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Can't wait for all the FOTM Marauders to hit 50


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I cant wait till the sorc/merc rerollers get to 50, get geared, and are better then the people saying those classes are faceroll.


Seriously defining an entire group of players as bad just because they rolled another class first is laughable, and for people to think that they only beat other classes because they have more skill at gaming is some kind of elaborate troll.


I bet 90% of the maras posting in this thread all top damage in warzones, kill everyone they fight 1v1 with ease, and all think that they are the best players out there.


The reason maras are FOTM is because of their potential.

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Not sure about that... I saw some horrible level 30ish Marauders doing well over 300k damage.


When I mean bad I mean a dude that clicks on 3 keys the entire fight.


*Oh yeah the guy also asked why he can't charge someone in cover.


Well, for me it scaled down because I play the objectives of the warzone I was in lol. I guess if you have some nob beating on a healer without interrupting for 12 min it could be a big number? and laugh at the cover thing:) that was funny.

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Just made one, did over 200k at level 12 smashing my face into the keyboard. *I was guarding a node most of the time too.


They're really easy to play and pretty much faceroll vs. almost any player.


I know the damage is normalized in 11-49 WZ's but I was very surprised at level 12 damage outputs.


Add in interrupts vs. casters and lol.


PT Pyro is much harder because defensively they are a lot less capable.




I rolled one (playing my ptech still tho) to see how they played, really easy to do well with at low levels. Not hard at all to apply its damage, the only thing it lacks at low levels is survivability due to the lack of some of the CD's.


Id say at higher levels, they would get harder to play due to having better abilities to prioritize, but their effectiveness would go up immensely too.

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Looks like the Marauder isn't doing anything then, just hiding from a sniper.


If "you can just run away" is an argument, you could have fooled me[/quote



to kill a sniper= Saber ward+defense relic, when pushed back and snared pop force camo, use obfusacation, pop armor adrenal and shadow cloak, and if u cant kill them after that pop undying rage at 10% health and a rakata medpack after that. Snipers are no were near as hard to kill as you claim


Level 50 marauder 76valor


master ghost ghanl server


I would define having to use ALL of your abilites and major cool downs to fight 1 class as hard. And thats just to have a good chance


Chances are, you wont have them all at the same time. Snipers have as many abilities to avoid your damage as you do theirs. As for medpac and adrenals, even the sniper is going to have them. and in my case "elemental" grenades

Edited by Kalliadies
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To OP: ye, ye, keep telling yourself its nuclear science to play easy class if it makes you feel better rofl.


Marauders/sentinels are EASY rofl and OP now, it will be easier and more OP after 1.2.

Edited by GrandMike
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The irony being that bunches of people will roll them, get killed a ton and not do much damage which will then mess with the datamining numbers and cause them to get a buff.


They are balancing around terribads, so yes, it might happen.


But it doesnt matter since everyone will play them anyway.

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I suppose that might work decent for pve, what about pvp? No way you can do an 11 ability rotation without being stunned, pulled, knocked back, or put to sleep at least 3 times each.


I only pvp, i was once in a hardmode op to see it, and with the pvp gear nerf that#s about it. I am only lvl 30 on my marauder, so endgame might be a bit different. so far i have exemplary results, to the points i was surprised myself.


It all comes down to have them in the most likely order, and some exceptions have to be made: In general I have all 4m abilities but the standard slash infront of the 10m abilities. that way i do 10m abilities only if I'm not in range.


Of course there are exceptions to that, but if i feel I need for example deadly throw, I can very well use it out of that order i macroed to button one. The naga has 12 buttons at the side for abilities, and if you press shift you have 12 more. And you can double-link them. So while I will use it automatically by pressing 1 when I'm at 5m+ and charge is on cd, i can in my case access it with shift-2 aswell (2 on the mouse). To save space in the abilitybar i can access stuff I always wanna use together via mouse, even tho most is in the left bar: cloak of pain is on 11 and linked to that warriorability that increases deflect etc., which is on my leftbar at f11.


Same for my main: I access 1 adrenal and one powerrelic together, and one buff and the other powerrelic . It is the only way I get all my abilities in the slots and still access them via mouse.


and it is not like I press 1 and the char tries to do all the abilities together or in a row, I made it so only the next ability in line is activated. Otherwise this would be a nightmare.


it works surprisingly well.

Edited by GianBaal
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They aren't hard to play. They're hard to play well. If you are only ever reacting to what other players do then you aren't playing your marauder efficiently.


QFT, this needs to be mentioned more.


As a Sentinel if you're not anticipating what's happening before it happens, you're not doing it right. We have all the tools to provide "to the last" defence, but we can only do that if we're in the right position. If you see people breaking off or people running the other way; break off. For the most part you're no use in a 5v3 when you're the 5.


A good Sent/Mara has great situation awareness, and knows where to put himself. A great one blends this with good play and good use of abilities.

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QFT, this needs to be mentioned more.


As a Sentinel if you're not anticipating what's happening before it happens, you're not doing it right. We have all the tools to provide "to the last" defence, but we can only do that if we're in the right position. If you see people breaking off or people running the other way; break off. For the most part you're no use in a 5v3 when you're the 5.


A good Sent/Mara has great situation awareness, and knows where to put himself. A great one blends this with good play and good use of abilities.


So does any other class, whats your point?

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They'll realize that Anni wasn't buffed, Carnage/Rage was. If they're Anni, 95% will have no clue what they're doing, and a clueless Marauder is the easiest class to kill. If they're Carnage, once I stun/Camo through Gore they will be absolute sitting ducks. If they're Rage, it's the easiest thing in the world to avoid a Smash and hit back.


Marauders have a complicated rotation compared to PT Powertechs or Sorcerers (I.E. Reactionary piano playing). It's not "hard" but it is complicated and has a much higher skill ceiling.


nah..actually with carnage getting a nice buff..were going to hit so hard with 2 stun/snare breaks now lmfao..and with berserk and short fuse being used on all 3 trees lmfao..youll see how much Q_Q will be on the forums lmfao

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The Sentinel/Marauder class is not hard to play.

SW:ToR is not exactly the most complex game out there..

I understand the fact that many Sentinel players like to regard themselves as exceptionally skillful, but the truth is that the class is not THAT much more complex than the rest. ;)


You want to challenge your PvP skills - try a multiplayer battle with at least 2000 troops in any of the Total War games and with pausing disabled, then brag about challenging game pvp mechanics.

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You play the strongest spec in the game, one that decimates Marauders and you've never had trouble with these classes? Can't say I'm surprised.


Unless you're deception, then my hat is off.


I did it as inf for 60 ranks.. and the last 11 ranks as balance.


I've never played kinetic (which i think is what you are referring to as the "strongest spec in the game").


Don't really have a problem with tank spec'd sins either.


But then, I play with a team... this being a team game and all.

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I have a sentinel so I know your class.


My main is a sniper. no matter what you do I have a counter. I'm hardly going to blow my entrench until you are over commited, and I'm certainly not going to be in a position you can disenage and LoS easily. You will be more often than not fighting on my terms.


And when you go immune to damage, I will knee cap you and wait it out. You know whats waiting for you on the other side of your damage immunity? 2 massive nukes and an execute..... maybe just an execute since you will have jack all health anyway.




He must have really bad snipers on his server. I play a inf/balance shadow, and unfortunately have really good snipers on my server that I have to steer clear of. I let the troopers/sages take them out.

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Looks like the Marauder isn't doing anything then, just hiding from a sniper.


If "you can just run away" is an argument, you could have fooled me


You only have to LoS them until entrench is gone, once that is gone you can walk up and **** any Sniper out there..

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Looks like the Marauder isn't doing anything then, just hiding from a sniper.


If "you can just run away" is an argument, you could have fooled me


It's the main argument used in the 'nerf sorc' agenda- which got what it wanted (the utility taken out of sorc CC by removing chain lightning from burst classes).


I appreciate that a sniper, with all his CDs up, an environmental advantage in positioning and distance from a marauder that refuses to run will beat the marauder.



Unfortunately, good players tend to not allow their enemies to have such a staggering advantage all the time, and, guess what- a marauder's fine without needing long CDs to be up all the time.

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WRONG. Sniper/slinger 100 percent counters sent/marauder. I am guessing you made a grav round/tracer missile spammer though.


Yeah you are boned. Thing is? Every class beats you 1 v 1, so I have no idea why you are crying about marauder/sent. Commando/merc isn't a 1v1 class. It loses to everyone. In exchange? You can be pants on head (you know what) and do great damage in group combat. So if that describes you? You picked the right class!


Why do you assume I play a Commando if I think they suck. Bioware just "buffed" Commandos to be more reliant on cast times by making a 3 sec channel that does weapon damage a larger part of their rotation. By how condescending your post is it makes me think you think Commandos are crap too.

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