms trying to sound more intelligent though.


5. FACT: There are a lot of time zones. Yes, more than just two or three.


6. FACT: EULA is worth close to nothing in Europe. Yes, it's crazy, i know, but the Americans laws (or American company's sorry excuse for a binding agreement) worth nothing in the "rest of the world".


Go ahead sue them and watch what happens, I'd pay to see it and have a tub of popcorn to go with it.


7. FACT: Customers that pay the same fee (or even more) expect to get the same service (or even more).


You do everyone is getting the same access to the game no matter where they are on the globe.


8. FACT: Ignorance leads to "what? you're crying for a measly 4 hours" replies.


Another opinion, to me you seem to be suffering from what you are accusing others of.


9. FACT: Stupidity leads to not being able to discern between those 4 "measly hours" and 4 hours of prime time.


And insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result


10. FACT: Both ignorance and stupidity are infinite...

I agree with this one


11. FACT: It is possible, and not even complicated, to allow users to access different servers, with different versions of the application/client, or at least prevent them from accessing some of the servers that have not yet received the upgraded version (depending on your client, you may access only the servers that have been patched with the same version as your client).


But wouldn't this go against the every paying customer deserves the same service? I mean if you can play while I can't that wouldn't be the same now would it?


12. FACT: Allowing the users to access those said servers, while preventing them from accessing not yet patched servers will not lead to people overcrowding some of the servers. Why? Again, different time zones mean that when it's daytime in NA, most Europeans sleep (for example).


Again going against your same level of service stand point... so X gets to play 1.2 sooner than Y as an example is the same level of service?


13. FACT: If the role would be reversed you'd realize just how much of a difference in civilization and decency exist between NA and "the rest of the world" simply because most people would support and agree with you for being upset over not receiving the same level of "highest quality of service" as the Europeans or AU&NZ customers would, instead of sending you to "get laid" during the time you pay for.


I am in america and work odd hours this is cutting into my "prime time" and am in the same boat as you. There will always be people who arent happy no matter what you do.


14. FACT: It does not concern you whether i have a "life" or not. Not choosing to engage in carnal intercourse (something Sheldon might say) is not an argument that would falsify my claim that the service i pay for is not provided during the prime time.

Covered this...


15. FACT: It is possible, and not even complicated, to have separate maintenance times for different regions. That would be a big step forward towards ensuring the "highest quality of service", but it would also mean that it would take more cash out of EA/BW pockets.


16. FACT: European customers as well as AU&NZ customers pay (sometimes even more than the NA customers) for a service that is preferential towards the NA customers. At least have the decency (if not the required intellect) to acknowledge that.


17. FACT: There are several examples of MMOs out there that manage to have a global service while not having a global maintenance time frame.


18. FACT: Although it might seem silly and childish for you, a lot of AU&NZ will leave because of this.


19. FACT: You really don't want people to leave. You'd better pray instead for lots and lots of customers.


20. FACT: The servers are being brought down for "maintenance" because of "measly" patches while some of the big problems yet remain unsolved, either that or they have a poor understanding of what "patch notes" mean.


21. FACT: ..."get a life", "go get laid or somethin'", "there's lots to do in the meantime", "they do it because they're Americans", "get used to it", "shush" and so many of those replies i'm always disgusted to see should give you a hint about why people regard Americans as they do... This is both a fact and an advice...


I stopped somewhere in there I can't respond to anymore of this rubbish....

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The regular maintenence on Tuesday starts about 10 minutes before the earliest time I can get home from work. Really pisses me off



Exactly the same for me...then they pull this garbage which should have done on Tuesday while the servers were already down...poor planning, epic fail execution and sheer stupidity...

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I actually understand the OP's complaint although they could of explained their issue without all the QQ. There is really no reason why the servers should be down right now. Bioware, it would improve your customer service to please try and contain the servers being down to a single night a week which should include patch rollouts. There is no reason why you cannot deploy a patch and perform your weekly maint on your servers all on the same night. The fact that the servers are down on a day that is not a normal maint day is a bit ridiculous.
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add 4 hours to your patch time.

=early morning US

=midday EU

=10pm-midnight for oceanic


seems like a lower pop situation to me


redo your crap population calcs


Pretty sure this works. That pushes it back to prime time Middle East, surely the statistics out there are the lowest?

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personaly, I LOVE scheduled maintenance!

Means I can read threads like this, which is almost just as much fun as playing the game!


Even when then announce the downtime, people could do something else like... call a friend and go out, but noooooo.... just wait till you get cicked out of the game and then instantly start complaining on the forum.


On a personal note, i think this game is awesome in many ways, and I am thankful they are trying to keep improving it, yes this means downtime and that is bound to make some people unhappy.


So.... underneed this post please all state THANK YOU for making this a better game.

and if you still feel the urge to write something, tell a joke and make downtime a bit more enjoyable...


May the force be with you!

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You asked for it! So the Opinions are:




Opinion because not all customers expect this.




These are not facts at all, there is no defenite proof that stupidy nor ignorance lead to these things. furtheremore: both are prooven not to be infinite because the amount of people to be ignorant or stupid are finite.




This is an opinion as the situation of it being reversed does not exist so there is no defenite proof of your assertion. Especially the decency argument is completely biased and bull.. I have met Aussies and live with Europeans that are way more horrible persons than some Americans I met.




Started off good there, untill the decency/intellect comment put this fact into the realm of opinion.




Opinion, a lot of AU&NZ will leave this game, that is a fact because a lot of people come and go to any game. That they leave because of this is not prooven and therefore not fact though.




Opinion because prayer has never prooven to bring customers.




Measly is a classification of opinion, the fact is they are patches and patch notes, not measly patches and 'patch notes'




You actually state it as fact, yet say you are personally disgusted and clearly making it an opinion. Then again, you alone know if you having an opinion is a fact, so I will give this a half-fact.


So: that is 9,5 non facts in a 21 'facts' list.. yeah..


:)) You got me. I'm biased. Can't help myself to see that you did make a point and i find myself liking the way you did it.


What about the important things, that are related to this issue? The global service, the maintenance stuff...

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Well, that is a matter of opinion, of course but yes. If downtime upsets someone THAT much, then it probably would be a good idea to find something else to invest time and money in.


MMOs WILL have down time. All of 'em. If that's an issue then two choices exist:


1. Do as you suggest above.


2. Roll with the punches.


Eh I guess. I can't say it really upsets me, it makes me laugh more than mad actually. I just got bored of COD MW3 and games that have a quick beginning and end. A MMO sounded more interesting and longer lasting. And I am a fan of the JKTOP games anyway (Revan is the ****). But yeah, I'm going to watch netflix and play tomorrow I guess (unless these **** faces do another update in which case I may have to find something different.

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