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Can't wait for all the FOTM Marauders to hit 50


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I know that the OP and most other maras/sents suffer from a severe case of "special snowflake syndrome" but guess what guys, you've been a highly represented, FOTM class since the game came out. There are easily as many maras and sents as there are sorcs and sages.


Just so you don't embarrass yourself again.




Class played more than marauder/sentinel: Sorc/Assassin/Mercenary


From data distributed at Guild Summit.

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Yes, I'm complaining about PT's. Please use reading comprehension. I said if Marauders were faceroll, then PT's are drooling on the keyboard until one key gets heavy enough to press down.


As I said, the skillcap is high and the class is complicated. I'm sure I can put my 5 year old cousin on and have her PLAY a Marauder, and she'd play to the extent that most Marauders do in WZ's, terribly. I'm saying that you either play it well or are crap, no in between. There are Marauders that don't seem to ever lose or die, and others who can barely get out of the spawn zone. The FOTM re-rollers will encounter that hardcore.


I am going to miss all the Sorcs and Mercs however, since PTs are a hardcore counter to both those classes :(

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Sens/Maras are a joke, I bought my baby monkey swtor and a cpu and he hits the keyboard and damage happens. lol faceroll.


What I see mostly separating a bad (99% of marauders) and a good (1%) marauder is the use of defensive CDs. Bads might not pop saber ward or cloak of pain at all or pop them at the worst times possible. Most don't even click undying rage fast enough or try to escape with vanish. They jump in, hit a few damage buttons, die repeatedly, and end the warzone with 150-200k damage.


Most of the "FOTMs" see marauder buffs = current live annihilation marauders x10 power level. That's not how it works. The annihilation marauders performing well on live got nerfed in 1.2 (phantom is very strong for annihilation) and carnage (the underperforming garbage spec) got some slight buffs along with lolgimmick rage. Rage is awful and rated warzones will expose it.


So all in all, marauders' best spec got nefed, all specs got some quality of life/playability buffs, carnage got a slight buff, and rage got reworked (still going to be garbage--calling it now).

Edited by Anbokr
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Just so you don't embarrass yourself again.




Class played more than marauder/sentinel: Sorc/Assassin/Mercenary


From data distributed at Guild Summit.


Never seen that before. I had no idea there were so few powertechs.


He said "highly represented". IMO top 25% of classes is a pretty good representation. Becomes a little hazier when you start to include the republic mirrors though.




When you add the mirrors together it looks like this:


Sage / Sorc: 16%

Assassin/shadow: 14.5%

Commando / Merc: 15%

Sentinnel Maurader: 16%




Sage / Sorc: 16%

Sentinnel Maurader: 16%

Commando / Merc: 15%

Assassin/shadow: 14.5%



Tied for 1st. Fun with graphs.

Edited by Scoobings
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They'll realize that Anni wasn't buffed, Carnage/Rage was. If they're Anni, 95% will have no clue what they're doing, and a clueless Marauder is the easiest class to kill. If they're Carnage, once I stun/Camo through Gore they will be absolute sitting ducks. If they're Rage, it's the easiest thing in the world to avoid a Smash and hit back.


Marauders have a complicated rotation compared to PT Powertechs or Sorcerers (I.E. Reactionary piano playing), and a lot of PvP-ers that I witness cannot handle it.


O u so crazy. I'd likely destroy you on my guardian or my sentinel.

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Just so you don't embarrass yourself again.




Class played more than marauder/sentinel: Sorc/Assassin/Mercenary


From data distributed at Guild Summit.


So is that all classes rolled in the game, or only level 50s? And thank you for actually sharing data in the forums. I spat out my hot pocket I was so surprised.

Edited by Ravenolf
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I find it amusing the human nature in a video game


We all get it you come to defend a class because you dont want to get nerfed we get it ok


But if you dont think youre just silly right now compared to all classes but 1 you're just lying to yourself


The funny thing about the patch is the 2 most op classes pre patch and after patch will be the same; mara & tankasins


I'm not asking to nerf anyone but I do ask that you at least admit you are the top 2

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O u so crazy. I'd likely destroy you on my guardian or my sentinel.


Maybe if you're a good Vengeance/Immortal. lolRage is still lolRage.


Can't speak on the Sentinel part, I consider myself OK but still figuring out best timing.

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Theres no real buff and if your going focus you might as well be guardian since they have aoe taunts and guard...


Yeah, you'll be wanting to make sure you're also taking someone elses guarded damage when you jump into the middle of a group of players to do an aoe bomb. Much more useful for aoe dps than CDs that actually help you stay alive.

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Just so you don't embarrass yourself again.




Class played more than marauder/sentinel: Sorc/Assassin/Mercenary


From data distributed at Guild Summit.


Keep in mind the reason why the Merc class is higher then Marauder is because a good 30%+ of them are being played as dedicated healers not dps.


If you were to remove Merc / Sorc healers from that % then the Assassin / Marauder would be on top by a significant margin. At least as it pertains to mercs.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Most operatives/sorcs/sages would make the same claim. Didn't help them any.


Just sayin.. you might want to find a new defense, because the "I r have l33t skilz" defense historically has not worked out so well.


Also, I play a shadow and have never had issue with any of these classes.

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Keep in mind the reason why the Merc class is higher then Marauder is because a good 30%+ of them are also dedicated healers.


If you were to remove Merc / Sorc healers from that % then the Assassin / Marauders gap increases by a large margin.


I think it's also worth noting that sentinels are the most represented class on republic side.


Combined with the healer aspect that you just mentioned, that says quite a bit about how popular the class really is, especially when so many people love to claim that 80% of the player base is playing sage/sorc which is obviously nonsense.

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I find it amusing the human nature in a video game


We all get it you come to defend a class because you dont want to get nerfed we get it ok


But if you dont think youre just silly right now compared to all classes but 1 you're just lying to yourself


The funny thing about the patch is the 2 most op classes pre patch and after patch will be the same; mara & tankasins


I'm not asking to nerf anyone but I do ask that you at least admit you are the top 2


Us and tankasins are definitely top, I just see so many complaining that they're "buffing the best class and making it better" that it concerns me. They nerfed Anni and buffed Carnage/Rage. My one hope, and what I expect to happen, is that many will roll Mara and just get completely decimated because a Marauder is NOTHING without his CD's.


I'm especially irked that all this happens while tankasins are completely ignored. They destroy every single class 100% of the time. I don't want Marauders to be nerfed, if they are then it is what it is. But I would rather see everyone get balanced as opposed to "whack-a-mole" nerfing.

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I play a shadow and have never had issue with any of these classes.


You play the strongest spec in the game, one that decimates Marauders and you've never had trouble with these classes? Can't say I'm surprised.


Unless you're deception, then my hat is off.

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So is that all classes rolled in the game, or only level 50s? And thank you for actually sharing data in the forums. I spat out my hot pocket I was so surprised.



I would assume it's either all level 10+ characters (since there is no data for Jedi Consulars, for example) or all level 50s. I cannot find any concrete statement to either effect from a BW rep, however.



But if you dont think youre just silly right now compared to all classes but 1 you're just lying to yourself


The funny thing about the patch is the 2 most op classes pre patch and after patch will be the same; mara & tankasins


I'm not asking to nerf anyone but I do ask that you at least admit you are the top 2



Top 2? Debatable.



Pyro PT

Marauder Anni

Sorc Hybrid

Op Healer



That would be my top 5, as it stands now, in no particular order.

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Yeah, you'll be wanting to make sure you're also taking someone elses guarded damage when you jump into the middle of a group of players to do an aoe bomb. Much more useful for aoe dps than CDs that actually help you stay alive.


you smoking rocks if u think a focus marauder will be better than a focus guardian before or after the patch.

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Top 2? Debatable.



Pyro PT

Marauder Anni

Sorc Hybrid

Op Healer



That would be my top 5, as it stands now, in no particular order.


Marauders wreck PT's and Sorcerers, Tankasins wreck everything.


Ops Healers definitely counter Anni Marauders though. Triage removes bleeds AND heals them AND keeps them mobile.

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Our server is an odd duck then. "The Shadlowlands". There are very few Maras/Sents running around in 50 warzones. About a month ago, they seem all over the place, then just disappeared. Now we have a huge in flux of jugg/guardians.


Of the Sents we have around some are ok, but none of them are the 'known' feared pvp players.

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Marauders wreck PT's and Sorcerers, Tankasins wreck everything.


Ops Healers definitely counter Anni Marauders though. Triage removes bleeds AND heals them AND keeps them mobile.


PT/vanguard can take out mara/sents, it's not as easy as is for say a tank assassin but it's certainly doable. Big issue for the PT/Vanguard is they won't be running away once the fight starts.


I've seen some pretty good juggs/guards take down mara/sents and snipers/gunslinger can do it as well.

Edited by Dharagada
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