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Trooper Commando is realy bad at pvp


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Play smart and commandos can fight against melee. Be a grav spammer and well, no one cares if you do well or not, because your a grav spammer.


As a ComMed, I tend to not fight them since I am too busy trying to keep our main dpser, ball carrier, or tank alive in fights. Most of the time I do not get singled out, but if I do the team knows to help me out. Even in pugs.


However, there are occasions where I have had to fend for myself and there are a few pointers that can make things go your way.


- Use your defensive Cooldowns appropriately.

- Utilize the terrain around you.

- Keeping the enemy has its benefits, the longer you last the more you take the opposing player out of the game.

- Wait for friends to kill them for you.

- Above all know the stakes.


What I mean by the last part is, if you are facing a Sith Juggernaut and he has caught you with your pants down sometimes its best to die. Unless the objective is at stake of course.


I am no Battlemaster, or level 50 yet. However, from premade play and pug play I can say there is a lot that Commandos can and can't do in PVP. If you expect to kill people as Gunnery you need to worry about positioning and play smart with your cooldowns.


As of late most of my experience comes from healing. I rolled Gunnery earlier and was bored with it.


Bera Ragnarök Infinity Gate

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Not really, a smart marauder or powertech will lock you down if they catch you alone, there is nothing you can do. You always have to stand near friends if you want to survive.


Tell me a rotation to use when fighting marauder/powertech players in melee


its calld assault specialist. granted my commando is only 35 but it seems

to only get better and is far more mobile than gunnery. also try to place your self in places that give you exits. obviously its hard to do this in void star but i. civil war and hutt all its pretty easy.

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It sounds like some people must be playing on servers with either no healers or really bad healers. I'm actually doing better at 50 and I've got 2 (that's right) pieces of centurion armor. Everything else is orange gear or blue+. The thing I really noticed after 50 is that healers actually heal. Do I get singled out as a commando? hell yeah. Does my healer keep me alive while I kite & do mobile damage while my teammates pummel that guy? Damn skippy they do. In the 20 or so WZ's that I've played post 50 I'm still in the top 3 damage dealers and getting more comm's than pre-50 (again, 2 pieces of centurion armor). Don't think "Commando" the movie cause you're not gonna go all Rambo in a WZ. Know your healers, stick to them, protect them and dish out damage. If you find yourself running around alone, prepare to die soon.
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There are no bad pvp classes in mmos, there are bad pvp players. Learn your class abilities, heal people (which is why you went Commando and not Vanguard, remember?) and gear up. Learn to be support until you have the gear in pvp to DPS well. Basicly, learn to not be a bad pvp player, don't just jump to the class that is faulty.
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Gunnery can be very feast of famine....BTB warzones Void then Alderaan I was locked down by a couple of mauraders and did 175 is damage 19 kills 10 deaths working my *** off...Alderaan they ignored me and just a shade under 400k and 65 kills 2 deaths...I sold out and am leveling an alt....I was curios about tanking specs and let me tell you shutting down an arsenal/gunnery player is so simple it's not even funny...A very good player with his cooldowns might get me to half health in a very frustrating (for him) fight...no cooldowns or spammer won't get me below 80.


You have to be "protected" in high level PVP and very situationally aware LOS and picking soft targets are key but even if you are a good key bound player that uses every tool like stockstrike and cryo etc when they get in your face you can't win...not against a good player. If you know the limitations and are OK with them you can have fun..me ill stick with my alt.

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If you are left alone or have good support, Gunnery Commandos do very good sustained damage and pretty decent burst and the other team will hate you. But if a melee or two get on you you don't have any great way of fighting them off other than blowing your defensive cooldowns and trying to run back towards your team for help. We hit hard but are easily countered with anyone with CCs and interrupts. We are a PVE class in a PVP setting, if someone else is tanking the enemy boss and we have heals and cc than we can bring the pain.
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I almost died of laughter when they said giving commandos and interrupt would give them too much utility. That was a good one.


Good people have brains and don't let commandos free cast in the back. Gunnery is useless against those with intelligence. I make it a point now to absolutely embarrass any grav rounder. Assault is viable, but absolutely horrid in comparison to Vanguard assault. If you're good at it, you can easily do more against intelligent opponents than a grav rounder.


Basically, you picked the wrong class. No reason for you to be running as a commando unless you don't feel like healing or rerolling. Don't listen to people who tell you otherwise, they're either in denial or idiots.

Edited by LexiCazam
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The people crying about getting interrupted out of GR/TM are laughable.


1) Stockstrike (if you didn't talent it to KB you're bad)


2) Charged Bolts (doing something is better than doing nothing, oh and it's herpderp-autofacing)


3) AoE KB


4) You can still move and autoshoot (especially after KB)


5) AoE KB opens up so many possibilities with terrains, if you're not taking advantage of the fact that you have 2 KBs you're bad

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Like several have mentioned here, Troopers are hardly bad at pvp. Its true that I may have trouble 1v1 with melee but in the long run I rarely find others who can do more damage than I can during pvp. I switched from gunnery to assault long ago and its definitely more viable for pvp. And for those who say you don't have burst with the tree, my 4k assault plastique and 4k HiB both say hello.
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why th's class is so weak? no1 here who w'll gonna comment, don@T say me

you don@T know how to play or QQ words. I am realy bored to die without doing anything at warzones. when melee classes see'ng me thy change their target and attacking me first all the time


Well, if its a comfort, with patch 1.2 you're gonna be even weaker.

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Like several have mentioned here, Troopers are hardly bad at pvp. Its true that I may have trouble 1v1 with melee but in the long run I rarely find others who can do more damage than I can during pvp. I switched from gunnery to assault long ago and its definitely more viable for pvp. And for those who say you don't have burst with the tree, my 4k assault plastique and 4k HiB both say hello.


Whats that, like a little more than one full auto critting for 6k or 2 grav rounds? And you can only cast them every 15 seconds, UNLESS you stand still to channel inferior skills?


I would consider playing assault the day they actually made it a PvP spec a la the vanguard version. Still being confined to spamming white channel/casttime abilities to do any damage in a so called "mobile PvP spec" is just ********.


The spec is complete gimp and will be even more so after 1.2. Compare it to vanguards and the synergy they have and you will see what I mean. Assault is made for vans, not mandos.

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