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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So I am assuming 1.2 releases tomorrow?


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No one is mind controling me, I made a point that the 1.2 patch is not ready, anyone on the PTS can tell you that.


hold the phone. So, you are saying that bioware/ea wouldn't release something that wasn't properly tested and was crammed full of bugs ? Did I miss something?

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Oh man. 1.2 is 3-4 weeks away? I seriously need to find a new freaking game to play. My server population is dwindling. The guild I'm in is losing players to inactivity so we can't run 16 man ops. My main toon is full rakata'd out. Has crit'd belt, bracers, relic. I seriously have nothing left worth doing. Oh I can grind to Conqueror in pvp. valor 66 right now. Yeah... I wish ME3 didn't sounds like such a flop because I was looking forward to that. I'd play BF3 but the origin program is completely bugged on my computer and tries to reinstall BF3 everytime I click play. Seriously, I'm playing SWTOR just to play SWTOR.


Server population really getting to me. I'm familiar with or friends with most of the 100 imperial players and at least 30 of the republic players on my server. ... That's a sign that I'm really really a people person or there's just that few of people that play that I know both sides. Come on now!

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1.2 will not be released in the upcoming maintenance, but you can hop onto the Public Test Server to check it out! We'll be releasing updates to PTS as we prepare to move 1.2 to live servers, and we'll let you know when 1.2 will be live as soon as we can.


It's depressing seeing this. :( A lot of people will be disappointed.

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So, let me get this straight, I am currently paying and getting an average of 2-3 maintences a week to allow free weekend players into the game?


I pay 15 dollars per month, that comes down to 2.1 cents per hour or 8.4 cents per 4 hour maintence. This means I am essentially paying 17 cents per month help bioware get new players. Now 17 cents is really nothing, but its the principle of the matter here. I certainly do not pay to sit here and post on the forums bored, and I certainly will not pay an additional 17 cents per month for someone to play this for free. If this is the best bioware's business team can come up with, blizzard should buy some champaign.


So go ahead, all you 13 year olds who make up the self appointed bioware gestapo, verbally attack me in hopes that bioware will take notice and say "man, that is one cool kid." Just be sure to recognize that your parents are now paying 17 cents for you to sit here and verbally attack me.

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It's depressing seeing this. :( A lot of people will be disappointed.


When are people not disappointed, eh? Honestly, this patch is definitely not ready, and it doesn't take much effort to figure that out, so 'a lot of people' deserve said disappointment.

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So reading the forums and yes a lot of negativity, I must be really missing something, comparisons to WOW, BF, no Star Trek, some ME, and what ever else is out there.


War games, well war has been prevalent since the dawn of man.


WOW people like Swords and sorcery, easy story, been around for few thousand years literally...


Sci-Fi well at most maybe 200 years.


SWTOR compared to WOW, lets be fair


WoW 10 + years

SWTOR under 6 months


SWTOR more content than WoW had at release

--and some similarities in game and mechanics, but most cars have 4 tires too, but all cars are not the same.


most combat pvp FPS games well, small confined areas, eventually you cap -- and then what?


well SWTOR/WoW - you can cap character class and start anew, different class and line and different abilities and gear.


-- So everyone complaining about the same ole, same ole? WoW and SWTOR are the same really, whats different? SCI-FI vs. swords and sorcery. General concept of content is about the same.

-- Has anyone played all character classes both Empire and Republic, and maxed them all to 50?

-- Bugs? well game being out for less than 6 months, has a lot less bugs compared to more content than released in other mmorpgs in the past. I still know a few mmorpgs with more serious bug issues than SWTOR, and have been out a lot longer, like years, LoL


I am bias I prefer Star Wars over Star trek and WoW, but ST and WoW, both good games, Tied into their own pre-built story world. I was a huge SWG fan, until CU, CU was livable but a decline, NGE, well not New Game Expirence, more like New Game Execution.


and all im talking about is bugs and trial and error, all new games have it, always will, and like all new games, you get a burst of players, and sharp drop off shortly after launch, but stabilizes.


I see sometimes ppl refer to bugs when personal equipment maybe bottle necked, or lacking, SWTOR is shader intensive, which is taxing to most mainstream systems. ISP nodes and connections, can also be, and present the phantom bugs / false positive to game glitches that most devs get sent on wild bantha runs to find.


so what are the specific complaints, not opinions, that are problems?

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I started playing 1 week ago, and already have had enough of the maintenances, i still have my 3 WoW accounts thank god. how do i cancel my subscription so i only waste the original cost of the game and not money i could be spending keeping my WoW accounts going.


FYI, most tuesday night maintenances on WoW are 15 min server restarts as they have learned the dark art of live patching!!!! The technology existed before this game went live. I think BIOWARE bought a run-out, end of model clearance platform cheap and thought they could take some of Blizzards pie. Bioware are feasting on the slops of Blizzard and there arent enough to survive!!! Pull your head in BIOWARE and leave the free demo's to 7 day one-off passes and feed your paying customers maintenace free weekends.


now to find the cancel subscription button!!!!!

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1.2 need some more months, it's all wrong. :mad:


I hope they take the 4 hours to kick the design team that work on armour. And the team behind Republic faction.


I bet this downtime is to fix something 2 people are qq about... or some other pointless fix. Thats all they been patching it seem...:(

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I started playing 1 week ago, and already have had enough of the maintenances, i still have my 3 WoW accounts thank god. how do i cancel my subscription so i only waste the original cost of the game and not money i could be spending keeping my WoW accounts going.


FYI, most tuesday night maintenances on WoW are 15 min server restarts as they have learned the dark art of live patching!!!! The technology existed before this game went live. I think BIOWARE bought a run-out, end of model clearance platform cheap and thought they could take some of Blizzards pie. Bioware are feasting on the slops of Blizzard and there arent enough to survive!!! Pull your head in BIOWARE and leave the free demo's to 7 day one-off passes and feed your paying customers maintenace free weekends.


now to find the cancel subscription button!!!!!


It's very simple to cancel, I did it today. Just click on My account and the button is there.

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All done, 26 days of original time included with game left. i just removed my payment method so it wont renew. so now there is 26 days to blow my mind with awesomeness BIOWARE!! let the fun begin!!!!


And yet the fanboys think this game is Actually Growing, ROFLs for Everyone

Edited by ohmslaw
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All done, 26 days of original time included with game left. i just removed my payment method so it wont renew. so now there is 26 days to blow my mind with awesomeness BIOWARE!! let the fun begin!!!!


I have 17 more days to QQ here. :p

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Wow i read through all of these comments and i have to say there are a lot of good points both good and bad. Downtime sucks but if it improves something that is wrong or broken than in the long run it is worth it. the timing sucks but no matter when they do it the timing would still suck for someone. If this is about the free to play issue why open all servers to them why not just make a few servers for that purpose so not to disturb your paying customers? "A bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in the bush." I rather they take their time and get the patch right than to release it then spend the next week or so repairing it. Yes it would be nice if they would have flat out stated what this weekend patch was because we are all waiting for the next major update. I am sure there is going to be some mad people logging in Saturday when they realize that this isn't the 1.2 patch.:) Every new great game has patching issues it seems look at Skyrim for example. The same things are being said and they are completely two different companies and games. Just thing how good things are going to be when it's released or so we all hope.
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Oh man. 1.2 is 3-4 weeks away? I seriously need to find a new freaking game to play. My server population is dwindling. The guild I'm in is losing players to inactivity so we can't run 16 man ops. My main toon is full rakata'd out. Has crit'd belt, bracers, relic. I seriously have nothing left worth doing. Oh I can grind to Conqueror in pvp. valor 66 right now. Yeah... I wish ME3 didn't sounds like such a flop because I was looking forward to that. I'd play BF3 but the origin program is completely bugged on my computer and tries to reinstall BF3 everytime I click play. Seriously, I'm playing SWTOR just to play SWTOR.


Server population really getting to me. I'm familiar with or friends with most of the 100 imperial players and at least 30 of the republic players on my server. ... That's a sign that I'm really really a people person or there's just that few of people that play that I know both sides. Come on now!


I'm having no issues with my server pop (Elysium) but I feel your pain on the Ops situation. We're running KP/EV reg and HM every week and a lot of us are nearly geared out. The time that it took them to release 1.2 is upsetting to say the least, especially when they said it would be out in March. Watch it be March 31st lol.


Mass Effect 3 is definitely not a flop, I enjoyed it more than I did the second one. I would like to know why ppl think this, I found the end quite fitting and that was all 3 endings :D. I don't think it was in this thread, but those talking about leaving for D3... I played the beta and yes I do understand that beta does not equal final quality, I didn't find anything in that game that impressed me like D1/2 did.

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FYI, most tuesday night maintenances on WoW are 15 min server restarts as they have learned the dark art of live patching!!!


Yes, now they are. When I started playing wow 6-7 years ago and for at least 2-3 years after that they were down a minimum of 8 hours per week. I agree that they should tailor the patch times for each time zone but you must think of it from a business standpoint. IDK how they patch and I'm not going to pretend that I do.


I am guessing that they have a team dedicated to pushing the patches and handling any situation that may rise as a result of such. In theory, if they did tailor the times, they would need two teams to do such. Impossible? Certainly not but looking at a profit standpoint, not a good idea. If this causes a massive drop in subscription rate it could change, but not enough people are going to drop a sub for something like this.


Opening myself for trolling, I'm not going to leave this or any game that I enjoy playing simply because maintenance interferes with my game time. It is a game that pulled me away from another mmo that I was simply tired of playing. TOR is the first mmo that doesn't have me wanting to play wow again (or missing it for that matter) :D

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Of course it isn’t releasing tomorrow


they will tell you a day or so before it releases when it is coming.


They cannot give us more warning than that because of the low maturity level of the community and their inability to understand any kind of delay if something is needed, they can only give a date when it is cast in stone.

Edited by Dayln
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