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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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I saw with the new legacy system we will have possible "Rivals" in the family tree, be really cool if you had a lv 50 flashpoint or Planet mission where, My Lv 50 empire character gets to fight or go toe to toe with my LV 50 Republic character, For Obvious reasons you couldn't kill either character, but it would be cool to see him fight him in his gear and see his look and voice. You could even have predetermined stats for the fight and the amour would be simply vanity OR you could have it where my character stats are the same and you have a scenario where i win and my Alternate character escapes, or I'm defeated (because my "Rival" running with rakata gear and I'm playing a newb lv 50) and i escape narrowly. You could have a default sith warrior or default jedi warrior template for those players whom do not have rivals at lv 50. Just thought that would be an EPIC mission
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After reading the first ten pages of this thread, i can't believe how many people just "******" for the sake of "*************". It's kind of sad to think i came fromt he same gene pool as these people. Kids grow up and enjoy what you got. geez
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I think yes, you can have 2 same-sex characters be a couple in the family tree.

Correct, you can have 2 male characters linked as spouse ;)


Hopefully they'll fix that before launch. Kind of funny though.

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Correct, you can have 2 male characters linked as spouse ;)


Hopefully they'll fix that before launch. Kind of funny though.


They'll only fix it when some group rises again to say that even to (freely organize) your tree the way you want. Like having same sex spouses would forcefully without remorse turn your children into same sex lovers. I believe that is bull, the game is a game after all. It is not real life. I personally wouldn't mind if they fix it, but if they don't, it could add to some interesting stories in the RP servers. Which, as a Role Player myself, like story making a lot and this 1.2 patch legacy system is like a gold mine to me when it comes to story ideas.


And yes, some people would argue it is a bit over the top in Star Wars lore, but George Lucas only wrote the movies, the books where written by different authors and Lucas approved and disproved lore that can be added. What SWTOR MMO is doing is not going over the top of the lore, but adding to it. Just like those authors. (That is my view on the patch)

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yeah ehm i just took a name for it and i wanna change it is it possible? If so, how do i change it?

You can't even with a CSR ticket.


Well unless you have some people reporting your legacy name is harassing.

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Not impressed with this at all its only good till you find something better a BOA stat should increase with each lvl. And how do you get the kits for the other items, like helmet chest ect. All i got were 3 of the main hand weapon kits
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Honestly, not seeing the point to unlocking the races at level 50. You have 8 character slots available, so you level to 50 with each race, go to make an alt, and... no slot left. Besides, by that point you already would have tried most classes to their end game point. So, you make another of the class with a new race to go through the same quests you now know in and out, forwards and backwards? Fun times! :rolleyes:


The family tree idea is sort of okay, if only from a role play perspective, combined buffs are rather 'meh', same with the legacy abilities you can use once every 20ish minutes. Just good old 'meh' all around.

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i like what the SWTOR guys have done with the game but for 1.3 they could have more species for us to play as, like Nautolans, Kel Dors, Cereans, and Iktotchi. if any one thinks that would be kinda cool say something similar Edited by dezter
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First of all i apologise as i couldn't find a forum to address all the things i wanted so ill dump it here. Now aside from all the ppl that wrote there complaints with no info how Bw could possibly fix it go sit in the corner and have a time out! There are alot of posts that do bring up alot of very good points and have given some very good ideas to make the game better and with that support i think u have a chance to make this one of the best mmo's out there. Legacy well in all honesty its nothing like i thought it would be, all it gives u are things to buy that should be a normal part of the game minus the gtn on ur ship. mailbox and repair droid should be standard :( as for the family tree and the skills u unlock at 50 are almost useless :( the skills u unlock at completetion of a class story ie inquisitor (force lightning) should be able to be used as a way to help u lvl ie can only be used with a companion out, not waiting on a heroic moment to use, what kind of reward is that? This way yes u might see it abit more but it will be no help in pvp or a grp of 4 or more so won't take away from the challenges of flashpoints or operations. Another thing with legacy that doesn't work is the unlocking of species to play on the opposite faction its pointless and almost a waste of time. Instead u should be adding new playable species there are more than 60 that i could find with a quick search and to only offer around 10 is sad :( on top of that not being able to play some of there favourites but seeing them in game is just a tease, here is just a small list that could make the game so much more distinct (lannic ,gran ,gungan , herglic, h'neither, wookie , duros , bothans , trandoshans, slith , rodians , verpine , bartokk , tarc, bith, rishii, weequay , athar, xaleks race-couldn't find the name, talz , togruta, jawa , devaronion and chagrian. There just some of the main species so i feel a few of them could be added. The last thing about the legacy system that was said in its promo was that ppl that only play one character would still benefit from the system but for all the looking i did i couldn't find anything that confirmed this statement which brings me to the cost of unlocks....... Ouch plz look at this asap if anything they should be free and increase the legacy lvl to unlock them or to make it fair on those with a single toon
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Sorry phone failed and wouldnt let me finish. to make it fair allow the unlocks for only the character that buys it though u will then receive alot of abusive feed back from altaholics like myself that will have to pay more than once lol. Onto the next topic, mounts. Now the cost of training is about right compaired to any other mmo however the reward for such a purchase is not, infact its almost not worth purchasing unless u like the look of a rank 2 or 3 speeder, a more balanced increase would be 130-140% rank 2 and 190-210% rank 3 that i think would have alot more people happy with purchasing the training and would take away from forum posts complaining about it. I would also love to see the intro of animal mounts and have read alot of posts that would aswell. Eventually even a 4th rank of training to allow for flying mounts would be sweet. There isn't much to say about pvp i think use have done well with the mechanics and the battle grounds are fun what i think does need to happen to allow abit

of freedom is to allow battle ground selections so ppl can choose to play there favourite ones. Probably the biggest issue and its more to do with server population than pvp is the lack of ppl on some servers and i feel is something use have to address very soon . even sooner than ranked battle grounds or cross server pvp, and plz ignore the myth that merging servers is a sign of a failing game this is totally wrong as its improving the experience for ppl being able to actually grp with ppl. Also something needs to be addressed with the now useless champion and merc commendations seeing as they were removed without giving ppl an option to fairly trade them in for warzone comms, and by fair i don't been 10 for 10 when u had to trade 30 warzone comms for 10 merc

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  • 2 weeks later...
What i hate about the legacy system is it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for newer players and non full time players to compete. they get into a WZ and get stunned until they're dead. Not by a group of guys but by one guy who has all the buffs and abilities because they can play full time. Nice job bioware! (dripping sarchasm). Edited by KaiAdiKeith
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What i hate about the legacy system is it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for newer players and non full time players to compete. they get into a WZ and get stunned until they're dead. Not by a group of guys but by one guy who has all the buffs and abilities because they can play full time. Nice job bioware! (dripping sarchasm).

As I recall, you can still have all the buffs of the classes under the banner you wish to play on (Imperial or Republic) prior to the patch because people would buff each player in their team in WZ. It has always been placed in the system that players can buff one another in PvP WZ. :csw_c3po:

Edited by Maj-Odo
adding to the post
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What i hate about the legacy system is it makes it IMPOSSIBLE for newer players and non full time players to compete. they get into a WZ and get stunned until they're dead. Not by a group of guys but by one guy who has all the buffs and abilities because they can play full time. Nice job bioware! (dripping sarchasm).


Also the legacy abilities wont work in a WZ as you have to have an active companion to use the heroic moment ability. And cant do that in WZ

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