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Scheduled Maintenance March 23rd


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While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,

Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,

Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,

As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.


God bless America,

Land that I love.

Stand beside her, and guide her

Through the night with a light from above.

From the mountains, to the prairies,

To the oceans, white with foam

God bless America, My home sweet home

God bless America, My home sweet home.


Should I could I would I "Flag this" for not only being off topic but also insulting to me and my personal beliefs...?


The official gold looking letter said i should...didn't they?


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Although I'm not happy about it, I've come to deal with the fact that MMO downtimes will generally take place during my (Australian) prime time. What is not acceptable, however, is for those downtimes to take place on a Friday or Saturday night. I believe this is the second time Bioware have done this and it's setting a bad precedent.


Nothing is going to turn off your players in this part of the world more than to get home after working all week, wanting to relax and play with friends on a Friday night, only to find that the company who run the game don't hold the region in enough regard to do their maintenance on a better night even if they can't find a better time.

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I know. And I learned to stop doing that awhile back. It made me very cranky to have MY schedule borked by someone I couldn't stomp my foot at. Heh.


I bring a "patience" to this that I guess not many have due to having been on the "other side" (TS/CS). That obviously colours my position, no doubt but it really is more "why rage against something that is inevitable"?


I'm lazy like that. ;)


Refresh! Refresh! No not really, off to watch netflix :)

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What worries me more is the 90% of players who do not use the forums, those that don't voice concerns or their opinion.


The people on this post do, they are passionate about the game and that's why they are complaining about maintenance times, it's fair, so to those people saying please stop, just let them, let off some steam, that said.


It costs roughly 10x the $ to win new customers than it does to retain existing ones, we can see Bioware/EA spending a fortune on this weekend pass malarky, the marketing, the coding, the re-coding when not doing the job right first time, it all feels rushed and a tad panicky.


Every company that puts new customers above it's existing customers eventually fails, you have to run really, really fast, to fill a bucket that has holes in it.


So back to my first statement, the people here complaining, quite rightly, regardless of what anyone else says, will not unsub, they want to play, so they will stay.


It's the 90% of players that never come to the forums I'm worried about, they just unsub, no drama, no notice, they're gone. When the 90% have gone then there is no game for those of us here on the forums.


Simply beggar's belief, the last company that told me "they knew better how I should spend my money" no longer has my business.


Maintenance and game breaking bug fixes are one thing, stopping people playing to fix a bug in rushed code to get new customers is mind boggling.


Sad state of affairs.



Edited by Lordbrummie
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I was with wow on release it had probs at the start but never this insane, swg on release on some servers crashed lol


You're kidding, right? WoW had so many problems. Server stability was the biggest thing with them. It was a good 2 months before they even got that right.


This is the smoothest launch for a game I have ever seen. My first game was EQ. So, I have played for a little bit.

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this is due to a bio screw up on the last patch, to fix a issue with the free weekend players , what a way for a new player to get to play they get server is down lol


all true, no one likes the down time...

but i seriously do not think they all wanted a good crack and a lauch so the got themselves some popcorn, took the servers down... and then sat down to read this thread :p


I'm pretty sure they wont take servers down for nothing, and personally ... i think this time is perfect.. its friday morning 9:35 here, i have to do some small things in a bit .. come back in a few hours and i can play again ...


to bad they cant keep everyone happy, but as long as they can keep me happy .. hey.. ;)

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I was with wow on release it had probs at the start, swg on release on some servers crashed lol


You actually use the word INSANE for 2 downtimes in a week for a 3months old game :p ?


I mean 4 hours... INSANE !? i'd rather say too bad, since i could've been playing.

But the game that were all eager to play do need some care from the dev.. i respect that... Tho not the day's that they choose to use... But is allright

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You're kidding, right? WoW had so many problems. Server stability was the biggest thing with them. It was a good 2 months before they even got that right.


This is the smoothest launch for a game I have ever seen. My first game was EQ. So, I have played for a little bit.


Than you haven played Rift, that was the smoothest mmo birth in history. Oh how I loved that game. Too bad they couldnt keep me entertaint troughout the later level content.

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What worries me more is the 90% of players who do not use the forums, the people on this post, are passionate about the game and that's why they are complaining about maintenance times.


It costs roughly 10x the $ to win new customers than it does to retain existing ones, we can see Bioware/EA spending a fortune on this weekend pass malarky, the marketing, the coding, the re-coding when not doing the job right first time, it all feels rushed and a tad panicky.


Every company that puts new customers above it's existing customers eventually fails, it's you have to run really, really fast, to fill a bucket that has holes in it.


So back to my first statement, the people here complaining, quite rightly, regardless of what anyone else says, will not unsub, they want to play, so they will stay.


It's the 90% of players that never come to the forums I'm worried about, they just unsub, no drama, no notice, they're gone. When the 90% have gone then there is no game for those of us here on the forums.


Simply beggar's belief, the last company that told me "they knew better how I should spend my money" no longer has my business.


Maintenance and game breaking bug fixes are one thing, stopping people playing to fix a bug in rushed code to get new customers is mind boggling.


Sad state of affairs.




True Statement

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The first time I started playing was right after WoTLK was launched--again, NO issues




When did you start playing WoW? Cos I was there opening day through release of BC and there absolutely were some real stinkers of problems. This was the U.S. servers, don't know about EU or AUS.
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Than you haven played Rift, that was the smoothest mmo birth in history. Oh how I loved that game. Too bad they couldnt keep me entertaint troughout the later level content.


Yeah, pretty smooth over there. And yeah, same here. Got to 50 and said...uhm...I'll be back!

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The first time I started playing was right after WoTLK was launched--again, NO issues


Well that was a bit on...like...years. :)


No comparison really. New MMOs pretty much always (I can think of one exception) have growing pains. By the time WoTLK came out, Blizz kinda had their proverbial together.

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The first time I started playing was right after WoTLK was launched--again, NO issues


Damn dude did you miss out on the trouble. You're practically a WoW baby, you started playing WoW when it was reaching it's prime, hell it was at it's prime at the time.


You're comparing WoW when it was about 5 maybe 6 years old to a game thats been out for 3 months.


If you were around during Vanilla times woooh man, you think server maintenance is an issue you don't have a clue what players had to deal with back then lol.

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Guess I'll have to check out that game.... it looks like I have 2-3 nights a week open now...


I had a blast to level 50. Was a whirlwind of fun but at 50, I realised that I wasn't ready for leve-cap stuff BUT that's me. I understand a lot of folks are really enjoying it.


Give it a go...no rule says you can't play two MMOs. :)

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Damn dude did you miss out on the trouble. You're practically a WoW baby, you started playing WoW when it was reaching it's prime, hell it was at it's prime at the time.


You're comparing WoW when it was about 5 maybe 6 years old to a game thats been out for 3 months.


If you were around during Vanilla times woooh man, you think server maintenance is an issue you don't have a clue what players had to deal with back then lol.


Hahahahahaaha so true... Damn that made me laugh

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I played Rift, but this is still the best release in my opinion. Hell, FF14 released well too, but they just had no content in their game.


RIFT launch was as smooth as the other side of the pillow. Too bad the endgame pvp was borked.


Personally idc either way (I've got plenty of other stuff to fall back on during maintenance), but I do feel sympathetic towards our Aussie friends.

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At least the forums have remained up with this maintenance... kind of gives us hope that someone there is at least starting to think about some of these things ;)


The only reason they take down the forums for "maintenance" as well is because they know the forum is going to be flooded with complaints. Hell, people still complain about WoW's maintenance when it hasn't changed for 7 years

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