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Developer Dispatch: The Legacy System


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To the people that say that this is insane:


Luke Skywalker was just a random gunner, yet he still had the force in him, making him able to force his lightsaber into his hands while in the ice cave (episode 5). He had NOT trained any force abilities yet but could still do it.


Also, Leia Skywalker could feel that Luke was in danger and where he was (end of episode 5) even though she didn't know the force was strong in her. She was just a NORMAL GUNNER and could still do it.



This makes COMPLETE SENSE and stop saying it's going against the lore.


Excellent point! And I agree with you. Most of the people complaining about these issues - COULD NOT CARE LESS about Star Wars. This game could be Everquest, World of Warcraft, DAoC - you name it. They soley care about "what is fair" "what is balanced"

"how is this going to affect me in 1v1 duels" "what is OP".


To them I say - GET OVER IT. Was it fair for Imperial Pilots defending the Death Star, when Luke turned off his computer and used the Force to guide him in targetting?


Was it fair for the Pod Racers in Episode 1, when an untrainded 7 year old Anikan was guided by the Force?


From Wookipedia:




were intelligent microscopic life forms that lived symbiotically inside the cells of all living things. When present in sufficient numbers, they could allow their symbiont to detect the pervasive energy field known as the Force. Midi-chlorian counts were linked to potential in the Force, ranging from normal Human levels of 2,500 per cell to the much higher levels of Jedi. The highest known midi-chlorian count belonged to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker (over 20,000 per cell), who was believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians.


Midi-chlorian counts were measured through a blood test; the Jedi used this method to locate Force-sensitive children before their Order was purged by the Galactic Empire. With the rise of the Empire, research into Jedi and the Force was banned, and though midi-chlorians continued to be tested for, sometimes by the Empire itself to root out hidden Jedi and other Force-sensitives, knowledge of them was diminished and inquiries into them were branded as illegal medical research. Midi-chlorians were only rediscovered after a New Jedi Order was founded.


When not forbidden, studies of midi-chlorians occurred among those who could master the Force and those who could not. While medical teams worked to understand the relationship between midi-chlorians and the Force, Jedi healers performed their own studies of the organisms. Even more esoteric studies were conducted by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Plagueis, who discovered a way to manipulate the midi-chlorians to create new life.


It seems natural, and within the Lore of SW to me, that if my Father was a Jedi Consular, and I am a Smuggler - since we share the same blood and all, that I would have a higher than normal count of Midi-chlorians in my blood, than the 2500 of an average human.


Left untrained, my force abilities would be simplistic at best. And it appears that is exactly how BW is treating any force abilities passed down through Legacy.


Bravo BW.

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On the flip side:


If my Father was a Smuggler, who mastered the ability to use Technology to his advantage, like slicing a droid to incapacitate it for a period of time -


And I was discovered by the Jedi Counsel, and to be trained as a Jedi. Does that mean I automatically forgot the lessons my Father taught me in the garage as he was constructing/fixing his Bio -Techno armor / weapons?


Of course i wouldn't. Those skills would be with me until the day I died.




So get busy, and start your family -


If not, fall to those who come from a vast, more diverse background, with skills taught from generation to generation.


You have the choice if you just want to play one character. Nobody is forcing you to play 2, or 3, or 4.

Edited by Chewpaco
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I totally agree with you. But there is something behind this system. It is how I see it. Bug Ware was very proud of their story ble ble ble ..... Obviously most of us just press space instead of listening force sensitive stone, to get finally lev 50, pvp gear and kick some a.....

Unfortunately BW was pretty sure that 90% of players are dump and will believe: Amazing story will allow you to experience brilliant adventure in Star Wars universe ... ble ble ble, btw this is what I call perfect example of expression called: "full of sh....."


What really happened:


BW from the very beginning assumed that community needs some really simple game, so they copied WOW. They thought the success of this game is its simplicity. eeeeeeeeee wrong:

Its just its atmosphere which makes really life looser feel like someone important. Let's connect simplicity with great Star Wars title and we are going to make millions ....

I need to admit EA provides really good marketing and their trailers sell the game really fast. Unfortunately after we reach lev 50 there is nothing to do, because a lack of the end game content.


Big corporation like EA always work according to their marketing plan. Which means if they assumed we will play every single char to "experience amazing story" for one year, it has to happen. BW will not come up with anything new on the fly because its not according to their plan, they need to stick to it.


So EA/BW have a problem. PPL didn't buy our .... marketing trick, what we can do about it ?


hmmmm, let's force them to play all chars, there is like 16 stories players should go through.

hmmm, I have a brilliant idea, lets implement legacy system which will force them to lev all these classes or any 12 yrs old kid will beat them on pvp because he will have much more skills and better gear.


Hang on a minute, ppl already complain that they wont play so many char because they have no time for it.


hmmmmm, right, lets make another video with James O. telling us that its a brilliant idea to have legacy, and still you can play only one char and get some extra items/skills etc.


lol, I can see it. If you play one char only you will have to spend 1000s hour to get these bonuses, so it will be better for you to level other chars. And still BW have you leveling dozen of chars, and make you pay for it every month.


So basically only kids who have plenty of time will stay and people having limited time to play will cancel subs. Sooner or later SWTOR dies, and EA/BW already know that but they want to get as much money as possible of you......



The problem of EA/BW is that their priority are to not provide the game which is a fun, but pure marketing and screwing ppl for a big money as banks etc. do :D


So people do not expect something new here, BW want you to play existing content/no content for a long time, and they will sell you any bull.... necessary for you to do it anyways :D


BTW I want Star Wars Galaxies 2, same system and new graphic engine !!!!!!!!!!!!


Dude, why are you even on here?

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No, actually, he's not. A lot of these so-called unique storylines are smoke and mirrors. In order to do those quests you are required to do tons and tons of planet content which is the same for every character AND class.


When they previewed this game they were all "there's 200 hours of gameplay for every class".


That is just not true.


I think this is one of these situations where the statement that everybody quotes is highly ambiguous, and if anybody had exercised a shred of reason, they would have realized that what he meant to say was that you could play any class and experience 200 hours of gameplay. Not unique gameplay, mind you (though there's a good amount of that, too--just not 200 hours of it).


Though frankly, in my experience you can easily play through a large part of this game with two characters on the same side and very rarely do a repeat quest. There are actually a ton of quests in this game, and BioWare well exceeded my expectations for that, considering almost all of the quests are delivered through full voice over and often contain cinematic cutscenes throughout.


I don't know...I just don't have a lot of sympathy for people who complain about the amount of content in SWTOR. There's a lot and what's there is by an order of magnitude better than any other MMORPG I've played. Including WoW, which admittedly, I only played for the first few months, but in which game I never made it past level 30, because I started to find it really repetitive.


Also, that other guy was nitpicking and wasn't even technically correct, since advanced classes are just that: advanced classes. The base class is Imperial Agent, so if we're being accurate, every class does have its own story. Every advanced class doesn't.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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One of the things that i enjoyed and others around me did was race specific factions and abilities tied to classes, now that they are blurring the lore, its no longer Starwars and just a mmo like WoW who just gave pretty much everyone the same abilities and destroyed the LORE.. Hey Bioware just make Mass Effect online then you can screw with what ever you want, cuz i'm done and now waiting for GW2 for my fun.


At least SWG kept the Lore correct


SWG kept lore?


Did you play SWG?

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I'm liking the sound of the legacy system so far, though I still don't really like how the surname thing works, and how the characters relate together. I'd still much prefer that we could give each of our characters a different non-unique surname if we wanted to that would all fall under one legacy "name". I.e. Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa and Han Solo would all fall under the "Skywalker Legacy", but some would have different surnames. I just don't like having all of my characters more-or-less related to one another. Even if that's not how it's intended, that just seems to be what the legacy system implies to me.


Yeah, that's been my complaint as well, but whatever...I guess I made peace a long time ago with the fact that my characters wouldn't be allowed to have a first and a last name in SWTOR. What I didn't like was how the devs acted like Legacy was the solution to players asking for last names. I guess for some people it worked out all right, but of all of the roleplayers I know, I actually can't think of a single one who has characters with the same last name.

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I hate how people complain about everything. If you dont like a video game, dont play it,simple enough. If you are not having fun, which i think some people forget thats why they play them to begin with, DONT PLAY IT! It frustrates the hell out of me to go on a forum and read nonstop whining from some teenager(most likely)that doesnt have to work for a living and sits on his *** all day staring at a computer screen......end rant.


Thank you angry old man. Now go vote for Newt Gingrich.


You rotten kids get off my lawn and go get a job!!!

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I may not be the only one out there that has this issue... on my main server, all 8 of my characters are already filled, and the minimum level is 12 on them, most in higher teens or twenties.... so for that server, my lageacy unlocks only some abilities, the option of race unlocks and appearance are moot? Do I perhaps get to "reroll" the race/ appearence on some characters, or do I have to erase them entirely and restart? That would be a bit of an impact on my time already put in building up characters.... and I might be a bit upset too. I have enjoyed playing every one of those characters, and erasing any of them would not be fun. Ah well, I suppose that if I did have to wipe a few to explore more of the TOR world, that wouldn't be all bad. I have come to see that I could roll 8 Sith Warriors, and have a different character each time, each with their own unique story. I do give the designers serious props for that!
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I think this is one of these situations where the statement that everybody quotes is highly ambiguous, and if anybody had exercised a shred of reason, they would have realized that what he meant to say was that you could play any class and experience 200 hours of gameplay. Not unique gameplay, mind you (though there's a good amount of that, too--just not 200 hours of it).


Though frankly, in my experience you can easily play through a large part of this game with two characters on the same side and very rarely do a repeat quest. There are actually a ton of quests in this game, and BioWare well exceeded my expectations for that, considering almost all of the quests are delivered through full voice over and often contain cinematic cutscenes throughout.


I don't know...I just don't have a lot of sympathy for people who complain about the amount of content in SWTOR. There's a lot and what's there is by an order of magnitude better than any other MMORPG I've played. Including WoW, which admittedly, I only played for the first few months, but in which game I never made it past level 30, because I started to find it really repetitive.


Also, that other guy was nitpicking and wasn't even technically correct, since advanced classes are just that: advanced classes. The base class is Imperial Agent, so if we're being accurate, every class does have its own story. Every advanced class doesn't.



So.... You know. I know I'm not going to convince you of anything, because you have already made up your mind.


But I played WoW for a couple of years and never maxed out a character. I have a character on LOTRO I have played for 3 years and he's not maxed out. I actually played the beta on LOTRO and I have never maxed out a character. I never maxed out a character on Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, DAoC, or SWG either.


I'm a casual gamer.


But I maxed out a character here in two months.


That is just a simple fact. You can call me a liar if you like, but I'm sure there are plenty of people here who have had the same experience.

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Making changes like this in game is a bit to soon and a turn off! Focus on fixing the bugs first and then introduce more crap that im sure is going to be bugged. Not sure if they working on this but a better LFG system will be nice to auto join group!
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So.... You know. I know I'm not going to convince you of anything, because you have already made up your mind.


But I played WoW for a couple of years and never maxed out a character. I have a character on LOTRO I have played for 3 years and he's not maxed out. I actually played the beta on LOTRO and I have never maxed out a character. I never maxed out a character on Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, DAoC, or SWG either.


I'm a casual gamer.


But I maxed out a character here in two months.


That is just a simple fact. You can call me a liar if you like, but I'm sure there are plenty of people here who have had the same experience.


Please show me the exact phrase I used where I called you a liar? I never said that or anything like it. I said that there's a large amount of content actually in this game and that the original statement that gets repeatedly quoted (about 200 hours) was misleading, though perhaps it wasn't intentionally misleading. I find it to be ambiguous, and I find that people who quote it as though it was a promise from BioWare are pretty much out of their friggin' minds. That's different from being a liar. It's just being naive. No game has 200 hours of unique content for every single class. No game will ever have that.


To address a different point that you're making, I'm actually not sure why the benchmark for a good MMORPG should be that you could never max out a character as a casual gamer. That actually sounds like a pretty ****** game design. Maybe because I love making alts, I think two months is perfectly acceptable to max out a single character. If you maxed out all eight classes, you'd have gotten 16 months of entertainment from a single game. Seems pretty good to me.


Games that force you to only play a single class if you ever want to dream of seeing the endgame as a casual gamer are bad games in my opinion. You may not agree, but I guess we're allowed to disagree.


Would I cry if BioWare slowed down the XP curve a little? Nah. Actually, I almost wish they would have done that, so that I wouldn't have outleveled so many quests along the way. But I don't understand why people say this game doesn't have content, because it does have--a lot of it. And that's just the world content. And the fact that we're complaining about this in the context of an imminent patch that's going to introduce a whole new series of quests on Corellia, a new Flashpoint, a new Warzone, and more, and you're getting all of this as part of your monthly subscription only a few months after release...jeeze. I don't know...not a liar. But a whiner, certainly. I'd really love to see where BioWare ever promised you that you or anybody else would want to play this game for the rest of your life.

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In order to unlock a legacy species I have to play a character of that species to level 50???


Just how many times do you expect me to play the same content over and over and over again???


People are already spacing through the voice acting content that was supposed to CHANGE THE MMO.


They have played it multiple times already, and they are bored out of their minds.


And this game is only 4 months old!!!


This is what I call terrible game design.


Your assumption that we are going to want to play the same planet and Heroic content over and over again is a fatal mistake.


I have 4 characters. They are all human.


So now I have to go make new versions of my characters to unlock your new legacy rewards?


That's just not going to happen.


This is just like Star Wars Galaxies- Release a half-finished game, try to finish it on our dime, then start changing it once the release rush has subsided.


You guys are playing with sticks of dynamite.


And frankly, you don't look that smart to me.


I am so disappointed in this whole experience.


I will never wait for another game like I waited for this one.


Correction: YOU SPACE THROUGH the voice content to get to the end. I will space through some FP stuff, to appease the impatient babies I sometimes have the unfortunate pleasure of grouping with.


But I never spaced through them the first time I ran the FP. I didn't care what the fast food gamers wanted to do. I enjoyed myself.


I never spaced through 1 converstation when leveling my Sage to 50 on his Class quests. I did space through some of the regular ones at times. But also watched a ton.


The result: When i was level 34 going to fight Lord Vivicar on the ship. I was PUMPED. The STORY (which you seem to want to skip) built up my meeting with him to a point, that the anticipation and suspense of our encounter was 2nd to none. I've played 15 MMO major titles over the last 14 years. Never once has an MMO delivered such awesome suspense and theatrics in thier quests.


If you took the time to PLAY THE GAME AS THE DEVELOPERS INTENDED, you would realize this.




If you are not listening to some of the quest, and answering some of the questions in weird ways, you are missing a ton of fun btw.


EX: On my smuggler - I always choose the "Flirt" options when dealing with a femal quest giver. Time after time, I would get shot down by these women, no romantic action.


Then ONCE, It appears my persistance paid off. And the story led me to believe that I just went to the bgack room and got lucky with this chick. I was laughing so hard, when I was given the option to dump her 5 minutes later in the hanger and tell her I never wanted to see her again. And her reaction to that.


This is never before seen humor and entertainment combined in a combat driven MMO.


You truly are missing out on what makes this game fun.

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Please show me the exact phrase I used where I called you a liar? I never said that or anything like it. I said that there's a large amount of content actually in this game and that the original statement that gets repeatedly quoted (about 200 hours) was misleading, though perhaps it wasn't intentionally misleading. I find it to be ambiguous, and I find that people who quote it as though it was a promise from BioWare are pretty much out of their friggin' minds. That's different from being a liar. It's just being naive. No game has 200 hours of unique content for every single class. No game will ever have that.


To address a different point that you're making, I'm actually not sure why the benchmark for a good MMORPG should be that you could never max out a character as a casual gamer. That actually sounds like a pretty ****** game design. Maybe because I love making alts, I think two months is perfectly acceptable to max out a single character. If you maxed out all eight classes, you'd have gotten 16 months of entertainment from a single game. Seems pretty good to me.


Games that force you to only play a single class if you ever want to dream of seeing the endgame as a casual gamer are bad games in my opinion. You may not agree, but I guess we're allowed to disagree.


Would I cry if BioWare slowed down the XP curve a little? Nah. Actually, I almost wish they would have done that, so that I wouldn't have outleveled so many quests along the way. But I don't understand why people say this game doesn't have content, because it does have--a lot of it. And that's just the world content. And the fact that we're complaining about this in the context of an imminent patch that's going to introduce a whole new series of quests on Corellia, a new Flashpoint, a new Warzone, and more, and you're getting all of this as part of your monthly subscription only a few months after release...jeeze. I don't know...not a liar. But a whiner, certainly. I'd really love to see where BioWare ever promised you that you or anybody else would want to play this game for the rest of your life.


No, you never called me a liar. I said you COULD, if you wanted, but that what I was saying was true. So the only way you could argue against it would be to call me a liar.


I don't want to invest 16 months into characters that I am just going to throw away.


Not only do I disagree with you, Bioware disagrees with you. The head dork said that they are going to support the legacy system "for years".


I just watched the video again and I think these guys are f-ing morons. That's my answer. They are morons.


They are the same kind of idiots who crashed and burned SWG, and they are going to crash and burn this game too.


I am not even interested in this legacy system. I think it's completely stupid.


But it's pretty clear that the only purpose for this legacy system is to force you to roll alts.


They made a conscious choice not to make more content, and to force you to play the same content over and over again.


It's a strategy. It's not intended to be fun. It's intended to serve a purpose. Keep you playing the same content, over and over again.


So you can grind on new content in LOTRO, or WoW, which gives you new geography and new characters to face and meet, or you can grind by doing the same thing over and over again like a machine.


For George's profit.


I prefer the LOTRO/WoW way. Is it a grind? Sure. But it's a new grind.


What I REALLY prefer is a giant sandbox, like SWG, where my character can just live and do what he wants.


And the first company that makes that game will have my money forever without all of the manipulation.


So BRING BACK SWG, Lucas Arts. Because I am already bored out of my mind with this game.

Edited by BWHORN
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Correction: YOU SPACE THROUGH the voice content to get to the end. I will space through some FP stuff, to appease the impatient babies I sometimes have the unfortunate pleasure of grouping with.


But I never spaced through them the first time I ran the FP. I didn't care what the fast food gamers wanted to do. I enjoyed myself.


I never spaced through 1 converstation when leveling my Sage to 50 on his Class quests. I did space through some of the regular ones at times. But also watched a ton.


The result: When i was level 34 going to fight Lord Vivicar on the ship. I was PUMPED. The STORY (which you seem to want to skip) built up my meeting with him to a point, that the anticipation and suspense of our encounter was 2nd to none. I've played 15 MMO major titles over the last 14 years. Never once has an MMO delivered such awesome suspense and theatrics in thier quests.


If you took the time to PLAY THE GAME AS THE DEVELOPERS INTENDED, you would realize this.




If you are not listening to some of the quest, and answering some of the questions in weird ways, you are missing a ton of fun btw.


EX: On my smuggler - I always choose the "Flirt" options when dealing with a femal quest giver. Time after time, I would get shot down by these women, no romantic action.


Then ONCE, It appears my persistance paid off. And the story led me to believe that I just went to the bgack room and got lucky with this chick. I was laughing so hard, when I was given the option to dump her 5 minutes later in the hanger and tell her I never wanted to see her again. And her reaction to that.


This is never before seen humor and entertainment combined in a combat driven MMO.


You truly are missing out on what makes this game fun.


You completely missed my point, but that's ok. It's par for the course around here.


Sure, you watched all of the video, this time. But what about NEXT TIME? Hm?


What about when you make your third sage because Bioware made a legacy system where you have to grind to level 50 in order to unlock a new species?


Hey, I never spaced through any content when I maxed out my Operative.


But I sure will this time.


And the next time.


Welcome to SWTOR, online treadmill.


BTW, my Operative made it with the Governor of Balmorra, so....

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So I am excited for the new aspects of the game that the legacy system will offer, but they said in the preview snippet that only species you've leveled to 50 will be unlockable for other classes. In this regard, anyone who chose human species for their main character has been marginalized, since every class in the game can use human already. So what do those of us who spent time leveling a human character to 50 get from the legacy system in this particular aspect? As of now, it seems nothing.


I really hope Bioware gives this some consideration.

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Let me tell you what is going to happen, because we saw all of this with SWG.


This guy who is making the videos, he's going to get fired.


In about six months, after all of his little tricks have failed and the game is a smoking ruin, he will get fired.


He will be replaced by a new person, probably a woman, who will publically announce that "we are taking a new approach".


She will spearhead an effort to change the game, to draw in new players.


This will only anger the old players, who will leave. And she will get fired about four months later.


This will happen over and over again, until the announcement of a new producer will be greeted with catcalls by the handful of people who are still playing the game.


Ultimately they will cut their losses and sell the Frankenstein mess that they have created to a server bank.


Why not? It looks like they made most of their money back on the first weekend.


Just like Hollywood.

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So I am excited for the new aspects of the game that the legacy system will offer, but they said in the preview snippet that only species you've leveled to 50 will be unlockable for other classes. In this regard, anyone who chose human species for their main character has been marginalized, since every class in the game can use human already. So what do those of us who spent time leveling a human character to 50 get from the legacy system in this particular aspect? As of now, it seems nothing.


I really hope Bioware gives this some consideration.


I read somewhere that humans get a presence bonus. Not exactly the same but it's something

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And the fact that we're complaining about this in the context of an imminent patch that's going to introduce a whole new series of quests on Corellia, a new Flashpoint, a new Warzone, and more, and you're getting all of this as part of your monthly subscription only a few months after release...jeeze. I don't know...not a liar. But a whiner, certainly. I'd really love to see where BioWare ever promised you that you or anybody else would want to play this game for the rest of your life.


In some video somewhere they made it pretty clear that once you have seen the final cut scene for your class, that's it, the story is over.


There is not going to be any more solo content. Ever.


As I understand it, those quests on Corellia are going to be daily quests.


In other words, Heroic group quests.


I was unable to complete the Heroic Quests that are already on Corellia because there were never more than seven people on Corellia the whole time I was there.


Often there were only two people on Corellia.


Same for Voss and Quesh.


I would go for a bonus series of solo quests on Corellia, but I sure as hell am not going to continue to subscribe to a game so that I can get a few solo quests every few months.


It's not going to happen.


i have like two months left on my subscription, and I would rather spend that whole time in here complaining about Bioware than embrace a legacy system that is designed to make me roll alts.


At least I would be getting something for my money.


At least I would know that someone at Bioware knew how I felt.

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Okay. My biggest question for this is can my trooper use pistols like my Bounty Hunter if there related. This would seem logical because neither character is a force user. I'm hopping this is the case because a mercenary and a commando should be able to share weapon professions. Since both advance classes have Heal/DPS trees with them.:confused:
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In short: How will the Legacy system integrate with my current 7 characters to build my tree?



Do you have to be level 50 to have a core Legacy tree member?


I am excited about this system but I am confused. I have a level 50 and 6 other characters around level 20. It's really unclear to me how this Legacy system will work with my exsisting characters. Do I essentially have a family tree that I now just have to simply build? Do I have to start my alts over for them to be part of the tree? I see we cannot modify them if they already exist based on Legacy unlocks which seems poorly thought out because after 4 months, it would seem obvious that players will have alts. I guess the Legacy system wont be as robost for people that have existing characters.

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In short: How will the Legacy system integrate with my current 7 characters to build my tree?



Do you have to be level 50 to have a core Legacy tree member?


I am excited about this system but I am confused. I have a level 50 and 6 other characters around level 20. It's really unclear to me how this Legacy system will work with my exsisting characters. Do I essentially have a family tree that I now just have to simply build? Do I have to start my alts over for them to be part of the tree? I see we cannot modify them if they already exist based on Legacy unlocks which seems poorly thought out because after 4 months, it would seem obvious that players will have alts. I guess the Legacy system wont be as robost for people that have existing characters.


The logical thing to do if you have all of these characters is to kill all but one and send all the credits to one character, who will become the founder of your legacy.


In other words, start over.


The whole point of this system is to force you to make new characters.

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The logical thing to do if you have all of these characters is to kill all but one and send all the credits to one character, who will become the founder of your legacy.


In other words, start over.


The whole point of this system is to force you to make new characters.


That is not a good suggestion. I was asking a question, not requesting an opinion that suggests penalizing myself for already having alts!! Thanks for the effort, but I'll pass on your wisdom.

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Legacy looks good to me, really interesting.

However i am of the opinion that we need a few more character slots once it gets implemented, i saw many topics about this so i am under the impression that no one would really mind having a few extra slots.

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That is not a good suggestion. I was asking a question, not requesting an opinion that suggests penalizing myself for already having alts!! Thanks for the effort, but I'll pass on your wisdom.


Please yourself.


I think that you will find once you have explored the issue that the only reason this system was created was to give you a reason to make new characters.


But I will let you figure that out for yourself.

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