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I feel bad for you guys.


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I know how bad it sucks to be labeled into a FOTM class.


I was always a big fan of Fett even as a kid.It really sucked seeing 10 million BHs running around all the time all looking just like you making your class look bad with TM spaming.....it got to the point I just switched form Fett to Solo my 2nd fave from the movies just to get away from all the FOTMness.


Anyway GL guys.

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I think this is the single most annoying thing I find in WZs right now. Most of the time I'm the only marauder, which is okay since most of the other classes that join have incredible amounts of utility and are fairly versatile (its mostly BHs and Inquisitors).

Now with the patch notes visable these random marauders are everywhere. Games are flooded with them and to make things worse they barely break 150k in places like voidstar which they should be getting 300k at least in full centurion.


Well, it could be worse...at least the FOTM isn't smugglers.

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I think this is the single most annoying thing I find in WZs right now. Most of the time I'm the only marauder, which is okay since most of the other classes that join have incredible amounts of utility and are fairly versatile (its mostly BHs and Inquisitors).

Now with the patch notes visable these random marauders are everywhere. Games are flooded with them and to make things worse they barely break 150k in places like voidstar which they should be getting 300k at least in full centurion.


Well, it could be worse...at least the FOTM isn't smugglers.


It will really become apparent when A marauder will consistently outshine everyone else and then the ppl who jumped on the Mara band wagon will just re-roll another toon. I wouldn't be to worried about it

Edited by AcaciaDragon
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I actually had a guy on my team who started to rant at me, when I was the only one who responded to his cry for help defending the east turret, after we cleared the danger.

Congratz on godmode, maras are op, it's going to be even worse after 1.2, yadda yadda.

Funnily enough, he failed to observe that we also took down a Marauder, quite easily.

Perceptions are changing, that's for sure, but as often is the case, me thinks they might be a tad flawed.

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It will really become apparent when A marauder will consistently outshine everyone else and then the ppl who jumped on the Mara band wagon will just re-roll another toon. I wouldn't be to worried about it


Already does, having a BM Mara and now a lvl 45 sent (to see republic storyline); in PvP I used to see 1 and rarely 2 other mara/sents in a match; now I see at least 1-2 every match. What amuses me about the whole thing though is that there are some of these newer mara/sents that clearly started at the beginning of a match and were there at the end and finish with less DPS than the tank/healer hybrid spec guys running with us. I hate to say it, but if you cant out DPS a hybrid spec tank or healer than you are really not made for this class.


I still laugh at the guy in WZ that complained about how OP the mara/sent was a few weeks ago and then I saw him with one a week later around lvl 30 on a sent asking when it become OP because so far it sucks (his name was similar and legacy name was same, def same guy).... When I asked spec he said watchman, I asked if he used blade storm much still and he said of course. I told him to stop and save his focus for applying dots and dump with slash to try and pop cauterize again. He thought I was high... Sure I still use balde storm on a rare occasion when it makes sense to, but obviously I missed that the class was OP and anything should work as an iWin button, stupid me.


The other really funny thing was seeing a lvl 38 sentinal a few days ago ask when we get stealth? I explained he already has it (force camo) and he told me L2P I clearly don't understand the class... OK. Then 5 min later when using endless rage for the 90% dmg reduction complains that it took 50% of his health and almost killed him and how he never sees that happen when he is fighting other sent/maras. So clearly the rest of us must hack...? and he is the only legit sent/mara out there? Not sure where he was going with that. Either way, at lvl 42 (on my sent during this) and him at lvl 38 also a watchman sentinel, I finished with 310k damage with 7 medals and he finished with 115k and 3 medals; this placed him just under the guard tank hybrid that followed a group of us around for this VS in 2nd to last place in damage for a non-healer.


As we left I told him not to worry, he will ascend to a God-like state a lvl 41 with 3 bars left until 42 if he does a /clubdance to every same-sex NPC on the fleet. I got /ignored :(

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My server has had the same carnage baddies for a few months now. Same people, always carnage, never break 230k damage even in full BM gear or full champion.


My guild buddy who also ran mara up to BM ran carnage all the way too. he breaks 300k in some WZs, but not often. He likes the spec and overall when you look at objectives and winning he is great. I feel that when Carnage/Combat get adjusted in 1.2 he will be awesome; I am looking forward to seeing that too. After all, I played carnage to 50 and for a bit until I realized annihilation was a lot better for me in the end, at the time. I like carnage and will look forward to trying it again with the new changes incoming.


Still hate rage though, even if it does become super OP... played it on my jugg and couldn't stand it.

Edited by RG_jhanlec
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My server has had the same carnage baddies for a few months now. Same people, always carnage, never break 230k damage even in full BM gear or full champion.


I run carnage.


But it all depends on how many healers are in the match, and the match is not Civil War.



Voidstar and huttball usuallly 300k+ damage.. and if we are defending first and are playing against a bad team.. 400k+ easy.


I just have a attachement now to the massacre gore scream combo. If I am feeling daring.. ill ravage after the gore =D

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I don't give 2 ***** about random people calling marauder FOTM. In the end it will all come down to them leveling one and getting their faces stomped cause they suck and will suck with everything.


It takes more than damage buff to succeed in playing the class.

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It will really become apparent when A marauder will consistently outshine everyone else and then the ppl who jumped on the Mara band wagon will just re-roll another toon. I wouldn't be to worried about it


yeah im not worried about that either. they saw people who know mara's owning and decided to jump on the bandwagon once they realize they suck im sure they'll reroll again.

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I run carnage.


But it all depends on how many healers are in the match, and the match is not Civil War.



Voidstar and huttball usuallly 300k+ damage.. and if we are defending first and are playing against a bad team.. 400k+ easy.


I just have a attachement now to the massacre gore scream combo. If I am feeling daring.. ill ravage after the gore =D


yeah i love carnage spec and i have no trouble breaking 300k damage no trouble 1v1 against any class and can usually 2v1 and even 3v1 without dying. i love the spec and i cant wait for the buff cause ill just own even more.

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I think this is the single most annoying thing I find in WZs right now. Most of the time I'm the only marauder, which is okay since most of the other classes that join have incredible amounts of utility and are fairly versatile (its mostly BHs and Inquisitors).

Now with the patch notes visable these random marauders are everywhere. Games are flooded with them and to make things worse they barely break 150k in places like voidstar which they should be getting 300k at least in full centurion.


Well, it could be worse...at least the FOTM isn't smugglers.


How did they get from 0-50 so fast after reading the 1.2 notes?

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I don't give 2 ***** about random people calling marauder FOTM. In the end it will all come down to them leveling one and getting their faces stomped cause they suck and will suck with everything.


It takes more than damage buff to succeed in playing the class.


It bothers you.You can tell in your post and I feel ya man its bull to get this FOTM label...ppl think you are a nub just because you love BH.You are right about the bad part and thats what happens you get all the bads rolling your class then ppl think just because you play that class you are one of the bads.....


Thats why I had to quit Bh and go gunslinger and I don't even like rep side.....just telling ya tho wait it out I still have my BH and soon as 1.2 drops I'll be on him full time long as the nerf made the bads leave.

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I've been playing 'rauder since early acces! And I had to giggle a bit when reading this topic!


Marauder state went from 'ridiculous, most bad AC ever' to 'godmode' ..


I mean, I remember everybody QQ'ing about how 'rauders suck and everyone should reroll JUGG :')


this makes me laugh! and as I've read this topic, indeed, more marauders = less knockbacks! still annoying as hell ;p! and don't forgot those 25 taunts on you with the damage reduction!!


Hehe, still, it'll be fun and it IS fun to destroy 4 marauders/sentinel on the opposite team and they calling me a cheatah! 'HOW COME YOU NOT DIE WHEN ONLY 299 HEALTH?!'


Not saying I'm that pro.. I just know my rotation .. I play both annih and carnage .. at the moment annih since respeccing costs me .. More then I always have :(


eager to try out rage after 1.2!!

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My server has had the same carnage baddies for a few months now. Same people, always carnage, never break 230k damage even in full BM gear or full champion.


Yeah, you have to be careful there, there is a lot of misunderstanding about maras out there, many people have picked up on it in this thread.


My BM Carnage mara scored all 6 in a 6-0 win at huttball yesterday. I got 50k damage and only 2 medals. Did I have a bad game?


Those guys on the other team who hung around trying to boost their damage stats on the final scoreboard while leaving me to run through and score. For all I remeber they may have included Anni maras dotting everyone up and not killing anyone. Did they have a good game?


I might only get 100 - 150k damage in Alderaan too, if I spend a lot of time guarding a turret that isn't attacked and / or attack enemy turrets solo to keep their team locked down there while we take the other one. Bad game?


If you get big damage numbers as a Carnage mara except in Voidstar it often means you did not contribute effectively to the objectives.

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I've been playing 'rauder since early acces! And I had to giggle a bit when reading this topic!


Marauder state went from 'ridiculous, most bad AC ever' to 'godmode' ..


I mean, I remember everybody QQ'ing about how 'rauders suck and everyone should reroll JUGG :')


this makes me laugh! and as I've read this topic, indeed, more marauders = less knockbacks! still annoying as hell ;p! and don't forgot those 25 taunts on you with the damage reduction!!


Hehe, still, it'll be fun and it IS fun to destroy 4 marauders/sentinel on the opposite team and they calling me a cheatah! 'HOW COME YOU NOT DIE WHEN ONLY 299 HEALTH?!'


Not saying I'm that pro.. I just know my rotation .. I play both annih and carnage .. at the moment annih since respeccing costs me .. More then I always have :(


eager to try out rage after 1.2!!


Your eager to try the spec that got nerfed the most of the 3 specs?

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I might only get 100 - 150k damage in Alderaan too, if I spend a lot of time guarding a turret that isn't attacked and / or attack enemy turrets solo to keep their team locked down there while we take the other one. Bad game?



That damage is normal though for Alderann, the distances between the 3 points of interest is very long. It doesnt promote alot of conflict.

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