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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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Western NSW player here. I am fine with the servers going down all at the same time, I don't really care when either.


If they left ours up while the yank ones go down (or vice versa) the online servers would be flooded with people wanting to play. Think of the spam!


If this is your first MMO, then the precedent was set by the still currently largest MMO ever made, World of Warcraft. These downtimes are a necessary cleanup operation so the server runs as well as it can for the rest of the days of the week.


BW and EA (see: Devil) even gave us LOCAL SERVERS, something no other MMO that I've played has done.


In conclusion, if you don't like this aspect of this game, and MMO's in general, you are free to **** off and play Bastion for the 5th time. If you can swallow the very tiny and sweet pill you also get to wash it down with a big glass of "when I return, I will have 30ms latency in an MMO" juice. Perhaps its these newschool MMO players that post these mandatory before patch whinge threads, and don't know how sweet that is compared to the alternative.

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Entitlement is when you go into a McDonalds and demand they make you Chicken soup, which isn't on the menu.

entitlement is walking into a wal mart, and screaming they don't have playboy magazines.

Entitlement is NOT expecting something you pay for to work.


Let me put it this way.

If you got a telephone call and the operator said your service was going to be interuupted even 1 day a week for 4-8 hours, YOU would cancel the phone service and go with another carrier.

If your credit card company said your money wasn't going to be available because they had to put out a bank software update, you'd go to another company.


ENTITLEMENT IS NOT expecting a game put out in 2012 to use systems in place by other MMORPG's to avoid as much downtime as possible. Even without these systems, 4 hours is still too long. rotating servers, having some test realm servers open, or some other method of making things so we can at least do SOMETHING, instead of sit here waiting.


And ENTITLEMENT is not us who PAY TO PLAY expecting to not be pushed off for so far 14 hours just so "free weekend players" can leech off the game, and make us paying members second class players.


I take it you never bothered to read the TOS? Because basically crying about maintenance is the same as walking into McDonalds and ordering soup as you put it :rolleyes:

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Entitlement is when you go into a McDonalds and demand they make you Chicken soup, which isn't on the menu.

entitlement is walking into a wal mart, and screaming they don't have playboy magazines.

Entitlement is NOT expecting something you pay for to work.


Let me put it this way.

If you got a telephone call and the operator said your service was going to be interuupted even 1 day a week for 4-8 hours, YOU would cancel the phone service and go with another carrier.

If your credit card company said your money wasn't going to be available because they had to put out a bank software update, you'd go to another company.


ENTITLEMENT IS NOT expecting a game put out in 2012 to use systems in place by other MMORPG's to avoid as much downtime as possible. Even without these systems, 4 hours is still too long. rotating servers, having some test realm servers open, or some other method of making things so we can at least do SOMETHING, instead of sit here waiting.


And ENTITLEMENT is not us who PAY TO PLAY expecting to not be pushed off for so far 14 hours just so "free weekend players" can leech off the game, and make us paying members second class players.


Actually, he is right about the entitlement. This game comes with a ToS that says hey, by buying this product you may experience these things. So yes, you say "Well, I pay to play this, so I should have access to it anytime I want." is, in fact, entitlement. You can't even play the game if you don't accept those Terms of Service.

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Entitlement is when you go into a McDonalds and demand they make you Chicken soup, which isn't on the menu.

entitlement is walking into a wal mart, and screaming they don't have playboy magazines.

Entitlement is NOT expecting something you pay for to work.


Let me put it this way.

If you got a telephone call and the operator said your service was going to be interuupted even 1 day a week for 4-8 hours, YOU would cancel the phone service and go with another carrier.

If your credit card company said your money wasn't going to be available because they had to put out a bank software update, you'd go to another company.


ENTITLEMENT IS NOT expecting a game put out in 2012 to use systems in place by other MMORPG's to avoid as much downtime as possible. Even without these systems, 4 hours is still too long. rotating servers, having some test realm servers open, or some other method of making things so we can at least do SOMETHING, instead of sit here waiting.


And ENTITLEMENT is not us who PAY TO PLAY expecting to not be pushed off for so far 14 hours just so "free weekend players" can leech off the game, and make us paying members second class players.



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Please name another game that does random maintenance times? Most just choose a day, they tell people what day it will be and how long it could be down and then you don't ever have to worry about it. If its a fix for an exploit, then take it down fix it and bring it back up.


Again though, with all the money they have made you would think they could afford some live updating so that they could sneak emergency fixes into the game without affecting EVERYONE involved. I'm in America and the time doesn't bother me so much as the fact Tuesdays are maintenance days and here it is Thursday and the servers are down.

Edited by Newsinz
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My questions is when they took the system down for maintenance on Tuesday, why didn't they apply the patches then which is how most enterprises would do it? I work 2d shift and get home right as the system is going down early Tuesday morning...this week I'm going to lose 2 days of play instead of just one...this game has been one big hassle after another and those CS flunkies are about as useless as a screendoor on a submarine...WoW doesn't have problems like this...UO didn't have problems like this...even Diablo wasn't this big of a hot mess...once my paid time is up I may not renew, there's no point--this show seems be being run by the Careerbuilder monkeys...




So once again, you take servers down on a friday night at 9pm during oceanic prime time for 4 hours for a patch. I mean what the hell!!!!


How many americans do you have on at say 8am or 6am friday morning? You need to select a new time because the current one is *********** awful.

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As annoying as it is they are fixing exploits so that people don't take advantage and damage the game.


If exploits are just left it could cause more damage to all players. Look at it as helping secure the game you play.


You really have no idea what this patch is, if thats what you think.

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So we're just gonna have to get used to "maintenance" every 3 days or unsub? Maintenance was Tuesday morning.


Tuesday maintenance was like what 6 hours? Friday maintenance will be about 4 hours. Leaves you with 158 hours of game time throughout the week. If they continue this pattern, then you'l miss out in about 40 hours of game time out of the month leaving you with 690 hours left of game time a month.


That's a lot of time left to play. Now of course everyone's schedule is different so those numbers change, some people can only play certain days or certain times. Nevertheless, and not trying to be a jerk or a troll, but if this is really bothersome why not play a game that better meets your criteria or schedule?


SWTOR is a good game, who doesn't like the Star Wars lore? But honestly, if this is such a huge issue, rather than blame BioWare, you as a the consumer, who has control of your thoughts, your decisions, and your wallet, should find something that better suits your specific ideals.


Everyone continues to rage because BioWare is making decisions deemed unfair to personal eyes, because their way of doing business is "wacked out". But honestly rather than blame the developer, why not take control? Unsubscribe, why continue to burden yourself and others mind you, by constantly posting such negative threads and possibly ruining the image of this game that others find enjoyable.


I say all this as honestly and calmly as possible. These are stressful times for this game, but we all have control of our actions and decisions. If you really like this game and the story behind it then you will have to "get used to it" and ride it out. Give it some time, give it a chance. It won't happen in a matter of days but things will change. You can always leave and come back when you find the experience more accepting. If things aren't working out, than find something that will. :):):)

Edited by DjSnazzyduds
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I can say with 100% certainty that I'm getting pissed to the point of selling my copy of this game, closing my account and finding a new game. This update **** is getting stupid, because I can't play the game! Why you may ask? Because I work a job that's 3rd shift (over nights), so my days off just so happens to aline with their scheduled updates. I mean granted, they have to do a update, but for me personally, I will not be paying for a game I cannot play anymore soon.


It was fun while it lasted :rolleyes:

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Please name another game that does random maintenance times? Most just choose a day, they tell people what day it will be and how long it could be down and then you don't ever have to worry about it. If its a fix for an exploit, then take it down fix it and bring it back up.


Again though, with all the money they have made you would think they could afford some live updating so that they could sneak emergency fixes into the game with out affecting EVERYONE involved. I'm in America and the time doesn't bother me so much as the fact Tuesdays are maintenance days and here it is Thursday and the servers are down.


RIFT can be spur of the moment; but then theirs is only for 30 minutes.

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Tuesday maintenance was like what 6 hours? Friday maintenance will be about 4 hours. Leaves you with 158 hours of game time throughout the week. If they continue this pattern, then you'l miss out in about 40 hours of game time out of the month leaving you with 690 hours left of game time a month.


That's a lot of time left to play. Now of course everyone's schedule is different so those numbers change, some people can only play certain days or certain times. Nevertheless, and not trying to be a jerk or a troll, but if this is really bothersome why not play a game that better meets your criteria or schedule?


SWTOR is a good game, who doesn't like the Star Wars lore? But honestly, if this is such a huge issue, rather than blame BioWare, you as a the consumer, who has control of your thoughts, your decisions, and your wallet, should find something that better suits your specific ideals.


Everyone continues to rage because BioWare is making decisions deemed unfair to personal eyes, because their way of doing business is "wacked out". But honestly rather than blame the developer, why not take control? Unsubscribe, why continue to burden yourself and others mind you, by constantly posting such negative threads and possibly ruining the image of this game that others find enjoyable.


I say all this as honestly and calmly as possible. These are stressful times for this game, but we all have control of our actions and decisions. If things aren't working out, than find something that will. :):):)



I love these "it's your own fault" posts :)


If we don't like it we know what to do ?

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See the thing is, the game engine supports this, and good MMO's do this, for example. I played Guild Wars 1 since closed beta, about 8 years. Never once since I first downloaded the game client were the servers ever offline. Ever. They patched frequently, fixed tons of things, added tons of raid and end-game content, and never would servers go down. You simply received an in-game message stating a new patch was released and restart your client for it to take effect...


SWTOR's game engine supports this feature, and according to the dev's in early development was one of the main features they chose to work with this engine, yet they have never used this feature once.


Just one of the many bullet points on the SWTOR fail list.




Yo i'd actually like to read that if you can PM it to me or something that would be great thanks :D


The HeroEngine originally was designed with huge multiplayer scalable games such as the Star Wars MMO in mind. BioWare made its decision to build this complex, large scale game on the HeroEngine foundation because of its superior, integrated offering of development tools that provide live collaborative development and real-time updates, dramatically streamlining the process of building online games.


Here you go.. this isn't the original article I read, it was when the game was still in beta, but this is the jist of it, just googling the topic will give you plenty of stuff to read.



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Actually, he is right about the entitlement. This game comes with a ToS that says hey, by buying this product you may experience these things. So yes, you say "Well, I pay to play this, so I should have access to it anytime I want." is, in fact, entitlement. You can't even play the game if you don't accept those Terms of Service.


Stop it with your logic... I am beginning to like you :D

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Tuesday maintenance was like what 6 hours? Friday maintenance will be about 4 hours. Leaves you with 158 hours of game time throughout the week. If they continue this pattern, then you'l miss out in about 40 hours of game time out of the month leaving you with 690 hours left of game time a month.

That's a lot of time left to play. Now of course everyone's schedule is different so those numbers change, some people can only play certain days or certain times. Nevertheless, and not trying to be a jerk or a troll, but if this is really bothersome why not play a game that better meets your criteria or schedule?


SWTOR is a good game, who doesn't like the Star Wars lore? But honestly, if this is such a huge issue, rather than blame BioWare, you as a the consumer, who has control of your thoughts, your decisions, and your wallet, should find something that better suits your specific ideals.


Everyone continues to rage because BioWare is making decisions deemed unfair to personal eyes, because their way of doing business is "wacked out". But honestly rather than blame the developer, why not take control? Unsubscribe, why continue to burden yourself and others mind you, by constantly posting such negative threads and possibly ruining the image of this game that others find enjoyable.


I say all this as honestly and calmly as possible. These are stressful times for this game, but we all have control of our actions and decisions. If you really like this game and the story behind it then you will have to "get used to it" and ride it out. Give it some time, give it a chance. It won't happen in a matter of days but things will change. You can always leave and come back when you find the experience more accepting. If things aren't working out, than find something that will. :):):)


That would be true if we didn't work or sleep or do anything else. The issue that is failing to be grasped by a great many of you is that some people who enjoy playing this game have a limited set time they can play and the maintenance time takes that same time out of the same peoples play time every single time it happens.

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RIFT can be spur of the moment; but then theirs is only for 30 minutes.


Yeah shorter patch times wouldn't be an issue. But, 4+ hours 2 days a week? Really? lol. I get that they need to update. But ffs at least give live updating so that IF its an emergency patch or a small issue, they can just sneak it by and nobody knows the difference.

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I bet its preparations for the Free Trial Weekend again. It's all over the place about it. Facebook and other site ads.


So my guess is preparations for the influx this weekend is all. Let's pray their is no Ninja Tweaks done to us either. :eek:

Edited by Yookai
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Tuesday maintenance was like what 6 hours? Friday maintenance will be about 4 hours. Leaves you with 158 hours of game time throughout the week. If they continue this pattern, then you'l miss out in about 40 hours of game time out of the month leaving you with 690 hours left of game time a month.


Yes, because obviously everyone who plays this game has no job, no real life commitments, and can otherwise play at any time.

Edited by VulcanLogic
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I'm not reading 24 pages of responses but the reason why they don't have maint at different times is because you would have a giant influx of yanks on the EU severs and what not so they can get their fix.


This is most probably the most correct answer. But could easily be solved by region blocking on the server patch days, it would still piss off a small minority of EU, US, AUS who play on different servers other then there base country one. But it will never be done, they will patch the least played times, which happens to be Australian prime time.


I like the idea of being able to patch the servers while they are still online that I read somewhere, its so bloody brilliant that if i ever run a couple 100 millions dollar mmo, this is exactly what I would do.

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