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  1. ^ this. Also, what gear are you using? I'm assuming DPS (Combat Tech, most likely).
  2. I would recommend not buying anything right now since 1.6 is dropping soon and BM pieces are going away while WH are becoming cheaper. If you need any BM pieces, just save up your comms to get full WH when 1.6 drops.
  3. Actually, with the range nerf on stuns, it actually disproportionately affects melee / close range players, so not everyone is so frustrated with the system. That being said, I agree that the stuns are out of control, but the biggest culprit is the stunning bubble.
  4. It's not a hack, just a broken tab-targetting system that is working as intended.
  5. ^ this. Although, frankly, I think on my server it's faction imbalance that's an even bigger culprit. I don't see many premades on the Rep side, which seems to show a lack of dedicated PvP groups/people. So, unless I get 3 others from my guild to group up with, it's usually a far cry for a win. On the contrary, when I queue my Imps, it's usually 2 wins to get the daily including finishing last week's weekly with 9 straight wins as a solo queuer on my sin. Yet, I certainly have no answer for how this problem can be helped or not...
  6. If you're sincere in your question, then work towards empathetic understanding by rolling another class and seeing the other side of the smash.
  7. It's meaningless. Really high numbers all around means that no team was able to get an upper hand in a match that dragged on for a lot longer than it normally should (CW and NC in particular). The more impressive numbers are when you far exceed the next best in the category even if it's just 200k vs 50k.
  8. On the contrary, premades are the only thing that can save non-ranked wzs because the pugs are awful. Don't blame the premades on the other side, blame the lack of them on your side.
  9. As the title suggests, this is a thread about stuns, since there hasn't been one posted in a couple days. Here's the skinny: Because of the new ranges on stuns, the stunwars saga has unfolded to completely hamstring melee and short-range classes to eternal stunlock. There's no avoiding it; the only protection against them comes from a stun-break only available every 2 min, which doesn't provide ANY immunity after use, allowing an immediate stun to follow. Despite BW's attempt to balance the resolve issues, they haven't done it at all. PUGs still whitebar people near instantly by stacking long cc's underneath hard stuns while coordinated groups still punish people by killing them before their chain stuns can wear off. The only resolution to be had is to level a sniper/GS and use Hunker Down/Entrench on CD, which is hardly practical. They've dug themselves a deep hole with this and other problems in PvP, I'd love to see them actually do something constructive to fix the problem... still waiting. Can we even get an acknowledgment of this issue?
  10. Due to the 100% armor penetration while the target is gored/PSed, these numbers are pretty consistent on WH people as well. The only difference, damage-wise, is active defensive cooldowns on the receiver and expertise differential (so yes, recruits would get hit even harder). I'm not arguing that it can't be stopped, because you're right about that in diverse ways, but I'm correcting the previous poster's misinformed idea of damage ceilings in a sardonic tone.
  11. HAHA, really? Let's look at reality: the first two hits alone of ravage/MS of a full WH + stim mara/sent on a gored/PSed opponent can hit for 7-8k with totals upwards of 14k. What on earth is your 15 assassin on to do 9k in two GCDs? You don't even have your best hit (Assassinate) yet! You're lucky to get Mauls to land for 2.5k at that point, even with duplicity active. And a 14 sniper at 8k in 2 GCDs without any increased armor pen on ambush OR posession of your execute (takedown) at all? Sorry, no deal. You did a good job of proving you don't know what you're talking about even a little bit.
  12. These things have been said, but I will recap: Best burst: Assault Specialist Vangard / Pyrotech Powertech Combat Sentinel / Carnage Marauder Focus Guardian / Rage Juggernaut (current flavor of the month) Sharpshooter Gunslinger / Marksman Sniper Of those classes, I'd rank them as such: Mobility: Guardian > Sentinel >> Vanguard > Gunslinger -- big gap between sent and VG because of leap ability. Guardians get friendly leap too, giving edge over sents. GS has to be in cover to perform vast majority of burst, so isn't very mobile at all. Survivability: Sentinel > Guardian > Gunslinger > Vanguard -- melee classes get the best defensive cooldowns, with the sent getting an edge with Guarded by the Force and Force Camouflage. GS have great knockback and rooting capability on top of damage reductions while in cover and 2 true defensive CDs. VGs have only one true defensive cooldown and a self HoT that is lackluster. Hope this helps out in your decision making. Keep in mind that these rankings don't necessarily encapsulate utility of these classes. I leave that debate to my peers on these forums. Oh, and on Pot5 server, I've seen competitive teams on both sides of the fence. There are a lot more empire than republic, though, for what it's worth.
  13. There's no droid involved, you just click a button and say "accept" to reset your skill points. You definitely can change in the middle of a warzone, presently. Personally, I would prefer them not to allow respecs in warzones, but I'm not adamant about it.
  14. ^ this and: ^ this are the two options that should allow you to make a safe trade.
  15. There's some confusion here about the move, it IS a 4m melee attack that has a follow-though up to 10m. EVERY channeled/cast time ability has a follow-through distance greater than the activation range of the attack. If it were any different out-ranging attacks would occur much more frequently and there'd be people complaining about that. So, back to the point. You will never have a master strike/ravage started on you from 10m and if your only option is to run away (another poster covered some of the possible escape strategies), then get away fast before that third hit; it's a doozy.
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